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Victory lap!
  • Every time I feel old I remember that all of my grandparents lived to well over 90 and that I'm barely halfway through my life. With modern medicine and the Boomers beta testing any advances, I'll probably live to 130 with good quality of life with just over the counter medication and regular automated cancer screenings.

    And extra colon cancer screenings if I'm a good boy.

  • He remains at large
  • All I'm saying is that if bullets cost $5,000 I bet that toddler would have a hard time affording them

  • He remains at large
  • Why would she be exhausted when she has the machine that goes PING! After all it's the doctors who do all the work since they're the experts.

  • Stop the calculation... Your cat needs help!
  • "In a frictionless vacuum"

  • Car dealerships in North America revert to pens and paper after cyberattacks on software provider
  • My kid's doctor had their prescription service ransomwared. They paid it, and then got ransomwared again by the same folks.

    It's been six months now, the prescription system is broken, and they've been using paper prescriptions since then with no idea when things will get fixed.

  • Fuck this guy.
  • If they worked for democratic cooperatives and not dictatorial corporations they would have power to raise their pay and work less.

  • Study: Congress literally doesn’t care what you think. The preferences of the average American appear to have only a miniscule, near-zero, statistically non-significant impact upon public policy.
  • Same with Stevie Wonder's "You Haven't Done Nothin'"

    We are amazed but not amused

    By all the things you say that you'll do

    Though much concerned but not involved

    With decisions that are made by you

  • This sounds a bit like how "time blindness" feels
  • We are the cult of Civ and Sid Meier is our prophet.

  • Arizona toddler rescued after getting trapped in a Tesla with a dead battery | The Model Y’s 12-volt battery, which powers things like the doors and windows, died
  • I saw a clip on Just Rolled In where a lady in a Lexus thought she was trapped in her car when the electrics failed, as did the firefighters who broke her window, despite there being manual releases on both the inside and the outside of the car.

  • Democrats wrestle with whether to attend Netanyahu’s address to Congress as many plan to boycott
  • Some are, but NOWHERE near the majority.

    I disagree with a lot in this post, but this is what I disagree with the most.

  • Look! It squeaks!
  • I use the phrase "nipped to the tits" to describe my cat being high on catnip or me being high on weed

  • Look! It squeaks!
  • Catnip is also my secret ingredient in mojitos. It has a mellower flavor that compliments the mint well, and the moderate sedative effects of catnip tea make the rum more effective.

  • Has Facebook Stopped Trying?
  • I think that was also around the time the timeline went from chronological to algorithm-based

    This has always been the first stage of enshittification. Twitter back in 2007 was pretty nice. I made a lot of local friends because they'd post cat pictures and food pictures and we'd have meetups. Really great folks that I found because their posts showed up in a chronological feed alongside other ones I follow.

    Then when they switched to an algorithmic feed all those posts by people with low follower counts got drowned out by ones with activity. My friends were still there, I just didn't see them because The Algorithm decided I didn't want to. I stopped using Twitter not long after that.

  • Having to go to a meeting really messes with your flow for the whole day, doesn't it?
  • Or if you just want to inform management that more people won’t simply mean the work gets done much faster just give the example of “If takes 9 months for a woman to make a child, it doesn’t mean you can get 9 women and make a child in one month”

    Management: "I don't have time for theoretical discussions. Marketing says this releases in two weeks and you better get it done. Do you need more resources?"

  • Democrats wrestle with whether to attend Netanyahu’s address to Congress as many plan to boycott
  • Because the Dem leadership is obsessed with appealing to an increasingly tiny portion of the electorate, alienating everyone to the left of Reagan who isn’t in the “Blue No Matter Who” cult of settling for second worst.

    No, because land area determines the legislature and not population. The Republican Senate hasn't represented more than half the population in the US since 1996, but had control for most of that time. Every Democratic majority is a short-lived thing after massive uphill battle, because America leans hard to the right we value land area more than people.

    In short: This is the best our government can do, because it's structurally deficient and Americans are pretty dumb.

  • Finally a useful feature (no)
  • The cloud at least made a bit of sense. Offload the requirements of hosting an app or colocating a server to other folks, and you just use it. It's somebody else's computer, and it's their problem if something goes wrong.

    The problem is that the MBAs making the decision didn't understand what was going on in the first place, so "the cloud" because a catch-all buzzword for anything they didn't want to think too hard about.

  • Semi_Hemi_Demigod Semi-Hemi-Lemmygod

    I'm just this guy, you know. Except on Lemmy.

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