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  • I see a lot of good faith attempts to point out their issues from Hexbear.

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  • I think they're cool.

  • Sabine Hossenfelder on her Jordan Peterson arc
  • TBH, not that surprising. I haven't watched her videos, but STEM faculty can be often be quite reactionary, especially in fields that are much more of a white boys club like physics. I have had numerous heated arguments with transphobes in my department and related departments and despite all this "universities are Marxist/Liberal bastions", even saying pronouns in introductions is a very unpopular thing with the faculty (students and staff less so). And this is despite my department having quite above average number of LGBTQ people in it.

  • If the republicans didn't exist - the democrats would be forced to invent them.
  • This was so frustrating, because the centrist Lib IRL friends were all telling me that this shows how practical and effective Democrats were. Because, even without adopting radical and unelectable stances like Bernie, they are causing these great reductions in poverty. And we shouldn't worry about these built-in deadlines, because all entitlements and handouts are extremely hard to claw back like Social Security, because taking them away would be so unpopular with the voters that receive them. I told them that Democrats would claw everything back and find excuses for further austerity after they decide the pandemic was over, and everyone around me was angry that I would dare say that the Democrats weren't doing everything possible to improve the lives of all Americans to the limit of what Republicans could stop them.

    The "all leftists are doomed to be Cassandras" effect is real.

  • You're Ruining Your Feet
  • I have a similar thing, and I have found that certain shoes with the right lacing pattern work well. Basically, buy something with a big toe-box, but most of the lacing concentrated on the center of the foot so that you can narrow it by lacing it tight. I find that certain Xero shoes, and most iterations of Merrell Trail Gloves work well for this.

  • You're Ruining Your Feet
  • IDK, I used to really recommend Red Wing, but I have been repeatedly told that over the last decade (I have had mine for, I think, 12 years, so not from first-hand experience) their quality has very consistently getting worse. So maybe some caution there.

  • Biden admin calls transgender athletes in school sports "complicated"
  • So you think that rewarding the Democrats for having the only standard be "Our senile, racist, rapist, corrupt, reactionary war criminal doesn't have an orange spray tan" is going to "get the job done"? Or just the entire party being the polite, norms-respecting Republicans.

  • New lore just dropped
  • Putin fighting for Eastern Orthodoxy and upholding the Great Schism.

  • Hitler and Stalin were the same
  • Yeah, we all know that real Communists have full beards. Marx, Engels, Castro, Che... I could go on.

    Lenin had a goatee, so half credit.

  • Hexchan tankies are voting Trump?? 😳
  • Those bastards! I write in Hillary Clinton for every election and every office. ITS HER TURN!

  • Nerevar, I am once again asking for your support.
  • "Biden may be my friend, but that does not absolve him of being a Mongrel Dog of the Empire. Despite it only costing the Imperial Temple 3 Septims to enchant a Cure Disease scroll, they charge 100 Septims. And he has cut back Restoration funding despite the ongoing Corpus pandemic."

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    Anon lives on the margins.
  • Yeah, Obamacare was way too generous and left-wing when it was the Romney-care plan before being reduced and heavily means tested.

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  • I mean, on the individual level things are chaotic and complex enough that you can't always point to a specific person and say "this is why they believe what they believe that". But the predominant reasons I see with people is that they have enough awareness and interactions with the negative outcomes of the status-quo that they do not buy into the propaganda, by some reason like rebelliousness or curiosity read theory and get a better paradigm to understand the world, or they actually have some proximity to struggle explained in a socialist/leftist lens.

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  • I will also add, because the original quote could come off smug. But, I think it boils down to there always being people that fall through the cracks of every complex operation or policy. And the more the propaganda has to stretch from reality, the more cracks and people falling through them.

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  • You can't fool all the people all of the time.

  • Weapons of Mass Posting in Blahaj.Zone.

    International investigators with the UN Posting Limit Treaties have recently been investigating stockpiles of posting resources. Unrefined unicode and small aluminum tubes for making bot fingers that can type on a keyboard were found on the compounds of several Blåhaj admins. These corrupt and authoritarian regimes cannot be allowed to stand. Operation IKEA Freedom will commence! !freedom-and-democracy

    Positive Polyamory Stories.

    I was kind of passively monogamous until hooking up with a polyamorous woman on Tinder. I started a relationship with her and even though I made some attempts at dating other people, this mostly just became her having sex with other guys and me being involved with her exclusively. But I found out that I have zero jealousy, like none at all, as long as she had the time and attention for me. I found out a lot about myself that I didn't expect.

    So, anyway, I wanted to create a thread about positive experiences with polyamory, due to a thread on the test instance.

    Did any of you have reversions in social behavior due to COVID isolation.

    I have noticed over the last few years that my hodge-podge of rural Midwestern accents have started getting more prominent in increased social isolation after COVID. And this is after kind of working to have a more "neutral" and professional accent for work and there being things that I say that nominally native English speakers (Brits, Californians, etc.) had a hard time understanding. Just wondering if other people here noticed similar things with themselves.
