What is the most unique thing a person has done or is?
I was reading a post about unique things you wouldn't want, such as a nasty medical condition named after you.
That got me thinking.
What is the most unique thing.
Being the tallest person doesn't count, because there is always a tallest person...
I thought maybe units of measure, there are not really that many units named after people. Newton, Pascal, ampere etc... Turns out there are quite a few.
Next thought was atomic elements, there are 19 named after 20 people. That is fairly unique 20 people out of the ~110 billion to have ever lived, have an element named after them.
.. To which i fell victim. Thanks to the commenter before you for wasting time. And thanks to the world being weird enough to make me believe this without hesitation.
I was shouting to a friend sitting next to me "look at that shit! I can't believe it! Why! Why would someone do this shit?! Its fucking nuts I mean lo... Oh nevermind..."