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The instances blocking Zuckerberg's
  • Comrade Zuck doing us a favor and ideologically purging the Fediverse of all the liberals by extinguishing all the collaborationist instances. o7

  • The instances blocking Zuckerberg's
  • Here's one way it could happen

    1. Facebook joins the Fediverse, becoming the largest instance
    2. Majority of Fediverse embraces this
    3. Facebook decides to deviate slightly from ActivityPub
    4. Not wanting to be disconnected, majority of Fediverse follows them
    5. The real, ActivityPub-based Fediverse is dead (or as small as it was when it started) and now Facebook controls its (former) instances
  • The instances blocking Zuckerberg's
  • No, projects like the Fediverse require initial protectionism. If you let megacorporations into your project, they will dominate and gain control over how the protocol develops in the future. Google Chrome's huge share of users has enabled it to get dangerously close to locking other browsers out of most of the Internet (the Web Integrity API shenanigans are just the start). Chrome also removed support for JPEG XL, killing that attempt at a standard and enshrining its own WebP. It's called "Embrace, extend, and extinguish".

    If the Fediverse actually wants to grow, it must unite against this. Otherwise we will end up with a couple hundred thousand Fedipact hardliners and millions on Facebook 2. No progress will have been made.

  • China to test 1,000km/h ultra-high-speed-maglev train
  • The impression I get

    That's the issue! These articles give lots of impressions but are light on the facts!

    edit: ๐Ÿ˜ก

  • China to test 1,000km/h ultra-high-speed-maglev train
  • Ugh I swear China train reporting is of the lowest quality... What does "full-size superconducting test run" as mentioend in the CGTN article found in the linked video description mean? The video shows a train car the size of an automobile. Is that what they mean? But how is it the "first" test run when SCMaglev in Shanghai uses superconductors and has been operating for two decades? How long is the test track? How does it compare to startups in the rest of the world? Is this "full-size superconducting test run" also a low-vacuum test? What speeds is this "full-size superconducting test run" going to achieve? Because 99% of reporting on vactrains cover test runs that do not achieve the advertised speeds. What is the name of this research team? Is it the World Artery that this article mentions, or are they unrelated? What is their relation to rail companies and government organizations? Basically, is this being taken seriously or is it just hype like in America? Also, "The new project experimental"?? "The new train is specter to be"?? Does Travel Tomorrow force their journalists to write an article in 20 minutes or something?? Bottom of the barrel reporting, guys!!

    edit: holy smokes everyone I am just as bad as these guys - I got the Japanese SCMaglev and the German-Chinese Shanghai Transrapid confused. SCMaglev users superconductors in their electrodynamic suspension system. I don't think the Transrapid uses them in their electromagnetic suspension system.

  • I also made a website
  • Wow, thank you for doing this!

  • God willing
  • Finally, a unique and strange American Balkanization map

  • US gov fires a warning shot at Nvidia: 'We cannot let China get these chips... If you redesign a chip that enables them to do AI, I'm going to control it the very next day'
  • America's only been partially successful at kicking China out of global markets, and China began correcting their trade a couple years ago. Now trade with Southeast Asia is huge. It is equivalent to or bigger than the EU or US.

  • Sir, they've lost the Redditors
  • Lol I think this is the locked thread on r/movies right? So there's only like 40 comments but they all have thousands of points.

  • Is there an English speaking YouTube channel about exploring China ?
  • Little Chinese Everywhere. I watched her video on Tulous but she has many others.

  • Which horror/scary movies do you recommend for today? Here's a tier list of everything I watched
  • I love Hausu, although it's been a while so I can't recount the plot very well. Not sure how scary it is. My friend loves Martin, and I like it too although I don't really find it scary at all. Maybe somewhat thrilling. Recently I saw Donnie Darko and that was a bit scary and certainly thrilling.

  • Porsche will adopt Android Automotive, complete with Google apps
  • Return to buttons. This "infotainment" fad is seriously dangerous.

