What's the best petty revenge for a neighbour that constantly plays loud music but doesn't answer the door when you try asking them to turn it down?
We've tried the usual of calling police (three times), inviting them over to hear how loud it is (they agreed that it was very loud), asking to at least reduce the bass, blasting our own music (not sustainable) and so on. Sometimes it works for a day but inevitably it's back to the usual.
Hoping for some petty revenge ideas to complement the other efforts.
Lol. nah. Anyone who calls the cops over pointless bullshit deserves to go down. It’s practically like setting up his neighbor to be killed. Reckless, dangerous, stupid, Karen-ism. Fuck OP.
Playing loud music once in a while is fine. For an occasion. Doing it all the time is harmful to others. Public health is mental health. And it’s a right people are entitled to. People need quiet sometimes to rest, to read, to do homework, to have quality time with loved ones, to prepare for the work ahead. Constant noise is proven to be a health hazard that takes years off your life.