Trump wins.
Trump wins.

Donald Trump has 267 of the 270 electoral votes needed to win the White House and is leading in key races left to be called, including Michigan and Wisconsin.

Trump wins.
Donald Trump has 267 of the 270 electoral votes needed to win the White House and is leading in key races left to be called, including Michigan and Wisconsin.
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I'm trans and I'm terrified, terrified for my queer friends and family, terrified for Ukraine and Palestine, and terrified for the planet.
If you didn't vote or voted for this piece of shit, fuck you. If you voted for him, you deserve the massive inflation and shit he's about to put you through.
I’m straight and white, and I am also terrified for my queer friends and family. I figured Israel was always a lost cause but Ukraine is going to be so fucking stupid and painful when they get starved after we offered support.
If you didn’t vote or voted for this piece of shit, FUCK YOU
Ukraine was always friendly with the Trump crowd, I think. So is Putin, but this is not as clear cut. Palestine is fucked, but it already was. Vance even said something along not interfering between Israel and Iran, so it's about equally fucked, maybe even less fucked.
We live in a world with skewed media picture of what's happening, and the distortion by Trump people and the distortion by DNC people do not cancel each other out. In some ways they work in the same direction.
Only the biggest and rawest facts should really be used in the comparison. What both have actually done in full. Not what they promise, not project 2025, just the real things. Weapons, money, territory, and not a token amount with some promise, but all. Same way you pay for groceries. Politicians are like shoplifters.
"Ukraine was always friendly with the Trump crowd, I think."
Timmy, what the everloving fuck are you smoking?
Well, the previous govt was pretty shitty leftovers from the Soviet era. Zelenskyy has turned out to not only talk the talk for a tv show but walk the walk and actually lead the country. He knows how fucked this is and is trying to do damage control in hope of keeping the ammo coming. Like most things conservative every accusation is a confession, when Putin talked about de-nazifying Ukraine, they had already done so through the democratic process and put the funny guy in charge.
With the rerun of this administration though, who knows which side we’ll send aid to and there may be someone in Kyiv loyal to Moscow again. I really fucking hope not but this result will likely do more to help the orcs than our new allies.
Cut that shit the fuck out. Dehumanization is the weapon of the enemy. We do not use it.
Thank God orcs won't stick like nazis did.
They dehumanized themselves. Nothing wrong with recognizing that.
No, they didn't. And when you tell yourself that, you make yourself a sucker.
Because when we tell ourselves that people who do terrible things cannot be human, we forget the logical implications of that; that only the inhuman are capable of doing terrible things.
And we're human. We know this for sure. So therefore whatever we do, cannot be terrible. Because we'd know if we crossed that line, right? Our friends, our family, our coworkers... None of these people are inhuman. We know them, we talk to them, we care about them. So, logically, they could never be capable of anything truly monstrous. Because only monsters can be monstrous.
The Nazis were human. That's the worst, and by far the most important lesson of the Holocaust. That humans did those things. That every single person you know is, under the right circumstances, capable of the most monstrous acts imaginable.
That's why so many people cannot bring themselves to believe that what is happening in Gaza is a genocide; because they believe that only inhuman monsters can commit genocide, and they cannot call every person in Isreal an inhuman monster, can they?
It's not our humanity that keeps us good. Goodness is not inherent, or God given, or born into us. It's a choice we have to make, every single moment of every single day.
Every time you tell yourself that the worst people in the world aren't really people, you make it just a little bit easier to cross those lines. To do something truly monstrous. Because the one thing you know for sure is that you are not a monster.
Trump withheld aid to Ukraine for personal favors. Trump supporters are evil morons.
Harris got 15 mill less than biden. Trump got same number of votes basically.
They just slept
America made it clear that they will not vote for a woman. Especially a woman of color. Fuck America
I suspected if she lost it was because she was a woman. Others are saying it was all Gaza and they didn't vote in protest. A commentor replied to me showing the margins are like 10s of thousands in one state.