  • using โ€œStalinistโ€ like thisโ€ฆ ๐Ÿ‘€
  • Some of the endnotes inserted by Progressโ€™s Stalinist editors in editions up to and including the last editions in the 1970s are fraught with polemics aimed at prejudicing the reader against this or that Bolshevik or revolutionary who, since Leninโ€™s death, had fallen out of favor with the current leadership of the USSR at the time the notes were inserted. Wherever possible, we have deleted, corrected, or toned down these polemics. In addition, we have added our own notes where appropriate, integrating them into the whole of the endnotes for each document.

    Wow yeah that's pretty ridiculous. They claim to be archivists and yet they're clearly editors.

  • If you were running a country, what would be the first thing you would ban?
  • Ah well I'm a bit of a centrist. I only want to ban like 95% of cars. I like that energy though!

  • If you were running a country, what would be the first thing you would ban?
  • High speeds in urban centers. You will go 30 km/h and you will like it! ๐Ÿ˜ˆ

  • Li Keqiang passes away at 68
  • Reuters, NYT, NPR etc. are all using the opportunity to complain about Xi of course, but no conspiracy theories yet. I went with the People's Daily article cause it doesn't use his death as an excuse to write an opinion piece. Also it's straight from the source.

  • Li Keqiang passes away at 68

    > BEIJING, Oct. 27 (Xinhua) -- Li Keqiang, member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the 17th, 18th and 19th Communist Party of China central committees and former premier, passed away on Friday in Shanghai. > > Li recently had a rest in Shanghai. On Oct. 26, Li had a sudden heart attack and passed away at 00:10 on Oct. 27 after all rescue measures failed. He died at the age of 68. > > The obituary will be issued later.


    Israeli air strike hits Gaza hospital sheltering thousands of war-displaced
  • I for one denounce the heinous acts of violence committed by the Haitian rebels. Stand with France!

  • Israeli air strike hits Gaza hospital sheltering thousands of war-displaced
  • And yet you support the genocide of Palestinians. Curious!

  • Pro-Israel Protesters in NYC Demand Gaza Flattened: 'Kill All Palestinians'
  • You are falling for atrocity propaganda again. No, Palestinian freedom fighters did not go "one by one" slaughtering babies.

  • Israeli minister: 'We are fighting human animals'
  • Incorrect. Hamas, in accordance with the Quran, believes it is possible for Muslims, Jews, and Christians to live in harmony. Furthermore, in their updated charter they explicitly reject targeting Jews for simply being Jewish:

    Hamas affirms that its conflict is with the Zionist project not with the Jews because of their religion. Hamas does not wage a struggle against the Jews because they are Jewish but wages a struggle against the Zionists who occupy Palestine. Yet, it is the Zionists who constantly identify Judaism and the Jews with their own colonial project and illegal entity.

    Hamas rejects the persecution of any human being or the undermining of his or her rights on nationalist, religious or sectarian grounds. Hamas is of the view that the Jewish problem, anti-Semitism and the persecution of the Jews are phenomena fundamentally linked to European history and not to the history of the Arabs and the Muslims or to their heritage.

  • Many Mobile Rice Threshers to Be Sent to Farms in DPRK

    Hello, everyone. I felt we could all use a bit of mundane news. Today, North Korea finished producing dozens of rice threshing machines. ๐Ÿ‘

    International Chess Federation (FIDE) to ban and punish transgender players International Chess Org: Trans Women Have "No Right To Participate" In Women's Chess

    International Chess Federation, FIDE, has released new guidelines targeting transgender players. The guidelines would strip trans men's titles, and potentially bar trans women from playing.

    International Chess Org: Trans Women Have "No Right To Participate" In Women's Chess

    With these new rules, FIDE has managed to

    1. Imply the mental inferiority of women
    2. Validate the existence of transgender men
    3. Destroy the integrity of awards record-keeping
    4. Call transgender women men

    Very nice, FIDE, incredible mental gymnastics performance! ๐Ÿ‘ Add them to the ever lengthening sports federation shitlist.

