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Microsoft being investigated over new ‘Recall’ AI feature that tracks your every PC move
  • Also this new recall feature will save your credit card info.

  • The food prices at the Hard Rock Beach Club at the Miami GP
  • Wow, no kidding. This is legit

  • Lemmy can help
  • This is how you get stinky farts

  • Military Intelligence: Russia has about 200 Su-34, Su-35 fighter jets, 7 A-50 planes
  • "Russia's total losses during the all-out war amount to about 672 aircraft — 347 planes and 325 helicopters, according to Ukraine's General Staff.

    The General Staff's figure could not be independently verified."

    Looks like they are running low then.

  • lemmy rulez
  • Rip liftoff

  • World’s population to fall for first time since the Black Death
  • Housing is gonna get cheaper, right? right?!

  • Reddit IPO Filings Reveal the Company’s Hopes—and Fears
  • Wild. I wonder how bad reddit will be in a few years. If you think it's bad now, It's not even publicly traded yet, and we've all seen how money grubbing being a publicly traded company can become. "Make line go up no matter what" 👀

  • I'm not your pardner, guy!
  • Reddit has blocked certain IP addresses from accessing its website. (In this case VPN IP addresses) you can use a peer 2 peer network through a vpn provider or tor which would not be on reddit block list.

  • I'm not your pardner, guy!
  • Been like this for a little while. If your vpn supports p2p just use that. Or use tor.

  • EU president congratulates Putin on ‘landslide’ win … as Russian voting kicks off
  • Puttin clearly the best politician, Winning before even starting and not even campaigning! Big wow! Incredible job! /s

  • Lemmy, what's your internet speed in mbps?
  • 500mbps at £35 per month with the first 3 months free. In the UK and not the first time with provider. Took me an hour of haggling on the phone, the trick was to pretend I found a better deal elsewhere but wished to stick with my provider.

  • Finally got rid of telegram, congratulations to me
  • I thought furry groups use discord?💀

  • Removed
    A Russian projectile fall meters from Zelensky and Greek PM Mitsotakis
  • They have many tanks and you're gonna know about it, darn it!

  • Does anyone think life was better 15 years ago?
  • Since you ruled out money and free time. Maybe it's to do with health and diet? I recently switched my diet and honestly feel so much better. I was the type to eat little veg and high fatty foods before.

  • Apple
  • Nu uh, iPhone is going to cure world hunger. Why do you think he's called Tim COOK?

  • How do you pick your usernames?
  • Be edgy and random

  • Snapchat isn’t liable for connecting 12-year-old to convicted sex offenders
  • It isn't, and the courts agreed with that. Seems like an issue with legislative law. As far as I was aware, sex offenders were suppose to have Internet restrictions...

    Could there be a good discussion to try and prevent harm to further children? Well, yeah. Some parents just suck and it's the kid that gets hurt.

    As long as it doesn't involve stuff like kosa which puts more people on harms way.

  • Two very rare Covid vaccine side-effects detected in global study of 99 million
  • Sure! I got the Astrazenica jab in my mid 20's. Even though I had previously been infected with covid; this is because I was a care worker at the time so I wanted to keep the community safe.

    I started getting issues over the next week with my eyes and legs, I was having a weird pain in my eye when I moved it to the side and my legs where also painful. My GP recommended to get some blood tests done.

    Before I was able to complete the blood tests I woke up one morning and was unable to pee. I spoke to my GP and they told me to go to the hospital, I was admitted and cathaterised. Over the next week and a half my condition got worse and doctors couldn't figure out what was wrong with me.

    I was losing my ability to move the lower half of my body and eventually lost all feeling in it during this time, my eyesight also started going blurry.

    Finally they moved me to a neurology hospital in the centre of London and figured out my condition, it was called nuromeyeltis optica. This condition is where my immune system attacked my nerves in my spinal cord and also my optic nerve.

    They put me on a huge dose of steroids to stop my immune system, and used a plasma transfusion to try and flush my system of the anti bodies.

    It took me months to learn to walk again, as I spent a total of 2 months in hospital and then rehabilitation.

    I'm mostly normal now, you wouldn't know I was different if you saw me, other than I still have to use Cathaters to pee, suppositories to poop and my nerves still cause me great pain. So I'm really very uncomfortable tbh.

    Fortunetly my eyes fixed themselves very fast, but I have a very small blind spot that honestly I don't notice.

    The government paid me out via the Vaccine Damage Scheme after 2 years worth £120,000, in which they sent me a 50 page report. Stating that it was due to the vaccine and what % of disability they thought I had. It was actually between 50-80% as they weighted in mental strain very highly and my age was considered young (although a dinusour on the Internet I'm sure lmao)

    Anyway that's what happened to me. It still so weird to think it's such a rare case, I'm one out of I believe 100-200 people that had a successful vaccine damage payment scheme in the UK.

  • 25 February 2024
  • This took me a couple attempts to understand lol. Thought I was having a stroke

  • How to secure a Samsung device?

    I have just received a Samsung galaxy fold5 through the post, however I imagine it's full of bloatware and I'm inexperienced with this type of device. What is the first things that you would do to secure it? Thank you 😊

    Edit: I mean to be more privacy focused

    r/WellThatSucks only.Vaccume cleaners

    The Subreddit WellThatSucks has changed their rules so it's now only accepting vaccume cleaners

    chaosppe Chaos

    Your friendly Tea Drinker

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