She seem way better than Hillary too. Hillary reminded me of my grandma but in all the bad ways.
Guess Trump may nuke the whales. Tried to nuke a hurricane.
Anyone who didn't vote in protest needs to shut the fuck up now. I don't wanna hear another damn word out of them regarding Gaza, or moralizing to the world. They will now get to see Gaza be dismantled.
They really stuck it to the Democratic party, hope they're fucking happy that their solution to the Gaza situation is to accelerate wiping Palestinians from existence. Blood is on their hands now more than anyone that did the bare minimum to keep democracy alive.
Nobody learned the lesson from 2016. We can't stick it to the dems until the GOP goes away.
I bet the dems are high fiving each other right now from all the donations they are going to get.
Well i bet a bunch of people will say it never existed so what do I know. Maybe it's all a illuminati scram.
If you don't keep up-to-date with what's going on, and don't exercise your vote, then everything around you is pretty much an 'Illuminati scam.'
Welcome to the easiest way to scam people. XD
We can't change how people work, adopting republican policies and compromising your democratic policies decreases turnout with the base.
We can only tell the democratic politicians to do what they need to do to win, which isn't triangulating yourself 2 inches to the left of the republican to try to chase "moderate republicans" who prefer diet fascism to the real thing.
The genocide will continue until moral improves.
Either that, or that America will not vote for the status quo again.
Trump is the status quo as well so apparently they will
He really, really isn't.
No he really is. What is more status quo than a rich white guy as president with conservative values?
Trump is campaigning on making massive changes to American domestic and foreign policy. I don't like the changes he's pursuing, but he is absolutely not running on the status quo. And that is, in fact, exactly what won him the race.
If he was just running on the status quo, he wouldn't be a threat to democracy. Deporting 20 million people isn't the status quo. Repealing civil rights isn't status quo. Attacking or ending NATO isn't status quo. Abandoning Ukraine isn't status quo. Befriending Russia isn't status quo.
Yes, Trump is a conservative white guy. But type of thinking, focusing on identity groups and demographics, is what has got us here. Kamala herself is a historically novel nominee, she was new in terms of personal identity. But she wasn't actually offering anything other than the same milquetoast centrism of Biden.
This is the problem. People are hurting. Trump actually had something to offer these people. He said, "elect me, I'll throw out all the immigrants, and by doing so I'll lower the cost of housing and increase wages!" It's a horrible, evil, and long-term unproductive solution, but he was actually offering SOMETHING. Democrats offered no meaningful answers to the things people are actually hurting on. The only thing Democrats offered were wonky dismissals of economic concerns by citing official inflation numbers and calculated real wage gains. (Ignoring figures like ratio of median housing cost to median wage.)
People are in pain right now. People are on the edge, driven to the brink by late-stage capitalism. Biden was a milquetoast centrist, but he was able to barely eek out a win by running on a lot of progressive promises in 2020. He walked away from a lot of those commitments and governed as the centrist he is. Harris offered just more of the same. Neither offered real meaningful solutions and proved completely incapable of handling the crises at hand.
Trump again, he actually offered solutions, or at least something that seems like a solution. Like it or not, he WAS the change candidate of 2020. And that is what won him the election.
Yes, yes they did. Democrats introduced the Green New Deal for fuck sake
And their centrist wing managed to completely kneecap it. The same centrist wing that ran Kamala's campaign.
How has US fossil fuel production been cut back AT ALL from any Biden or Harris policy?
Yes, I know you can blame it on Manchin. The problem is that there's always a Manchin. The Democrats take turns being the sacrificial lamb, and they can always find some conservative Dem to kneecap any serious Democratic proposal.
Voters don't give two shits about what your party introduces. Parties introduce all sorts of policies they have zero intention of passing for easy political points all the time.
Well seems like he won twice on going back to the 1950s status quo.
That is NOT the status quo. You're talking about someone promising to make utterly massive changes to US foreign and domestic policy. People are hurting for change, and if they can't find that change on the left, they'll find it on the right.
it's "status quo" back then not modern version. He said 1950s is when america was great in 2016. So dismantling everything in last 70 years is just going back to roots to him I imagine.