    KCNA Report on Interim Findings of Investigation into American Solider

    Here is an update to Travis King, the US soldier who crossed the DMZ. As this is KCNA, it's about the most official statement you'll get from the DPRK. It's also where a lot of other newspapers are getting their info from.

    Approaches to disaster relief part two

    Yes, the federal response to the fires in Hawai'i is to give each affected household $700. What do you mean you need a house, jack?

    Fifty-seven swimmers fall sick and get diarrhea at world triathlon championship in Sunderland Fifty-seven swimmers fall sick and get diarrhoea at world triathlon championship in Sunderland

    Athletes competing on stretch of UK coastline where reduced water quality at centre of dispute over sewage discharges

    Fifty-seven swimmers fall sick and get diarrhoea at world triathlon championship in Sunderland

    They found extremely high levels of E coli in the waters due to sewage being released, but it wasn't published until after the event.

    Which non-Lemmygrad communities do you subscribe to?

    When I browse the all section, it's overwhelmingly !reddit logo and Facebook humor. I haven't really seen any niche hobby communities either. Do good communities all block lemmygrad or are they nonexistent?

    Fresh off the SLAMMER press

    Qin-aligned cetacean patriots have taken control of a billionaire submersible. AtlantiSS will fall.


    Rainbow capitalism appears to be falling apart at the seams

    Now even Starbucks is tossing aside the queer community. I will now paste reporting from the Starbucks Workers United Twitter. I don't recommend you actually go on that site, the replies are full of blue-check fascists.


    BREAKING: In the middle of Pride Month, Starbucks BANS Pride decorations in stores across the United States. For the last two weeks, Starbucks workers have taken to social media to report that the company is no longer allowing Pride decorations in-store. This seems to be the first year the publicly โ€œpro-LGBTQ+โ€ company has taken this kind of stance. Taking a cue from Target, who bowed to anti-LGBTQ+ pressure and removed pride merchandise, corporate and district management are taking down the pride decorations that have become an annual tradition in stores. In union stores, where Starbucks claims they are unable to make โ€œunilateral changesโ€ without bargaining, the company took down Pride decorations and flags anyway - ignoring their own anti-union talking point.

    Starbucks is powered by many queer workers, but management has failed to materially support the LGBTQ+ community. Last October, some workers have reported that their transgender benefit plan changed, causing them to pay out of pocket fees and lose access to certain providers. If Starbucks was a true ally, they would stand up for us, especially during a time when LGBTQ+ people are under attack. A company that cares wouldnโ€™t turn their back on the LGBTQ+ community to protect their already astronomically high profits. True allyship with the LGBTQ+ community is negotiating a union contract that legally locks-in our benefits, our freedom of expression, and ways to hold management accountable.

    Starbucks Corporate is denying any change to their policies on Pride this year - but if that were true, why are there countless stories where workers are claiming the opposite? Starbucks partners have been making TikToks about the situation in stores - some going as far back as weeks ago. The company can't ignore what is obviously a huge shift for this year's Pride in stores.

    How many of us are ACTUALLY tankies?

    Raise your hand if you support giving Ukraine tanks. Yeah, that's what I thought. ๐Ÿ˜ค

    Native Hawaiสปian navigators to begin four-year voyage around the Pacific by canoe โ€˜The Oceans Have Always Connected Usโ€™

    A dozen Native Hawaiสปian navigators will set sail this month from Juneau, Alaska, on The Moananuiฤkea Voyage, a four-year trip around the Pacific Ocean by canoe.

    โ€˜The Oceans Have Always Connected Usโ€™

    They'll be stopping at dozens of locations and will have a rotating crew. The journey will be made by both a double-hulled canoe and another canoe with an engine. The entire route will be 43,000 nautical miles. Very cool!

    Major development in Philadelphia regarding the war on cars

    Many American netizens on the right-wing social media website Twitter are calling foul play. Could this have been done by the radical terrorist organization known as the "Tyre Extinguishers"? Only time will tell...

    Don't go outside if you're in NYC guys

    They're saying it's smoke from wildfires, but you never know...

    iridaniotter Bloops

    I'm a communist ๐Ÿ˜ˆ


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