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Nuclear isn't perfect, but it is the best we have right now.
  • I'd like Nuclear power not to be thrown out with the bathwater because it is practically essential for space travel/colonization in the long term. Solar panels can only get us so far, and batteries are a stop-gap. We need nuclear power because it is the only energy source that can meet our needs while being small enough to carry with us.

    All should praise the magic, hot rocks.

  • I put my number in a secure form for a trusted bank and immediately got spammed
  • I agree with the other reply and would honestly love an answer, if only to get a peek under the hood of people who do this.

    If you didn't try that hard because you didn't care, again, why did you even bother? It's like trying to scoop water with a colander, on some level you have to know it's wasted effort, right?

  • Teens say they learn more in school about frogs’ bodies than their own
  • We had Sex Ed in 5th grade in TX. It consisted of separating the boys and the girls. The boys learned the names of male anatomy and I'm assuming the girls learned the female anatomy. Then they told us we'd get diseases if we had sex before marriage and gave us a goodie bag. I don't know what the girls got, but the boys got a stick of deodorant, a hand mirror, some shaving cream, and a 2 bladed disposable razor. No instructions on why or how to use them. I guess they assumed us 10 year olds would figure the rest out ourselves.

  • Analysis: The fertility crisis is here and it will permanently alter the economy | CNN Business
  • My take is fucked up only because we continue to ascribe reproduction as some noble, precious thing; rather than a wildly irresponsible and selfish act.

    Imagine a couple is driving a truckload of garbage to dump in the ocean. They have no reason to do this except some primal instinct that tells them to, all so they can point at the pile of floating garbage afterwards and say "look, that is MY garbage".

    Now imagine on the way to the ocean, the truck loses a tire and they crash off the road next to a garbage dump, and all the garbage in their truck goes flying over the fence and into the dump.

    Then these people want and expect sympathy from others because they lost their garbage. They were really looking forward to standing on the beach and watching their garbage float free into the ocean and cause more of a mess. Oh no, boo hoo, fate accidentally caused them to do the right thing.

  • Analysis: The fertility crisis is here and it will permanently alter the economy | CNN Business
  • I don't, those people are selfish. Creating an unwilling life destined to be yet another cog in the machine while the world burns just to satisfy one's own animalistic desire to have some form of genetic spawn. I silently cheer every time "struggling" couples miscarry and are unwittingly forced to do the right thing and not have kids.

  • Steam Deck Now Cheaper Than A Switch During Valve's Big Summer Sale
  • I use my Switch to exclusively play Smash Bros with my friends using GameCube controllers with the switch adapter.

    My Switch has been having lots of issues lately though. Anyway to replicate that with the Steam Deck?

  • A reminder to love nature
  • Plenty of animals kill just for fun and will torture their prey for hours. And just because something is inhumane, doesn't make it unnatural. If anything, it's humane practices that are unnatural.

  • It's going. I'm alive.
  • "I'm doin." -I am not doing well and I don't want to talk about it. But I'm also too exhausted and shattered to keep lying about my mental state for the sake of social niceties, so I'm hoping my vague, neutral statement will either convey what I'm feeling, or you'll fill in the blank with whatever you want to hear. Just as long as you stop asking how I'm doing.

  • Shower thoughts are wasting water.
  • I want you to know that individual water use is essentially negligible compared to industrial and farm use, neither of which tend to have any limits or restrictions, not even have any self-regulation.

    I guess what I'm getting at is that the rich are the ones burning down the planet and any sacrifice you make in the meantime is meaningless. Take long, hot showers. As many as you want. Enjoy them. Because there will come a day soon where they'll be a luxury no longer offered, and it will not be your fault.

  • What's was your favourite fast food product that unfortunately got retired and never came back?
  • For a VERY brief time in 2010, Burger King sold bone-in short ribs.

    Guys, those were literally the best fucking short ribs I have had in my life. High end BBQ places couldn't even come close. Every Burger King would sell out like instantly whenever they got a shipment in. And then after 2 months... Gone. Forever.

  • Official bilingualism in Canada a 'myth,' says new poll
  • It feels like Quebec trying to keep French a main language in Canada is like trying to hold back a flood with Popsicle sticks. Its use is increasingly confined to just their one territory and practically no one there exclusively speaks French.

  • We need this level of energy. All the time...
  • Anyone remember that scene in the beginning of Interstellar where the teacher is reporting to the dad that his daughter was spreading lies that man landed on the moon? It's supposed to highlight how society has grown so jaded against space exploration that they no longer remember their past accomplishments or the massive advances of technology that space exploration has brought.

    I feel like that's where we're heading. In the past decade, many people have become really antagonistic about space. They see big numbers and think it's a waste of money, failing to understand that the money isn't being thrown in a pit and set on fire. It's being used to pay and fund cutting edge research and development on technology that can benefit all of humanity.

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