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International Chess Federation (FIDE) to ban and punish transgender players

With these new rules, FIDE has managed to

  1. Imply the mental inferiority of women
  2. Validate the existence of transgender men
  3. Destroy the integrity of awards record-keeping
  4. Call transgender women men

Very nice, FIDE, incredible mental gymnastics performance! ๐Ÿ‘ Add them to the ever lengthening sports federation shitlist.

  • What a weird way to go about it. Knowing a small amount about chess ratings the loss or changing of title does in some ways make sense though in the way that the bar for a woman to be considered GM is lower than a man. So effectively you would have a title that may have a rating requirement higher than your pre-transition rating. I get that partโ€ฆ. But the rest?

    These are weird rules that really donโ€™t need to be there and I hope too GMs speak out against this in both the male and female sections. There has been quite a bit of drama in the chess community in recent years over what is essentially gender discrimination. So another stain on chess with this one.

    Editing to add: the differing rating requirements in an intellectual game are very strange to begin with. There are many women who meet the requirements of being a GM(male) rather than a WGM and theyโ€™re a significantly smaller portion of the overall chess players

  • Haha what a joke, do they think anyone will take them seriously after this? Who's running FIDE, Putin?!

    Alas I have no interest in chess myself, but if I did, I'd stay far, far away from bigots and fascists like this lot have revealed themselves to be.

  • Yikes... That's fucking gross.
    Hopefully there's some kind of backlash from chess players and community figures, this is absolutely vile.

    Honestly lately I'm kinda just losing hope in humanity, and wondering if LGBT folks will ever be accepted in society. Seeing what little progress we acquired over the past century or so be undone so easily is crushing.

    Fuck FIDE, fuck Russia, and fuck all the ignorant, hateful bigots that keep fighting against people's very right to exist.

    • IDK why you're singling out Russia. I doubt the president has dictatorial control over this, and the council has members from all over the world. The whole org seems to be captured by reactionaries. Did the Russian chess federation spearhead this or something?