I wonder how many Trump supporters watch without realizing that Mr. Potter in all his greed and lack of empathy is Trump (though in fairness, arguably a better businessman than Donnie). I'm going to wager all.
There was a post a few days past about someone watching the movie with his dad and his dad just says he'd shoot Mr. Potter.
OP then asked his dad, "so you're okay with shooting the CEO now?"
Dad shut up about it after that.
Conservatives like to believe that they are the heroes of the story. Where they are the paragons of virtue but in reality, they want to control and oppress people. That's it.
I wasn't necessarily accusing you of being a fascist, only pointing out that insisting media does not have deeper meaning beyond the surface level is a common element of fascism.
I didn't say it doesn't. I said it's a movie, meaning it's not real. Using it as an argument about Trump is a bad argument. Then jumping straight to fascism is just stupid
I thought celestial beings and angels really existed, traveling light-years to bail out the likes of George Bailey!
Golly gee-wizz, it's not like fiction commonly reflects real life or anything.
What's the famous adage? "Art Imitates Life."
Tell me, do you really think the writers of the film didn't have someone like Trump — or his father — in mind when writing the character of Mr. Potter? Are you sincerely sitting behind your little screen telling me that such people do not exist and aren't obvious out in the wild...?
But then I suppose some people are better judges of character than others...