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Anon thinks about Google
  • Not even gmail.. They turned that to shit years ago.

  • The US needs to build 2 million houses to revive the American dream of homeownership
  • "The US needs to reclaim 2 million houses from firms to revive the American dream of homeownership"

    Fixed. The housing exists, it's just bought up so you can't have it because they want more profit.

    Also fck HOAs and the horse they road in in.

  • Google Cloud accidentally deletes a financial institution account due to ‘unprecedented misconfiguration’
  • It has 100% happened before and just never been admitted to. I have both 1st hand dealt with the aftermath and heard from other smaller companies about it. I work at medium sized MSP and disaster recovery is in my wheelhouse.

  • I am taking Stick
  • Stickalibur. You are now the one true king of a small wooded area.

  • Weight
  • Holds up "Dwarf planets matter" protest sign

  • Why would she tweet that?! We're so effed...
  • Need to get to get the money out of politics. Theres so much corruption finding the starting point is dounting but I think a good start is heavy participation in getting rid of our worst senators and maybe making a real chance at undoing the damage of all the legalized bribery. Then maybe, just maybe, we can start to make real change happen.

  • Why would she tweet that?! We're so effed...
  • Vote for 100% hitler or 90% hitler, or don't vote and actually get double hitler. What a system 'murica has.

  • Git gud
  • Speaking from experience giving the loudest users real time access to your sanity isn't great either. Better to corral them into a slower mode of communication, such as an old fashion forum or use githubs "discussions" feature. Then you can spend your weekend on unwinding without a bunch of kids screeching that they've been ignored because you missed some message that was checks notes 200 paragraphs of back scrolling.

    p.s. its 1000x worse when you inherit this kind of "community" from someone before you who let the monkeys do whatever. All I can say is thank god discord has that slow-mode feature now.

  • Git gud
  • so would it be like the god of gits or a god that is a git? asking for a friend dumb git

  • Emergency rooms refused to treat pregnant women, leaving one to miscarry in a lobby restroom
  • Church and state was where we really needed a wall, not Mexico

  • Astrology Rule
  • Headcanon: "Adam West" is the only real batman. He retired to Quohog and all the others are paid by Alfred to keep the gotham criminals afraid of coming back after Bruces tbi during his final day in the batsuit.

  • Reddit started blocking VPN users on
  • Fck reddit. We have lemmy. Let reddit rot.

  • Critically acclaimed Dragon's Dogma 2 hits "mostly negative" on Steam after players raze it for microtransactions
  • GOOD.

    Publisher deserves it for this bs.

    There is a reason the things being microtran'd are silly too: to try and ease the player into the idea of these being normal and ok. Sure you can get itemX an hour into the game. This time.

  • What are developers in different languages known as?
  • Usually some excuse about being more accessible from someone that just doesn't want to leave their own comfort zone - non professionals playing at being professional after coming across our github. See also: complaints about not having an installer download (strictly clone and build)

  • What are developers in different languages known as?
  • C#itheads - those are the guys that show up to the emulation project I work on insisting we would drastically improve by nuclear rewriting millions of lines of code into c# (or another language occasionaly).

    It's a 20ish yrs old c++ program, we're never doing it but someone will show up trying to push the topic every couple of months.

  • Don’t use unsterilized tap water to rinse your sinuses. It may carry brain-eating amoebas
  • Use distilled - someone else already did the boiling and cooling.

  • What would happen if all of humanity don't need to work any more ?
  • I'd stop spending all my time on trying to survive and poor all my hours into work I want to do instead of have to do. I have a ton of stuff I'd actually want to do that are very definately work but I can't make a living doing it, so I don't!

  • DeSantis signs bill banning homeless encampments, public sleeping in Florida -
  • Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis signed a bill Wednesday that bans homeless people from existing so better off Floridans don't have to see the poors so much


  • TeoTwawki TeoTwawki
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