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The new Chinese owner of the popular Polyfill JS project injects malware into more than 100 thousand sites
  • You need to get up to date from three years ago. NodeJS 16.20, or thereabouts, enabled dependency auditing by default.

    I’m still fighting my engineers go get current enough to use this (but we do have a proxy artifact server that also attempts to keep downloads clean, and a dependency scanner)

  • The local dog park has kiddie pools by the water spigots.
  • Nice. Where do you get one of those for a reasonable price these days?

    My first dog, I got exactly that for $4 from a grocery store as a seasonal thing

    However, after our second dog was a fiasco, I got rid of that since we weren’t getting another dog.

    Now our third dog has not been swimming. She’s a rescue who still reacts against other dogs so we can’t bring her to a lake or dog park. I want one of these pools again to see if she’d take to it, but she doesn’t like to get wet so odds are not in my favor. I think the same pool was $28 last time I saw one, and I’m not interested in throwing away that much money. Almost all “baby pools” I see now are inflatable, which wouldn’t survive a dogs first use. So are there really no cheap plastic pools anymore?

  • Flatulent Cows And Pigs Will Now Be Taxed In Denmark
  • The article is missing too many details:

    • Why pigs? I thought by far the biggest offender were ruminants
    • The article says “cows and pigs” but how does it apply to similar animals? I’ve recently had bison and elk but there are more? Or are they enough of an edge case to not worry about it.
    • There are additives to cattle feed that reduce methane emissions: does the tax make any adjustment to encourage that?
  • Oklahoma Supreme Court Blocks First US Religious Public Charter School
  • Some people call them public because they are funded by the government, not by tuition or private donors. The claim is that a private company freed from government restrictions can do a better job more efficiently.

    That’s a huge load of bullcrap: diverting public school funds from the school system toward private profit

  • Tesla is recalling its Cybertruck for the fourth time to fix problems with trim pieces that can come loose and front windshield wipers that can fail | The new recalls each affect over 11,000 trucks
  • It was the first EV pickup, at the time of announcement, and the battery tech sounded excellent, as did the list of features. Most importantly the announced price would have made it one of the lowest priced EVs. How could you not get hyped?

    But when it dragged out so long and they were going to deliver on features offer price, maybe they should have cut their losses.

    At the time, I was saying Cybertruck was a huge success because it pushed Ford to build the F150 Lightning.

  • Backdoor slipped into multiple WordPress plugins in ongoing supply-chain attack
  • Seriously, people have been saying this stuff about WordPress as long as it’s been around, and I’m always surprised that it still exists. This was definitely one of those technologies that sounded bad enough that it could never last. Joke is on me.

    Of course I thought the same with JavaScript but was forced to learn it last year

  • US Olympic and other teams will bring their own AC units to Paris, undercutting environmental plan
  • Right, plus in the context of not building new stuff for a temporary need

    • too bad they didn’t know how easy it would be for so many of us to work from home
    • roping off a lane may offend our egalitarianism, but it’s a temporary change
    • even if we had to build new lanes, they would sure as hell get used (especially since there’s never enough capacity on the T)
  • Paris wants an AC-free Olympic Village. Team USA and others aren't so chill with it
  • It’s all in what you’re used to. My house is never that warm, even in summer. I can sleep as warm as 22° in the summer, but always keep it below 20° in the winter.

    So, yes, if I have to sleep where it’s 25° or 27° or warmer, I’m probably not sleeping well and we’ll all be happy I’m not an athlete

  • What do you think the Great Filter is?
  • Generational ships wouldn’t have to reach the edge of the galaxy, just the next planetary system. There’s no reason civilization needs to remain centered on Earth, either. Think of it as a wave traveling outward, where it eventually reaches the edge, by many smaller hops. It will also eventually reach earth, where they might wonder at signs of a prehistoric civilization. Actually, think of it like the Middle East, where empires rise and fall, crusades and jihads burst through, religions rise out of nowhere, people speak many different languages. A galactic civilization could be dynamic and ever changing, distance can make us strangers to each other, the fate of any planet matter only to its inhabitants and neighbors

  • What do you think the Great Filter is?
  • Exponential functions. Seriously. You meet crisis after crisis, each having a risk of ending civilization, but that risk never goes away. It keeps multiplying and multiplying, until you realize the risk curve is approaching a vertical line

  • Lindsey Graham Claims Biden's Student Loan Relief Is 'Beyond Dangerous'
  • As someone who went to a private university and always believed it a superior choice, fuck that noise. A few states have started offering free instate tuition again, at public universities.

