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This is just adorable
  • I can't speak for them but having been in similar situations in a long term relationship I'm sure they didn't mean a few days literally. Especially knowing it's due to an issue with medication, that takes time to sort itself out. A few days in terms of getting back on track could be anywhere from a week to a month or two depending on safety concerns and severity of symptoms. I could be totally wrong too, that's just my unsolicited opinion on the matter haha

  • I don't think we should be rooting for the Bell Riots but the pin is funny
  • Pacifism is an ideology centered on political change through nonviolence. Maybe you didn't explicitly say it, but you might as well have. Can you provide a source on violence being a result of political breakdown and not intrinsic to politics itself? How do current regimes uphold their power?

    Politics is, more or less, how decisions are made in groups. Making a decision doesn't preclude violence. Wars are political and their entire point is violence. Colonialism was foundational to the politics of the last 3+ centuries and it was incredibly violent. Besides vibes, what evidence do you have to support the claim that politics aren't violent?

  • Careful what you wish for
  • Richard Nixon advocated for UBI but that doesn't negate every horrible thing he did. What's the point of saying Hitler said reasonable things other than thinly veiled fascist apologia?

  • I struggle with depression and alexithymia. How do I write with emotion?

    I have to write a paper about a place/time that I have an emotional attachment to or a place that has shaped my sense of self. I haven't really felt much of an attachment to anything for most of my life. Even if I did, I wouldn't even know how to begin describing the nature or cause of that attachment. I chose to write about the woods by my childhood home because I spent a lot of time there as a kid but I couldn't tell you how I felt about it in the moment or even how I feel about it now. I literally don't have the words

    Linux 101 stuff. Questions are encouraged, noobs are welcome! BarrelAgedBoredom
    Am I overthinking? Mint Cinnamon/Edge/MATE/xfce/ for a T480?

    The propaganda worked. I bought a Thinkpad, the thigh highs are on the way, penguin stickers are already here. Now it's time to actually put Linux on my machine.

    I'm a bit lost on which version of mint to put on the T480. It's an i7 8650u, 16gb RAM, 256gb SSD (will eventually be upgrading the RAM, SSD, and display). My question is, is the t480 "old" by Linux standards? From what I've gathered cinnamon is the standard version. Edge is for new (?) hardware that may not be fully compatible with cinnamon. MATE is for old/lower power hardware that can't handle the demand of cinnamon and xfce is for even older/slower hardware.

    I've been running in circles all morning trying to find experiences of people with a T480 who are running mint and which version they're using. Old is apparently 3+ years according to various articles trying to convince me to upgrade and I haven't found much on what is considered old hardware for Linux. As someone who hasn't bought a computer in nearly a decade, a quad core processor with 16 gigs of ram is ridiculously powerful. My last computer was a $90 shitbox that I got on clearance from Walmart in 2016 to do online lessons in EMT school. So my perspective/experience is utterly useless.

    Can a T480 run Mint Cinnamon 21.3, or am I better off using MATE/xfce? It's going to live a pretty easy life. I'll mostly be using it to browse, stream music, do (online) homework, write papers, and put books on my e-reader.

    Connect A Song BarrelAgedBoredom
    Misfits - Skulls

    Connection from hustle bones: skulls is bones


    I've finally fallen in love with reading again over the last year. Problem is I've only been reading non-fiction. it makes my brain hurt. I'd like to have some stuff I can turn to when attempting to read gender trouble gives me another headache. I don't have any particular preference for genre. I used to read fantasy, historical fiction, dystopian stuff but I'm more than happy to explore other genres as well!

    A short list of things I've read for reference:

    • The saxon stories, Bernard Cornwell
    • LOTR, the hobbit
    • 1984
    • The road, Cormac McCarthy
    • The plague dogs, Richard Adams
    Hoisin sauce is asian sweet baby rays

    Had this epiphany last night when we went to an asian fusion place. The similarities are uncanny

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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