A hacked database from AI companion site Muah.ai exposes peoples' particular kinks and fantasies they've asked their bot to engage in. It also shows many of them are trying to use the platform to generate child abuse material.
No. "Paywall" followed by a period, also known as "full stop", followed by a line break / new paragraph (which you conveniently removed), which all indicate a separation, followed by comparing the AI site to "other AI sites". You have to be willfully obtuse to assume that when I talk about AI sites I'm referring to the news site there.
followed by a line break / new paragraph (which you conveniently removed)
I removed nothing. Maybe your client works with single line breaks. The browser ignores a single line break (enter) and only works with one extra empty line.
this will | this will render
render as a |
single line | a separate paragraph