    Let’s change course here, let’s steer this baby over to the public side…..

    How about

    • all public funding goes to free tuition at public universities/vo-tech for everyone that wants it
    • if you insist on going to private, you can do private funding. No loans for you. No grants for you
  • Lindsey Graham Claims Biden's Student Loan Relief Is 'Beyond Dangerous'
  • I’m out here working and no one paid for my college but me (well, and …). Dammit, why are we still making people do this? Where can I sign up to help get next generations off to a good start without crippling debt?

  • US Olympic and other teams will bring their own AC units to Paris, undercutting environmental plan
  • There was just an article posted around here about future games in Los Angeles …. Where one of the venues is in Oklahoma, unless I got seriously trolled, for exactly this: trying not to build as much new stuff.

    Here in Boston when they were talking about putting in a bid, all the discussion was about upgrading athletic facilities for all the regional colleges, and getting more hotels built to handle more tourism

  • Unfortunate ad placement

    I don’t know if this fits the community, but the way ads placement works can lead to some unfortunate results

    Just looking for some cooking ideas, and I wish I could forget what I saw


    Lens flair for the win

    Insufficient tinting, but lens flair got the image at 95%

    Seafood feast!

    I hope this is ok to post: cast iron adjacent and has not better home on Lemmy ….

    Seafood feast I made for the kids last night. That fried rice started as 2c dry rice and would have been tough to make without the space of this griddle top! Or maybe it’s just me, I can’t seem to make it without spreading out and making a mess

    It’s all an experiment

    • only the second time cooking tuna steak
    • only a few times trying to sear shrimp
    • fried rice - ok, hot sesame oil was new, gave it a nice kick without being hot

    Probably use it for a massive number of pancakes tomorrow

    So this is also a cry for help: what can I replace this with?

    • I’m getting an induction glass top, which doesn’t support griddles of any kind
    • I don’t want to go back to Teflon, that all stand-alone electric griddles seem to be
    • I don’t know how big to consider: during the week it’s just me and a skillet is sufficient, but kids do come home from college
    • I considered getting a Blackstone or similar, but the weather here is not friendly to outdoor cooking half the year

    Anyone have ideas what to look for in a stand-alone griddle that’s not Teflon, and is cast iron or cast iron adjacent?

    [QUESTION] What to look for in an Olive Oil?

    I use extra virgin olive oil for some cooking - where taste matters, but never knew what to look for.

    Several years back, we did a taste test of brands and styles found in my grocery, and settled on one that was good, but they no longer stock it. Now I need to look for a new one but still have no idea what to look for, so what do you look for?

    I used “Philipo Berio” brand robusto. I don’t know if that’s considered good but it tastes good to me and has a reasonable price. My grocery still carries the brand but not robusto and the other styles don’t have as much flavor.

    Apparently robusto is not a thing, since no other brand uses that nomenclature, so what can I look for to find one with a strong flavor? How can I find a “good” brand without spending a lot? Is there a price sweet spot, like with wine?

    [discussion] …. But can you walk the walk

    I can talk the talk, but this is really going to test that ……

    I live in a fairly walkable town outside one of the most walking and transit oriented cities in the US. I’ve always been a transit and walkable communities advocate.

    My town is centered on a train station/bus/taxi/scooter/bicycle hub and we have a traditional walkable “Main Street” with shops and restaurants that we pedestrianize for the summer. We have a new rail trail that will eventually connect to a statewide network, a riverwalk and even kayak rentals in the middle of downtown

    Higher density housing is centered on the downtown, dominated by 4-6 story apartment/condos, including residential over commercial. Works great. Surrounding that is a belt of 2-3 story multifamily houses, townhouses, and small apartments. I’m the first street zoned for single family, but I can still walk to the town center, and take the train into the nearby major city.

    I even spoke up in favor of new statewide zoning, requiring “as of right” zoning for large apartment buildings near transit …… maybe you see where this is going …..

    When I was out walking my dog this morning, I saw construction …. apparently there are a couple huge 6 story apartment buildings going in just a couple blocks away. It all seemed like a great idea until it was my neighborhood. It was a great idea when things were grouped by size. But now it’s a behemoth towering over three deckers and the like, and even looming near single family housing.