They just slept
Look at this snoozer. Absolutely sleepymaxxing. A bedtimepilled pillowcel. Got a blanket under his head just lost in the sleepy sauce.
The Democrat vote is ALWAYS 15 million below Biden's RECORD popular vote number! Trump got HUGE numbers for a Republican. Do your homework, and stop trying to create a narrative using COVID numbers.
The narrative that people voted In the 2020 and chose not too in 2024? Doesn't matter what dem numbers were in the past cause all it proves is how many people will consistently vote dem.
I'll tell you what the shock really is me. People voted for Biden not because they hated Trump but something Biden had that dem candidates going back to 2008 didn't have.
You are out of your mind
Which part?
Biden. People just wanted someone new in charge of COVID.
Well that's something different he had from previous dems from. Dude lucked out with great timing that alone moved 15 million people to vote.
I know it wasn't misogyny because John Kerry, Obama, and Harris were all in the 60 mil range.
Hilary too
You realize the US population gets bigger over time, right? There should always been more voters every year because we have more people every year.
The difference between 2020 election and all the others was sudden and large. Not population based.
Being that I'm not transgender or American I don't think I can personally understand everything you're feeling right now. All I can say is be strong for yourself, and your friends and family; we all need to support each other if we are going to get through this.
And a double fuck you to anyone who voted for Trump.
You're still going to get fucked. The whole planet is going to get fucked. The MAGAs abolishing the EPA and going full-throttle on fossil fuels is going to make sure of that.
The climate is one thing that both would fuck the world.
That's a done deal at this point. The Democratic party would have slowed the rate of increase, but given the tipping points we've already crossed, we require actual massive amounts of removal of greenhouse gases, and major geo-engineering projects to try and prevent everything coming our way from climate change.
This is less of a politics post, and more of a 'we're so fucked, and most people aren't aware of how fucked we are that they think what the Democratic Party wants to do for climate would actually do a damn thing'
Seriously, at this point it would require a complete overhaul of both our political system and economic system such that life would be unrecognizable to forestall gigadeaths.
If China and India both go hard on climate action, that may be enough to turn it around. Because of their geographical position, they're both much more firmly in the line of fire. But the US being out of the game for at least the next four years definitely makes things much, much harder.
Not even there.
All I have to say:
The only silver lining is that maybe the Republicans will just forget about trans people until it’s time to stoke the hate again for the next election.
But yeah, very disappointing result. The country was willing to vote in a twice impeached convicted felon (whose sentencing will be postposed indefinitely, I suspect) over a gasp! brown woman.
Exit polls show 12% of lgbtq voters voted for Trump. 12% of lgbtq voters voted to be jailed, castrated, and discriminated against by their country. That is not only terrifying but also embarrassing.
Jews for Hitler vibes.
It didn't go well for them either. Being "one of the good ones" won't save you.
My little vote was a piss in the ocean, but the DEMOCRAT PARTY had the power to run a good candidate, to fund a GREAT CAMPAIGN, but instead, they put Trump in power. It was so bad it has to be deliberate.
And they got you to blame ME for it. Your fellow citizen.
The power elites win.
PS. I voted for Kamala, but I hate this shit of you blaming individual voters, like they aren't just trying to vote for a better life for themselves.
They can't vote for a better life for themselves by not voting.
Surely you didn't expect another 81+ Million democrat turnout like Biden got, did you? That will not happen again, not for a long time. It's an outlier by a good bit. Even with the Libertarian and Green candidates it was ridiculous what happened last election, and is really only explained by Covid and people not having other things to do. Check out the link to Wikipedia popular vote numbers below, or just look at the graphic. It's startling. You got as much as Democrats could give.
Massive Republican Turnout.
Well, provided you won't get gas-chambered or something, there's one good thing in this event - the electorate has shown that there's no way DNC behaves in this arrogant "we know better and we won't let anyone other than our bosses near power" and wins. First in 2016, second in 2024.
