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I have no idea how to evaluate this, how serious are these people about this shit? Surely the empire just stealing land directly from the people who ostensibly benefit from its rule would provoke backlash?
Greenland i think is semi serious, they have grab the mines mentality, local ambivalent population, danes enjoys humiliation via partner infidelity
don't think it will amount to war though, they'll just have to do referendums (with a cool 50k to any person living there, that's like 3 billion?). euros will take it, as the vassals they are. Just trump is so incompetent, he'll probably get distractedJust trump is so incompetent, he'll probably get distracted
Trump is in the Oval and he bellows "Steve, get in here!" Steve is his top Secret Service guy who is in the antechamber room and he comes in running. He's finally, painfully learned to keep his gun holstered because Trump treats running out of Diet Coke like he's having a heart attack. "There's a squirrel."
"No. Outside. Look!"
Steve looks outside and - indeed - there's a black squirrel fairly close to the window. "I see it."
"Take care of it."
"Um... I'm not sure I follow."
"Take care of it. Kill it. I don't like squirrels. They're always trying to steal my nuts." Trump is deadpan. This is not a joke.
Steve tries something very risky for somebody as low and unimportant in Trump world. He tries to manage Trump. "Mr. President - I understand your concern. But I can't go outside and kill it."
"Tourists and other people will see."
Trump sounds not angry but sad: "I want all the squirrels gone by tomorrow. They're sneaky and I hate them. Black ones are the worst."
"Yes, sir." And Trump suddenly is staring vacantly. Steve stands there about ten seconds and then he just leaves the room without saying anything.
Trump is alone and his expression is unchanged. "I hate them," he says.
"I am going to annex Greenland"