    I’ve “talked the talk” but really don’t know if I can “walk the walk”. This really seems excessive for the neighborhood.

    What do you think? Could you still support higher density housing when it means something twice the height going into your neighborhood, hundreds of tenants where now it’s 3-10 per building? What would you do when you get what you were asking for but it’s in your neighborhood and way out of scale?

    How to get “green bubbles” texting to an iPhone user?

    After all this online drama over something as silly as green bubbles, I just discovered their power. I had a brief power outage and apparently my cell provider had degraded service, so I had no data and text messages didn’t go through. Then I tried a green bubble conversation and it worked.

    SMS worked, when data and iMessage did not. So how can I do that on purpose? I don’t know if this is a normal occurrence but the next time I have degraded service with no data, does anyone know if there is a way to SMS to fellow iPhone users?

    How stable is multi-protocol support on SkyConnect?

    The SkyConnect dongle was sold as Zigbee but with the promise of also supporting Thread. This is available in HA as experimental. Does anyone have experience with how stable it is? Is it close to ready?

    Will BEV adoptions lead to more ICE pickups?

    In the US a decade or two ago, we enacted regulations to increase the efficiency of passenger vehicles. However larger vehicles typically needed for commercial and farming uses were exempt. Now we see the results of that as reverse incentive, where trucks became more common, even for simple commuting

    Will the same happen with BEVs, a reverse incentive that increases the use of trucks?

    I just read an opinion piece (lost just as quickly, sorry) that discussed issues with sales of EV pickups at GM and Ford. They made a compelling argument that EVs still have weaknesses as work trucks and point to the success of Rivian as a recreational truck. Certainly arguments against EV pickups do center on those weaknesses, even for scenarios where it wouldn’t apply (how many truck owners actually tow regularly?). So, as BEVs rapidly take over the car and crossover markets, and the holdouts have fewer choices of ICE cars, will they increasingly turn to trucks?

    [discussion] transit oriented development vs 15 minute city

    Is there a difference, and what?

    I’ve been reading about the “15 minute city” idea, and it is both fascinating and brings back good memories. I’ve lived in a few neighborhoods of Boston, where my biggest use of a car is finding some place to stash one long term. I had all my daily needs in a short walk, as was a subway station. Combine that with a monthly pass and the freedom to go anywhere was fantastic. I know people in NYC with similar experiences, including several who never had a reason to learn to drive. My oldest is at college and on experiencing campus life, commented similarly. I hope y’all get to experience this some day

    However the Boston area has focussed on” transit oriented development “ for the last few decades. They use zoning and other development tools to encourage mixed neighborhoods with more housing, more retail, and even more office space focussed on transit hubs. It’s not just a train station but each is a “hub”, centering other options including bus routes, taxis, trails, cycling, and other personal transportation. This is a lot of what makes a “15 minute city” possible. Now we’re extending it to Eastern Massachusetts, where any town convenient to transit needs to have similar zoning actively supporting transit oriented development.

    These two concepts seem very similar, except for the special case of college campuses. What’s the difference, or is it just evolving terminology? Which is better? Are there strengths of one approach that need more attention in the other?

    iPhone 15 incompatible with portable charger?

    Has anyone else seen problems using a portable charger (USB-A) with their new phone?

    I plugged the phone into my portable charger and saw all four status LEDs, indicating the charger saw the phone and had a full charge available. However my phone never started charging, and the status lights on the charger eventually went off as it gave up.

    At first I thought it was the new cables, but I used the same cable with an old Apple charger, no problem. Unfortunately I don’t have another usb-c device I can try with that cable and portable charger.

    The portable charger charges older (Lightning) phones, so that is not the problem.

    So all three of my new iPhone, portable charger, and new cable work in other scenarios but not this specific combination.

    Edit to add: rebooting worked. Thanks

    First impressions of USB-C on iPhone 15

    Now that we see the iPhone 15 with the new usb-c port, what’s your first impression?


    For me it’s not too big a deal, functionally identical. I have the pro, so could use high speed data, but I never have used the charging cable for data and am not likely to start now. I appreciate faster charging but realistically charge overnight, so no change

    I understand and support the goal of one set of chargers and cables for everything, but in the immediate term, it does mean buying new cables and chargers, and it means all the existing ones going to waste.

