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She'd like to CASH IN
  • Would actually vote for Sami Zayn for president even if he ran as a Democrat.

  • She'd like to CASH IN
  • AEW carried things for awhile there, then right as it started to get kinda mid Tiriple H took over and WWE picked up the ball and yeah its pretty good right now. And AEW is still usually like, watchable.

  • Despite Biden losing, debate also showcased how awful Trump is as a candidate
  • Trump was so civil and together,

    Which is funny because this guy tweeted this for some reason

  • They’re finally talking about replacing Biden
  • Whitmer would decimate Trump tbh. Newsom would squeak it out.

  • They’re finally talking about replacing Biden
  • Do you think "not teaching great man theory" means you stop mentioning individual people in history lmao. Like does not teaching kids great man theory mean we don't teach them who Lenin is either?

    Like obviously socialist history education would focus on historical materialism but that doesn't mean that you start hiding the names of the evil men who did the things that came before. They should learn the names, and learn to spit on them.

  • They’re finally talking about replacing Biden
  • i-think-that History is a necessary part of education and forgetting any part of our past no matter how dark would have a negative impact.

    Like they probably don't need to learn the individual presidents but Leon_Grotsky is right like learning how evil what came before was would be a good thing.

  • if not for bear website I just wouldnt have a social life at all
  • Comforting to know that I'm not alone in that one lol I felt very isolated by that experience.

  • if not for bear website I just wouldnt have a social life at all
  • By "that one server" do you mean the /r/cth spinoff server that exists because I had similar experiences there of people taking uncharitable interpreations of my statements and ignoring that Im autistic.

  • if not for bear website I just wouldnt have a social life at all
  • form of trouble or drama sometimes

    Do you have a lot of childhood trauma/a background with abuse? That shit can rewire our brains to seek that shit out because we are literaly more comfortable with conflict than with peace.

  • if not for bear website I just wouldnt have a social life at all
  • I have Hexbear and some discord servers too. I dont move on from them easily like you but my friendships are entirly online. My irl freinds werent all garbage (though I will note, I am ok with being friends with a lib who's not too obnoxious about it) but they either lapsed, or yeah they were garbage and I had to dfistance, but also there was my one big irl friend I had left that cut me off for some petty bullshit and yeah Im without real life connections entirly now.

  • Tumblr: If you refuse to support the person carrying out a genocide of millions of people, "you have an incredible amount of privilege" and actually DON'T care about Palestine. Here's a helpful chart!
  • Tbf I am compelled to correct that there is in fact a sizable ML and otherwise left wing contigent on Tumblr and last time I browsed tumblr there was quiet a lot of anti-Biden/Democrat sentiment. But people there tend to just stick to their own corners outside of the occasional clash.

  • Tumblr: If you refuse to support the person carrying out a genocide of millions of people, "you have an incredible amount of privilege" and actually DON'T care about Palestine. Here's a helpful chart!
  • Idk I have reservations about this attitude because I have close friends on discord who are definitly not Blue MAGA. They're like, soft baby leftists who think a revolution would be good but are also trans people in red states who are scared as hell of certain things. They seem to genuinely believe that Biden is better on all or most things, pretty much everything except immigration which they will admit he's been worse, and consider voting for him and other Democrats to be a matter of simple self preservation. I try telling them our talking points on here but most of them bounce off. But they are like, sincerly well meaning, not trying to manipulate things. They just want to live lol. I take a more empathetic stance I guess because of my experiences there.

    In particular I've found that our points about Roe being lost under Biden and the ratcheting up of anti-trans legislation happening under Biden are total flops with them. Not because they don't care about those things, the second thing is the main reason they're scared, they just absolutely cannot see why we blame him for that. They're caught in certain mindsets and just... cannot seem to break out. Not in the way I've communicated it anyway.

    And these are fairly intelligent people as well. One of them is the person I've had the best talks with about her Jewish identity vs Zionism and she is actually like, radically anti-Zionist. But the one thing that she seems stuck on despite her growing radicalization everywhere else.

    The other reason I am a bit more empathetic is like,,, basically up until the Gaza genocide started in earnest I was sorta still in their mindset? I wasnt going to vote for Biden only because I don't live in a swing state. Gaza made me reconsider some things, particularly my stance on lesser evil voting.

  • Tumblr: If you refuse to support the person carrying out a genocide of millions of people, "you have an incredible amount of privilege" and actually DON'T care about Palestine. Here's a helpful chart!
  • I used to really struggle with this one. Becuase in my mind I wasn't endorsing evil by voting lesser evil. I was voting for the difference.

    What made me realize and change my mind on the subject was when I realized that for the politican I'm voting for I am NOT endorsing just the things that make them different from the other guy. They actually see it as an endorsement of everything they do. And therefor they see it as a reason to keep doing exactly what they've been doing.

    It was me realizing that what I think my vote is for doesn't materially matter.

  • Gee, I wonder what gamers are saying about Monster Hunter Wilds! I bet everyone's excited about the monsters!
  • Teenage looking?

    Maybe I just have no radar for this but as usual when this accusation is thrown out I don't see it.

  • Rep. Jamaal Bowman, a vocal Israel critic and 'squad' member, loses primary
  • not an example of us losing

    Not sure about this bit

    Bowman's not a comrade but soft criticism of Israel lost to full throated support of Israel in an election. I think that demonstrates a loss of some kind.

  • Setting goals is important

    Streeting explains why Labour disagrees with Braverman on ending child benefit cap Streeting explains why Labour disagrees with Braverman on ending child benefit cap

    Rightwing Tory MP Suella Braverman has surprised many by demanding an end to the two child benefit cap to tackle poverty - but despite internal party pressure it is not a policy Labour will pursue

    Streeting explains why Labour disagrees with Braverman on ending child benefit cap
    How deep is your JRPG?


    Fantastic image. Trump looks like he's holding in a massive dump.

    Awful news today for my niche special interest community. I am coping by sharing.

    awful news from the survivor community. sonja christopher, memorrable for being the first person ever voted off survivor, and a strange sort of legend for that, passed today.

    recently rewatched the first season of survivor with a fellow Hexbear who had never seen it. they quickly attatched with sonja and had a huge reaction to their boot. just one episode and her loveability came across that much. she came across and sweet as hell. and while it wasnt mentioned on the show, she is also an elder queer, a lesbian.

    seems she lived a long full life though. so i cant be too sad. this was a loss i knew was coming eventually, the other two older contestants from the first season each had passed awhile ago, but it still hurts not that its happened.

    rest in peace sonja christopher. you will be remembered by my community.

    Resident Evil 4 Role Reversal

    autismdragon autismdragon [he/him, comrade/them]

    A real autism! He/him bisexual man that might be a demiboy but probably not. I like media. Extraordinarily DILF.

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