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Those of you who don't vote, why?
  • It is not. You need to re-familiarize yourself with what monarchy actually is. Maybe spend a year in an actual monarchy/dictatorship country if you have so little appreciation for the democracy you currently enjoy?

  • Those of you who don't vote, why?
  • Even if this does end in political violence or civil war, if you vote, at least you will have tried to avoid that fate by participating in our democracy as much as possible. Voting is just so easy to do, how can you justify not doing it as anything but laziness? It can’t hurt and takes almost no effort.

  • Those of you who don't vote, why?
  • I encourage you to reconsider and vote for whatever you perceive to be the least of all evils. Voting is relatively easy and doesn’t require much effort. It’s literally the least you can do. Yes, may not matter in the end, but it can still inform certain statistics that can be used to support various messages and arguments down the line. If you don’t vote at all, you guarantee you have no impact. Don’t throw away the little power you have.

  • Those of you who don't vote, why?
  • the ballot is one big trick question

    I’d like an explanation of what you actually mean by this and why not voting is better than voting for the least bad candidate, if you regard them all as bad.

  • It's not enough to win; they all must lose.
  • Nah, if it was communist propaganda, it would mean that you get no material reward compared to anyone else, but could count on the teacher to pass on a good word for you with the principal, who then might mention your name positively at an education board meeting, who then might mention you to the mayor, the governor, etc, and now you have a real shot of becoming dictator of the single-party government that rules your country.

    Value not consumer prizes and instead seek nepotistic alliances, for through them will the material comforts flow. —Mao, probably.

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    *Permanently Deleted*
  • icantypetoowithoutthinkingaboutgrammarorsyntaxandpeoplecanstillunderstandmewtfiswrongwithyouyouccouldntfigureoutthissimpleproblemthatmakenosensetoanyonebuturanusthegodwhatthinkyoumakesensenobsbutcallitwhatyoulikethisnobiggiebuttsyncinbrocasareatomaketomatolanguage.

  • WebMD forcing employees back to office. "We aren’t asking or negotiating at this point. We’re informing"
  • I agree the video is cringy AF, but I don't have a problem with the company demanding its employees return to working in the office rather than remotely. There are a whole host of tangible benefits (for both companies and employees) from coming into work and I don't see a problem with a company insisting on it. There are some industries and/or jobs in which remote work is probably fine, but most organizations benefit more from having people come into a shared workspace.

  • Nikki Haley’s pretend slavery ‘gaffe’ told us what this election is about
  • Some of these asswipes on the Right are actively hoping the country descends into civil war again, because they want a round 2. Since I suspect many of them are actual descendants of confederates, I'm really tempted to say we should go full General Sherman on them if it comes to war, so that we don't leave any of them left to breed and raise new secessionists. We shouldn't, obviously...but it's tempting.

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    Almost half of Russian youth do not want to vote for Putin. The Russian President does not have much support from Russians under 30 • World News
  • Seriously, once you’ve got a dictator, your political opinions don’t matter. This is what I keep trying to explain to the communists on this site, but they can’t get past their corruption-free utopian delusions to recognize that China, Cuba, Laos, and every other country that has gone full communist has succumbed to corruption in all the ways they claim a NEW communist country wouldn’t. Capitalism may not be the answer, but Communism certainly isn’t, as demonstrated by history.

  • Jonathan Haidt: The Three Terrible Ideas Weakening Gen Z and Damaging Universities and Democracies

    If you skip the introduction and don't watch the Q&A afterwards, the presentation is just under an hour. A very good watch, IMO. Interested in what people think.

    Question From a Liberal: How are We Destroying the USA?

    Hi, all.

    As should be news to no one, polarization and animosity between conservatives and liberals is at one of its all-time highs in America right now. There's even talk of a second civil war looming. Obviously, there are strong passions and convictions on both sides, and people on both sides have claimed that the other is a grave threat to the integrity of the nation itself. I'm familiar with the views and concerns of my own side: we view Donald Trump's (and his allies' and supporters') statements and actions as being an attack on the democratic process that defines our nation, and are worried that the strategies and tactics he and they are employing will make future elections farcical, paving the way for an authoritarian state (a dictatorship). I am less familiar with why conservatives feel Democrats and liberals are a threat to the nation and its integrity in similar fashion. My best guess is that conservatives buy Trump's assertions that the 2020 presidential election was rigged, and thus might have similar fears as liberals do, but I also get the sense conservatives have deeper, older concerns than this, and that Trump was/is viewed as a solution to them.

    Can you please try to articulate here what those fears are? And, to any liberals reading this, please refrain from answering in conservatives' stead. I'm interested in their opinions, not your opinions of their opinions.

    'This Is B.S.': GOP Candidates Slam RNC After Failing To Make Debate 'This Is B.S.': GOP Candidates Slam RNC After Failing To Make Debate

    The path for backbencher Republican candidates running for president in 2024 just got even harder.

    'This Is B.S.': GOP Candidates Slam RNC After Failing To Make Debate

    Four Republican backbencher candidates who failed to qualify for the first 2024 GOP presidential debate this week slammed the Republican National Committee over its rules, with multiple contenders calling them “rigged.”


    Easily my favorite quote from Mallory Archer.

    16 false Trump electors face felony charges in Michigan 16 false Trump electors face felony charges in Michigan

    Michigan Attorney General Nessel is bringing charges against Republicans who signed a certificate falsely stating that Trump won Michigan's election.

    Curious what conservatives think about this development.


    I just stumbled upon this video and it brought back a lot of childhood memories. The creator's channel features a bunch of other HD remakes of old games too.

    Rick And Morty - Keep Summer Safe
    Atheists still believe in the supernatural, new report finds (2019 article) Atheists still believe in the supernatural, new report finds

    Just because you don't believe in God doesn't mean you aren't superstitious.

    Atheists still believe in the supernatural, new report finds

    Posting this because I think it's an interesting examination of the overlap (or lack thereof) between atheists and general skeptics. It's worth remembering that the term 'atheism' only means a rejection of theistic beliefs; non-theistic beliefs that are nonetheless irrational and unsupported by evidence are not relevant to the term. And yet one can easily see why there is an overlap between these two communities and why many atheists scoff at other atheists who profess belief in things like astrology, ghosts, reincarnation, etc.

    I'm definitely one of those who doesn't believe in anything supernatural, but I've certainly met atheists who do. It's worth remembering the two groups aren't synonymous.

    Evid3nc3 - Why I am No Longer a Christian (playlist)

    This is a series of videos I watched years ago in which an ex-Christian explains in detail his journey away from his faith. What I like about this series is that it illustrates how the deconversion process is gradual rather than revelatory and involves a ton of back-and-forth self-questioning, tribulation, anxiety, and even depression. It is not an easy process--something we would all do well to remember while we're posting about how irrational theistic beliefs are.

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