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How to pre-order the Revised 2024 D&D core rulebook
  • No one knows the new crafting rules yet unless they were released in UA somewhere. I think they were just teasing them.

    From my understanding, the rules will be same or similar for some things and revised from play testing for others. This is the culmination of that work and everything else they’ve been working on.

  • Colorado Republicans call for pride flags to be burned
  • Don’t care to argue about a book where people pick and choose which passage is relevant to them. The entire thing is about turning to God, not persecuting others which is what many Christians do through the power of electing leaders who will write shitty laws for them.

  • Colorado Republicans call for pride flags to be burned
  • The parts they skip regarding loving thy neighbor and some part about baring false witness against thy neighbor? The part where Jesus hung out with those who were considered sinners and loved them, he preached to turn to God but he didn’t actively try and fuck them over? How about not worshipping others over God (like Drumpf)? How about the part where it talks about performing how to perform abortion (not the way we should, but it doesn’t list fetuses as being humans to save)? How about the part where God is the one judging humanity (not sure he left a clause allowing humans to pre-judge)?

    There’s probably more, but I am not religious. The moral here is, God gets to have say - not bum fucks who interpret his word. Bum fuck’s job is to talk him up on the mortal plane before he gets tired of his science experiments and wipes us all out.

  • What's the strangest job title you've ever heard?
  • Worked in printing before things were phased to computers and had to shoot/cut out negatives on a light table for the press plates. It was called “stripping”. So, I was a stripper once without taking off any clothes.

    Pharmacists are drug dealers. At least I call them that. 😁

  • Texas GOP Wish List Includes Death Penalty for Abortion Patients
  • I love that we’re having this little conversation in the midst of a thread about politics. 😂

    That’s awesome and I’m glad to read that things are working out for you! Being childless can be pretty nice to do what you want and invest in your partner. Pets are always nice. Our kitty passed April 1, 2020 (awful date). We have 2 Shiba Inus now after our other shiba passed 2 years ago.

    I’m happy to hear that you’re looking to pursue your passion and I wish you the best of luck! I do SEO for two major child care companies (national and international), but want to switch careers to either IT or front end web development or full stack (eventually). I just need to really think this through and start on a path.

    As for games, I’ve been engaged with Baldur’s Gate 3 and HellDivers 2 mostly lately. I am big into D&D now and play in a campaign and then DM two others. What games have you worked on? I’d love to try one out!

  • Texas GOP Wish List Includes Death Penalty for Abortion Patients
  • Such a small world, even on the internet! I’ve only ever seen this name and spelling this way from gaming and thought I’d ask.

    Things are great for me! In my 40s, but still feeling young. Can’t game as much because married with kid and dogs, but I do from time to time. Getting hard to be competitive without those twitch reactions. Ha!

    How about yourself?

  • Deepfake of U.S. Official Appears After Shift on Ukraine Attacks in Russia
  • Yes.

    From an American point of view:

    If successful on their people, they’ll be using it on social to make up bullshit with “proof” that fuels MAGA rhetoric and make the divide in America even worse. The difference is that now when we ask for proof of these lies then they will have something that is pretty tangible to all but those who really know how to spot it.

    They could even do it on the flip side and make horrible videos of Republicans saying things that they didn’t to make the left hate them even more and even if they said they didn’t do it we wouldn’t believe them because they’ve done and said horrible stuff already.

    Scary shit!

  • Using iPhone15 in Australia (Verizon)

    Hello, I’ve never traveled internationally post smart phone world but I have Verizon and I added the month international plan so I can use my phone over in Australia.

    I got the instructions back and it seems that I just need to turn roaming on and that’s it? I don’t need to activate a different eSIM or anything? Does anyone have experience with this on Verizon? It seems too easy and I’m worried I’ve missed something somewhere.

    MCDM's Flee, Mortals! & Where Evil Lives is on Dndbeyond

    Big fan of Matt Colville. I own Flee, Mortals the book and the PDF. I use the pdf in my games, but having everything in dndbeyond is also amazing. I think I’ll purchase it again and get Where Evil Lives too.