    -- so far, I’ve had to buy two cables, a charger, and two new power strips with USB-C, and there will be more to come

    -- My teens still have Lightning iPhones and they’re hard on cables, so my old cables won’t go to waste.

    -- admittedly, I’m trying to jump past the next transition by moving to usb-c chargers somewhat rather than buy new usb-a to usb-c cables for old chargers

    -- I bought a usb-c watch cable but am not counting that because it was a replace t for a damaged usb-a Watch cable

    -- I’ll still need charging cables for my car, and my laptop bag, and I’m sure additional charging block or two

    Home Improvement AA5B
    How to build fire protective battery charger enclosure?

    In the last couple of years, I replaced all my lawn care equipment with battery powered and it has worked fantastically. I’m sure there will soon be other large batteries that need to be charged.

    However I also note headlines about fires from cheap or damaged batteries. I don’t buy cheap and I do take care of my stuff so I’m not too worried but wonder if it would be worth building some sort of battery charging enclosure. Does anyone have any links, ideas or references?

    My first thought is I have an unfinished basement with concrete walls and floor so that should be fire resistant: could it be as simple as stacking cinder blocks or pavers? My second thought is that would make a great oven, so no. So is there something I can do for my chargers to protect my house from any chance of fire?

    (US) Home charging: outside? Multiple?

    I’m considering installing home charging (ok, I’m considering a Tesla so formulating my requirements for charging) so wanted to ask your experience for things that aren’t clear to me

    the idea of multiple chargers appeals to me since there’s usually more than one car in my driveway. I like how the home charger has power sharing and I certainly don’t need concurrent max charging, but ……

    — my panel is crowded. It’s unclear whether multiple chargers need to be on separate circuits or can share one? If can share, are there size requirements? One option is to put in a “big enough” circuit as the biggest expense but not worry about a second charger when I need it. But can they share a circuit? How big does it need to be? Or would I need a sub-panel in the garage? I don’t like all the extra connections for such a high draw circuit, but it would add flexibility

    — anyone with experience having the charger outside? Would I regret it? I have a one car garage but have realistically never use it for a car. If I install the charger inside the garage, I’d generally snake the cable under the door

    — for the universal charger, does it also have along cable or are there any placement limits? My driveway is one car wide by two long. If I park one in front of the other as usual, would I have any problems charging two cars at once? 24’ cable seems like it ought to be enough?

    How does school management work on a personal Chromebook?

    So I have the opposite problem with a Chromebook from everyone else online, and haven’t been able to find any info ….

    How would school management work on a personal Chromebook?

    My teen is starting at a new school and they provide a free Chromebook, managed by the school. They do warn that it’s restricted and logged so he should keep personal use on a personal device.

    That’s fine but he got his free Chromebook today and is seriously disappointed. The “new” school one is crap compared to his 4 or 5 year old personal Chromebook that I had to buy for his previous school. He wants to use his old one.

    However what does that mean for school management? Can he even use his school account or only if he enrolls his personal device? Is management tied to the device or account? Since it’s his personal device, can he just create multiple logins and switch between them, or will the school see all and restrict all?

    Circadian vs “dim to warm”

    I just read a great article about a company wanting to do Circadian lighting on the International Space Station! It was very inspiring, so now I want to look into automating that. Up until now, my priority has been smart switches (both Zigbee and Z-Wave) and voice control, but I also have an automation to dim when it’s bed time.

    Can anyone compare Circadian vs “dim to warm”, by how happy you are with results, cost, complexity? I guess I’d have to get all new bulbs either way, but I’d have to rewire and reconfigure switches for smart bulbs to do Circadian and I’d have to actively automate, vs “dim to warm” would just do it

    How to stay logged in?

    New user here, yes I’m looking for alternatives to Reddit …

    I created an account on, subscribed to a couple communities, and even replied to a post. So far, so good.

    However, it keeps showing me as not logged in. The weird thing is I still have my subscribed communities, but am not logged in. Every once in a while when I try something more than reading, I have to login again (then again, sometimes I don’t). For example, by the time I read a bunch of posts in a community to decide whether I want to subscribe, I sometimes need to login again to subscribe

    I’m browsing from Safari on iPad, and should have mostly default settings. Can anyone help with explaining or fixing this behavior? It’s really annoying.

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