Then the next election might actually be the last with the existing system in your country. And this one might have been the last with the two old parties competing. I think it's nice. Provided, again, ... .
What about the party that lost the election, quite possibly by choosing to enable a genocide further, as it deemed that more important than winning the election? What about the party, that chose to ignore the devastating effects of inflation on normal Americans, instead of providing a concise plan of revamping the economy, as that would anger its billionaire donors?
Why blame the people instead of the Democratic party leaders, who remained steadfast at the side of the elites, leaving the people to be peddled to by Trump?
"what about.."
I don't doubt that the Dems had a poor campaign. However, I'm totally allowed to blame the dumbasses that voted for fascism. These dumbasses are ultimately the ones that filled the box for our authoritarian future. I'll say it again: fuck them.
About one hundred million people declined to vote at all.
And fuck them, too. They're just as responsible.
They are all bad. They all work together against positive change.
Since it's people that voted Trump and Co. In, I'll be blaming people.
Buckle to the top, kick to the bottom. And you wonder why the authoritarian politicians win...
Fuck off, you're not even American.
You are only proving it further. This kind of comments sounds just like MAGA voters. And that is part of the issue. How do you want to beat them politically, if you let them influence your political culture in their way?
No. I'm tired of people on Lemmy that aren't even American trying to tell us what to do in our own elections.
I don't go astroturfing in posts about your countries politics. So yes, you can fuck right off.
America tells other countries how to vote or we'll overthrow their governments. Even in the 2020s we told South American countries "Elect who we want or we'll cut off money and send in troops."
The world watched America out of fear of Trump winning. Rightfully so. He's a mad man who hates anyone but himself.
I'm not going to get mad at people who affected by who runs the world police, the biggest economy, the biggest armed forceds, an unconditional UN veto, and so many more things.
Trump is bad for everyone in the world. Makes sense people are scared and wanting to chime in.
Show me examples of people from the US here, on Lemmy, that tell you 24/7 what to do in your country.
Why not Fox News who says America has to be the world police? Why not Musk who said we'll coup anyone we want? Why not the companies who drafted up a war for oil?
And I'm an American, so I do have a lot of people on Lemmy telling me how the country should be.
If your country wouldn't operate multiple military bases in my country, including storing some nuclear warheads here, operating huge lobby groups that captured large parts of my countries press as well as high ranking politicians like chancellors or foreign ministers you had a point. Economically we also have a lot of American investments. Heck the possible next chancellor is an asset of Blackrock. One of the leaders of the fascist party is an asset of Goldman Sachs and neoliberal think tanks.
But as Americans are influencing the fate of my country quite extensively, i will voice my opinion about what they should and shouldn't do. Which i think is a rather small influence compared to military, political and economic influence the US is exerting here.
Then don't allow all of that.
See how simple it is!
And i voted for that consistently. I also demonstrated for that consistently. Sometimes being attacked by the state for it.
Well now you got what you wanted: the hero to end the genocide. Any minute now they'll stop the war effort, for fear of further angering the fuhrer
This toxic abusive browbeating is what just handed the election to Trump.
You shouldn't be arguing with them, considering you just lost us and election.
Yes I recognize you as one of the top Democratic vote discouragers. Thank you for that. I mean er yeah it was my fault you repeat Russian propaganda
You are why Harris lost.
Yes I was spreading the message not to vote for her like you. Thanks for your help comrade
No one said not to vote for her. But your abusive toxicity has been on display for months, years. YOU drive voters away. You making excuses for the candidates shitty positions instead of demanding better from them, left the candidate in a weak electoral position.
If I scratch your comment history, will I find you effectively defending her position on Israel? Will I find you defending her step to the right to campaign with Cheney and celebrate Republicans?
You needed to fucking listen to your betters who understand this world more than the assumptions you want to make about it
Your arrogance and hubris have damned us all.
That must be why Trump won huh? Because of all the dissent and "demanding better from him" that he got from his supporters.
