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Sony cancelled the PSN account linking requirement for Helldivers 2
  • Using a password manager would avoid this. Everyone should ideally use unique passwords per service, that way a single account can't compromise the others.

    The loss of personal data however is fricking annoying. If a company has no legitimate reason, I avoid signing up to them.

    Looking at you Nvidia, Razar, etc...

  • UK Petition: Require videogame publishers to keep games they have sold in a working state
  • Whilst I agree in the spirit of the petition, the wording isn't great.

    Server infrastructure has significant opex costs to run & maintain - it's impractical to demand publishers to keep them alive, especially if the running cost far exceeds the player demand & potential revenues. What happens if that publisher goes bust? What happens if a significant security vulnerability is found?

    Might be better to have legislation for software publishers (not just games) to both plan & implement a sunsetting strategies when they intend to retire software.

    Eg. If the online component was just performing license checks, make software publishers remove the DRM. If it's to host a DLC store, release all DLC items for free & remove the store. If its for multi-player mechanics, release both the client & server software as limited open-source license so the community can maintain those assets going forward.

  • Who designs a easter egg box like this?
  • The box was clearly designed for a larger egg. The fact they made the image the same size doesn't neglect the fact that shrinkflation has occurred.

    The only reason the box size hasn't changed is to fool buyers on the potential size of the egg. If it was box was correctly sized, most people would have selected a different egg.

  • OpenAI transcribed over a million hours of YouTube videos to train GPT-4
  • Wouldn't the YouTube algorithm add an unintentionally bias into the training data?

    A lot of YouTubers talk about how they're having to adjust their content and style to maintain viewership numbers. Hence all the click bait thumbnails & captions.

  • AI will reduce workforce, say 41% of execs in a survey
  • Execs don't give a shit. They simply double down on the false cause fallacy instead. They wouldn't ever admit they fucked up.

    Last year the company I work for went through a run of redundancies, claiming AI and system improvements were the cause. Before this point we were growing (slowly) year on year. Just not growing fast enough for the shareholders.

    They cut too deep, shit is falling apart, and we're loosing bids to competitors. Now they've doubled down on AI, claiming blindness to the systems issues they created, and just made an employee's "Can Do" attitude a performance goal.

  • Reasonable
  • As someone whose had the priviledge working both in a call centre & retail for several years... you're wrong.

    Most is local colloquialisms, where regions sometimes substitute words or phrases for others.

    And then there's the "native English speakers" that are straight up idiots, and butchering the language constantly...

    The amount of South Londoners that say "arced" instead of "asked" is too damn high.

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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