    I’m stoked about all of the 3rd party content getting added such as Kobold Press. It’s making this digital stuff very worth it!

    What does everyone else use and/or recommend?

    Bad Batch Series Finale (Spoilers)

    Anyone watch it yet? I am still processing it. I don’t know if I liked it or not.

    Thoughts and spoilers here

    I was expecting more closure

    • Zillo beast was just in this whole series as a plot point to allow Omega to escape?
    • Rex and his crew had no resolution
    • Time jump with Omega in the Rebellion and literally no mention of her anywhere else?
    • What happened to Cody?
    • Why was Scorch done so dirty as a glorified name drop, he would’ve been covering their rear to make sure no one snuck up on them
    • Nothing about any of Tantiss’s other potential secrets
    • The clones didn’t have resolution. They’re just scattered across Pabu and Pantora?
    • The brain washed/mind controlled clones were cool but ultimately useless and easily defeated after spending all previous encounters handing everyone’s asses to them
    • Bunch of force sensitive kids out now to be discovered by Luke? Hunted by Vader?
    • Assaj was just there to tell us Omega was force sensitive? They could’ve used anyone to reveal this
    • Will Omega show up in Skeleton Crew or the crossover movie/show?
    Tabletop Suggestions

    Hey all, please direct me to any community that would better serve me for this question and I will gladly delete here and move it there.

    My conundrum: I have an old dining room table that is 30” high, 71” long, and 37.5” wide. It’s in my basement and sits against the wall when not in use and can be pulled out for room to sit on all sides.

    I have 5 adult players and am adding a 6th to our table. It’s fine except for needing room for snacks and player accessories (sheets, dice, dice trays, etc).

    I thought about getting a larger table that is foldable.

    My other thought is what kind of accessories could I get that would help them be able to place things on the table but also leave room for my mat and miniatures? Is there anything that I could clamp on? Are there stands?

    What options do I have? Money isn’t an object here, but I don’t want to have to break the bank if there are other options that I could do cheaper.

    Marvel has cast Pedro Pascal in its Fantastic Four movie, according to an unlikely source

    I don’t know how reliable this is, but it seems legit and with his popularity I do think it’s possible.

    What’s everyone’s thought on this as a rumor and as a potential actual casting?

    Gift for Muslim Family

    We have next door neighbors that are Muslim and are so very kind. They bring us plates of food when they cook and they even scared away some kids trying to steal our car at 2 in the morning.

    I wanted to return the favor with a nice card from us and a gift. I don’t know how strict they are with Halal, and I read that Halal-friendly might not be good enough so I’m weary of a gift card to a restaurant even if it says Halal.

    So what kind of gift(s) would be appropriate for a thank you? I appreciate any help you all can provide!

    [5E] Ready Action Question

    How do you all handle ready action for your players? Do you only allow calling of a single scenario or multiples?

    I’m think of implementing a rule at my table where a player that readies an action can calls out a scenario and a “otherwise” option. The reason is that, we as players, often think about our options on our turn and strategize - simulating a character deciding what they would do in that moment.

    An example of how I’d see this idea in use: Your character is next to a monster but there are a couple of enemies closing in that could choose you or a teammate. You ready an action so that you use Dodge if the enemy closing in reaches you to attack OTHERWISE you will attack the creature you’re engaged with when it makes their next attack.


    [Request] Search in communities

    I found myself in a specific community I am subscribed to and wanted to search only that community’s posts, but couldn’t.

    I can search with the actual search function in app, but it would search all communities or all posts.

    No apologies as Reddit halfheartedly tries to repair ties with moderators No apologies as Reddit halfheartedly tries to repair ties with moderators

    Disenchanted mods Ars spoke with want change, not more communication.

    No apologies as Reddit halfheartedly tries to repair ties with moderators

    “Reddit is publicly extending an olive branch to the moderator community that it largely enraged over recent weeks…But as you might expect, mods remain skeptical.”

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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