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Donald Trump wins US presidency

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United States | News & Politics

Donald Trump wins US presidency

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  • Wanna know what happens next? Check out history repeats itself, or any of the Project 2025 analyses.

    Edit: Look on the bright side, at least we won't have to take time from our busy schedules to vote four years from now.

    • Oh, there will probably still be an election. It will just be like the ones in Russia that are performative.

  • This is a clown timeline, absolutely maddening to see the world fall into the hands of fascists so quickly. I was so active this election cycle, more than ever, and I had prayed to a god I don't even believe in, but alas the US has chosen its' path, and that path is one history will remember.

  • Just with a bit of estimation of the remaining 12% of votes uncounted, Trump is going to beat his 2020 vote record by a couple million, 81 million on the high end and maybe closer to 77 million on the low end. Unlikely, but possible he beats the 2020 all time record set by Biden. Definitely beats his 2020 numbers.

    Kamala recently pulled ahead of Hillary's 65 million and Obama's 66 million, she's gonna end up around 71-74 million.

    Kamala lost the Popular Vote. In fact she won some blue states by smaller margins then she lost some 'swing' states. Nevada might not even be tight enough to qualify as a swing state this election(needs to be 5% or less, Trump's currently winning by 5.2% meaning it wasn't a swing state), meanwhile Minnesota was won by 3, New Jersey by 4, New Hampshire by 4 and a half, and Maine might be lost we'll see, but those 4 were all swing states as the margin was less than 5%. New Mexico and Virginia came very close(and New Mexico would have been under 5 without RFK Jr dragging Trump down a point).

    This also suggests the Electoral College no longer favors Republicans, and is somewhere between neutral and actually favoring Democrats again. 2028 a tight election with a Democrat win could see them lose the PV and win the EC.

    I had a ton of 2004 vibes from the start and it looks like that was correct. He is coming back to serve a second term, and YES, this time he won the national electiiion