As an owner of children, I approve this message
As an owner of children, I approve this message
As an owner of children, I approve this message
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Well good, I accepted that long before I ever had kids!
The only people I'm not happy to see are insufferable r/childfree redditors who hate on literal children. If you hate babies there is something wrong with your brain.
Honestly? You should.
Thanks, Satan!
They should put soulless freaks like you down. Having empathy for literal babies is a basic requirement for a human being.
I just fly Delta cause parents can't afford it 🤷 Problem solved.
I miss Delta. I always flew Delta, but my wife likes to be frugal.
Were you forced to have kids at gunpoint?
Logical solution to this is to wait until your kid grows up a little bit and stops crying for no fucking reason. You can still travel with your toddler if you really want to, but use your own car. I don't get the reason to take a kid this young, to travel with you, since he's not going to remember anything anyway
Yes I’ll just load my kids up into the car and drive across the fucking ocean to see my family.
Because, as we all know, the only way of travelling across the ocean is by plane.
It doesn't take a month to travel by ship.
Greta could do it in less than 2 weeks. And that was in a sailboat.
It won't kill you to not go to Norway for a couple of years
It is also nice to not be on a plane with crying kids.
That would solve a lot of problems... You should get on that.
People have families lol
We all have families...
Are you forced to take a plane at gunpoint?
Logical solution to this is to use your own means of transportation in order to be sure to be alone if you don't like children. You can still take a plane if you really want to, but use your own plane. I don't get the reason to take public means of transportation, since there will always be other people in them anyway.
Oh right I’ll just take one of my many planes that I have just fucking lying around
It was an answer to Mycoolnejm, not to you ^^
Lol, allright let me just sit with my fucking toddler right next to you in a 6 hour flight. I coud've just waiter two years until he's old enough to not cry at random shit to take him to Spain, but fuck ya'll. I'm not locked in here with you, you're locked in here with me and my toddler
90% of your profile's comments are in this thread
Either you seriously hate children to a ridiculous degree- in which case you need to see a therapist because this shit ain't healthy- or you're a troll.
I'm going with troll.
Yes, because I disagree, I automatically hate children and I'm brain damaged. Very smart argument 👍. And I just started commenting, so of course all of my comments are going to be here, since I'm arguing with you all and your lame ass excusees
Doesn't mean you have to fly somewhere for a simple holiday.
Could you? Then we can find that child a better parent.
It’s a baby, baby don’t know, baby don’t care. YOU want time in Spain. Ffs
This broke me. You win. Lol. Best answer.
You can have holidays in the same country that you live you know... Since you have a small child, it would be best to take care of him, instead of flying around in planes
Probably yeah, but also less stressful would be to plan your exotic seaside resort vacation in two years, when the little spawn of satan is not prone to crying for reasons classified.
yah please do no one wants your little shits around.
don’t go on holiday if you have cum pets. You chose that when you couldn’t keep it in your pants.
i stay quiet and read my book and don’t annoy the entire plane/train/bus.
You're annoying the entirety of lemmy instead
I'm here on lemmy, and I think he right fine. Shit, I should buy him a beer. It's the baby's that annoy, aaaand their entitled parents.
You are annoying the entire forum right now. You are outsourcing your shittiness online because you are deeply unwell and need an outlet
You do realize you don't have to take a plane to go on vacation, right? It won't kill you to not take a plane for a couple of years
cum pets
Just because you're so ugly nobody would ever reproduce with you doesn't give you excuse to whine about children all the time. Go back to r/childfree you soulless redditor.
One kind of people makes humanity not go extinct in the near future.
humans are an overpopulated and invasive species, there are millions of human children waiting to be fostered
b-but muh genes
Genetics isn't destiny, but a lot of important traits are highly heritable. Consider for example the heritability of IQ. I can see why someone who considers him or herself a good specimen would want children more like him or herself that like the sort of person whose children end up needing to be adopted.
yeah that actually makes sense
Eh, I'm mortal anyway. I don't benefit from other people's annoying offspring being around after I'm gone.
Yeah, that's why I leave them alone and I want them to leave me alone.