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"I thought *you* did!"
  • The finale of S1 of SNW is top-tier star trek IMO. They managed to show that even though Pike did everything "right" from his own frame of reference (on the basis that violence can escalate to war and war is to be avoided at all costs so violence must be extremely measured) . The Romulans are operating from a completely different frame, where not pressing an advantage is fatal weakness.

    Pike was just not the right man for the job despite his intentions.

  • "I thought *you* did!"
  • This is a great description. The conceptual design of the 10C aliens and the problem solving required to communicate with them was very cool and interesting. But for every one of those you have to tolerate a time bug or the fucking burn being caused by one dude getting really sad.

  • Students walk out during Jerry Seinfeld’s commencement speech at Duke
  • In 2010 or so I went to Cornell for the graduation ceremony of a family member of mine from their business school. The keynote speaker was Rudy Giuliani. His speech about living life with integrity really aged well lol.

  • Ottawa taxi lawsuit finds City negligent in allowing Uber to operate in 2014
  • Don't be fooled, they're textbook playing the victim, if anything they're just pissed they didn't have the idea first to do what Uber/Lyft are doing

    They still haven't really done it. Taxi apps that exist are mostly shit. They didn't want to have the idea first, they just wanted their status quo to persist indefinitely just like any other degenerate sector with an artificial supply constraint.

  • Tim Hortons Is Brewing an Idea of Canada That No Longer Exists.
  • Tim's might as well be a real estate company at this point. All their products are shit but they own prime locations in prime spots in basically all major and minor cities in Canada so they always win on convenience.

  • Tactical move
  • I think they can ask whatever they want about your job performance etc, but if your old employer answers with anything that is just their opinion , they open themselves to legal liability which is why in practice they usually only confirm employment dates, position, and maybe vague summary of tasks .

  • Outgoing special rapporteur David Boyd says ‘there’s something wrong with our brains that we can’t understand how grave this is’
  • Also carbon-driven climate change is the largest tragedy of the commons possible (at our current tech level) and humans have never successfully conducted the level of cooperation required to solve it.

    Closest analog is CFC-driven ozone layer decay. That was mostly solved because the solutions aren't that painful . I don't really care that all aerosol cans work a little worse now that we don't put CFCs in them. Climate change isn't that . The solutions require deep, painful, and expensive change. Easier to just pretend everything is fine and ignore it.

  • Young Democrats face Gaza blowback as they try to mobilize students for Biden
  • Yes and in many of them when one whole side of the political spectrum is united , the other side loses badly. The American right wing has abysmally low expectations from their politicians and they fall in line anyways. It'll happen again.

  • Wholesome capybaras are friends with everyone
  • My favorite thing about them is that when dumbass pelicans try to eat them they just don't react cause they know they're too big. They just let the pelicans try until they give up. In a world full of evolutionary arms races between predators and prey, that's some funny shit.

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