Are you allergic to trying to understand why you were wrong and why Harris lost?
Its not about Trump. It's about Harris. You aren't arguing with me. You are arguing with 15 million people who didn't think she represented enough of a change from the status quo to show up.
I'm voting for the fat demented guy because some internet trolls mad me mad once.
Is that peak american democracy?
Nah. It was you and yours who couldn't do the math and realize that a united front was the only path away from fascism. Now we're all stuck with it.
You needed to fucking listen to your betters who understand this world more than the assumptions you want to make about it
Your arrogance and hubris have damned us all.
Astounding self-awareness on display.
👆 Actual bullying language.
Well i guess the 130ish Million people who voted for more genocide got what they wanted.
And we warned this would happen.
Because the pro Israel people had a safe vote with Trump. Harris trying not to take a strong stance, while further enabling the genocide tough, alienated people.
Now the silver lining is that Democrats have a chance to learn, that being against genocide is the only stance a supposedly progressive party can take. But they rather risked and chose to loose the election instead of being steadfast against genocide.
But you can already see here how people are blaming black and Arab voters. The white supremacy runs deep in both parties, so the idea that anything would have changed under Harris is laughable.
Shove the third party shit, no one gives a fuck about your favorite Russian asset Jill Stein.
"Harris could have won, if she took a clear anti-genocide stance"
Yeah what the fuck ever. You must be gleeful right now. You got exactly what you wanted
The Democrats having the chance to learn is going to be of limited use if Republicans build the fascist autocracy they intend to build.
Unfortunately they chose not to learn during the past 8 years.
They repeated most of the errors they did in 2016, while Trump just did Trump again. That is also why i say the blame lies with the party leaders. This was preventable with setting the right priorities.
What errors from 2016 exactly?
Those were the bunch that came to my mind and what i remember seeing in various election streams.
So the exact same things the Republicans did
You're getting down votes because the truth hurts. People in the echo chamber don't want to hear anything except "Trump bad".
To sum up your comment succinctly it can simply be said that the democratic party failed to relate with and engage the electorate, something that Trump did successfully.
Either you elect a party that wants to do that, or every time elect the other party that is not very democratic inside itself, despite the name. Both seem like autocracy to me.
Maybe something would change under Harris. Maybe not.
But it is absolutely certain that it won't change under Trump.
I am old enough and have gone through so many "vote for lesser of two evils" elections to be able to tell you that not voting for lesser of two evils is wrong. I myself skipped voting few times because I hated both sides. But absolutely every fucking time the worse person winning was a much, much worse outcome.
Everyone's main enemy are billionaires. They have spent considerable resources making sure people vote for Trump.
And here we are, people whining how Harris didn't make a promise to go after billionaires while at the same time enabling those same billionaires to do as they please, through Trump.
200 IQ move, indeed.
Not voting is absolutely the wrong move. It signals complacency.
Voting third party shows that people care enough, but aren't willing to give power under the current policies/proposed policies. This is also why ranked choice is vastly superior to first past the post. It allows for a more coherent signaling from the people into politics.
We didn't have the luxury of not being held hostage by FPTP, WTA, and the absence of a viable "good" choice.
Yet we still couldn't unite against fascism.
And now it's here, delivered right to our doorsteps, no signature required.
There's a more than reasonable chance that any perceived "education" of the dems has become completely moot. The fascists have full control of the government. The checks and balances no longer apply. There are no brakes.
Hope you're fucking happy.
I sure am. Watching libs seethe is hilarious
I would have been happy if the Dems had stopped supporting genocide, saving tens of thousands of lifes and then winning in a landslide.
Thats what i advocated for for months. But the party would rather risk losing the election to Trump than stop sending weapons to a genocide.
So you're happy with where we are today?
chose to ignore the devastating effects of inflation on normal Americans, instead of providing a concise plan of revamping the economy
Come on. The party in office when inflation came back down. Inflation rate is near normal now. Blame them for not communicating effectively or blame voters for looking at cumulative inflation over four years, rather than resulting inflation