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What is up with EU and eating bugs bullshit?

I really need an explanation on this since people are not shutting up for months that EU is apparently putting insects in food for the people to be forced to buy and feed on like survivalists in jungle would? I know that EU is completely unhinged nazi hellhole and whatnot, but to this extent to feed themselves on bugs? I don't think so.

Can somebody please tell me about this, they are not shutting up about it on social media for months?!


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  • It's a psyop by museums to get a new generation to eat candied insects.

    Sorry, I don't really know. Is it part of an anti-vegan campaign? Is it simply hedging bets against mammal farming? Is the EU's plan to sneak cricket powder into food a larger plot to loosen food standards? I'm afraid I have more questions than you!

    Reactionaries really hate it though. They think a Jewish (old-school anti-semite) or transgender (new, hip anti-semite) world government is going to force everyone to eat bugs and live in pods. Typical right wing conspiracy stuff.

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