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Getting back into dating and I fell for a married woman wtf
  • I mean she didn't tell you, I'm not sure what you could have done short of waiting longer to have sex on the off chance you might discover she was hiding something, or asking outright. Which is a pretty toxic way to approach relationships from my point of view.

  • Nothing makes me feel more useless or hopeless than job hunting
  • I swear the process is designed to discipline labor. It's a weird hazing ritual we've normalized as part of making a living so you feel indebted to whoever hires you for ending the madness.

  • how should/could laundry work?
  • It's not about good or bad, it's about efficiency. I get being skeptical about Americans currently being able to come up with a reliable system of sharing, but we desperately need to curtail consumption and durable shared goods is one way to get there. If I had the extra time afforded by reasonable production levels to go to collective repositories for a vacuum I wouldn't mind that. It's a drag right now because I alternate shifts with my partner to afford to live, but in a more reasonable society a little exercise and planning wouldn't hurt me.

    Westerners live an unsustainable lifestyle. Things will have to change to coexist with everyone on a planet we can sustain.

  • Check out this artifact at the National Museum of American History.
  • To the curious: it was worse, it was not as good as Heinz or Hunt's, and it didn't fill the void of Dad being deployed to the illegal war (that he apparently really wanted to go to). Would not recommend.

  • The spice must flow?
  • Happy to be of service. rat-salute

  • The spice must flow?
  • I remember my parents using special George W Bush ketchup when he ran against Kerry, I guess Kerry was married into the Heinz family or something.

    Maybe we should start a maga spice company to get in on the grift.

  • is this good
  • La carroza, la carroza! Invertido! Carta de guerra, de venganza! La vi sin ruedas sobre un rio obscuro! Un maleficio! Carroza de muertos, llena de huesos!

  • the effective altruist club came to my restaurant last weekend
  • Some of these people believe homeless people are actually middle class and pretending because it pays better than getting a job. I had one tell me he honestly believes they go home, wash up, and then go engage in upper middle class pastimes once they get enough money standing on the side of the road.

    I'm not sure how you even argue with that.

  • Libs trying not to blame communists for the holocaust challenge (impossible)
  • Wasn't the problem that Hindenburg could appoint any chancellor he wanted if he rejected the pick of the legislature? By the time this election happened he had been ruling by emergency decree for like 2 years. And he was a conservative, even an imaginary alliance of centrists with the SPD and KPD would not have been able to force his hand if he didn't want to accept a nomination he didn't like, and he didn't like the socialists or the communists.

  • House Passes $1.6 Billion To Deliver Anti-China Propaganda Overseas
  • I don't think China wants to be the enemy of the US. They are the largest trading partner of the US. They seem genuinely interested in cooperating and bettering their own society. USians seem to be the ones bent on enmity. The US apparently thinks building infrastructure and developing the economies of other nations is 'malign influence.' The US killed citizens of allied nations through propaganda to ensure they wouldn't become friendlier with China, who was offering them vaccines while the US and Europe were hoarding their own.

    The US sees 'being a large country and having influence' as threatening, there's no way to peacefully coexist with a country that sees everyone else as a threat by default.

  • House Passes $1.6 Billion To Deliver Anti-China Propaganda Overseas
  • Well we could devote those resources to solving the problems they are criticizing maybe. It would improve the lives of USians and undercut the arguments being brought up.

    Spending billions to tell other countries that more infrastructure is actually bad is probably counterproductive and wasteful. Like how we spent money to kill Filipino people by telling them to avoid the Chinese produced covid jab.

  • Some More News says in reaction to the pres. debate "I just feel ignored, maybe" and the rest of the pod says "I mean that's the deal" "that's voting for democrats"
  • Right, he doesn't expect to be listened to, he's cynical about democrats in a way Katie isn't.

    Edit: I dunno maybe I'm totally off about him, it just feels like he's being jaded about them, not trying to defend Kamala. Maybe I need to kill my Showdies.

  • Some More News says in reaction to the pres. debate "I just feel ignored, maybe" and the rest of the pod says "I mean that's the deal" "that's voting for democrats"
  • Warmbo is such a great character. There are almost no caricatures of libs from a left position that embody what's so irritating about them like he does.

  • Some More News says in reaction to the pres. debate "I just feel ignored, maybe" and the rest of the pod says "I mean that's the deal" "that's voting for democrats"
  • I think Cody is generally better than most of the team and probably has more control over what comes out of his mouth for the videos. The more everyone else talks the more lib it seems to get.

    I think he's been friends with many of them (especially Katie) for a long time and tolerates their lib takes because they are friends.

  • Locked
    Bulletins and News Discussion from September 9th to September 15th, 2024 - Viva Sandino! - COTW: Nicaragua
  • It's a smokescreen, we can't credibly claim to have a stronger or healthier industrial base or social system, all we can do is pretend we're ahead in imaginary tech arms races.

  • Featured
    Hexbear Plays Dwarf Fortress: Year 6 (105-106)
  • It was inevitable.

  • Featured
    Hexbear Plays Dwarf Fortress: Year 6 (105-106)
  • It's beautiful.

    Is it zoned as a public room?

  • Hexbear plays Dwarf Fortress: Year 4 (103-104)

    Previous years:

    -Year 1

    -Year 2

    -Year 3


    New Population: 131

    -No dwarf deaths

    -Bedroom situation stable (?)

    -Security overall improved

    -Mood boosters in place, nice dining room, library, and guildhalls established.

    -Clothing, farming, food, and drink production all comfortably automated for the intermediate term

    File here: Strike the Earth!

    My Thoughts On Roomtheaters

    Weight: <1 Value: Debatable

    This is a dingo leather bound codex. The written portion consists of a 200 page chronicle entitled My Thoughts On Roomtheaters, authored by Sakzul 'Doubledy' Keskaldegel. It concerns The Square Gates in the year 103. The writing is quite self-indulgent, yet it has a very serious tone. Overall, the prose is amateurish at best.

    "The year began somewhat inauspiciously, as I realized during a regular inventory update that the manager had been allowing the chef to cook most of the alcohol into various stews. Residents began complaining about drinking stagnant water and vomit (?!?) and making long walks to the river to drink, which of course demanded immediate remedy. New lines of communication between the bookkeeper's office and the manager need to be established, this much is clear.

    As part of Mayor Itebirid's 5-year-modernization-plan I was assigned the task of streamlining the production orders and addressing outdated procedures. Once the kitchen was addressed and a hasty collection of surface plants refilled our drink supply, I quickly reformed the child volunteer system to eliminate 'yucky' jobs. Hopefully by years' end the industrial planning can be rationalized...

    ------------------------- ... midway through Granite the elves returned with a small caravan. We had very little set aside for trade, but I was able to collect up some jugs, a few cut gems, and old tattered clothing they evidently wanted to encourage peaceful cooperation between our societies. We were able to get a decent amount of exotic foodstuffs that could be brewed to bolster our reserves, as well as toys for the children, whose mood is still somewhat worrisome.

    While trade was conducted the militia was marshaled to repel an invader! A large, warty tarantula, the dreaded Sluste!


    Unfortunately the beast descended quickly on an isolated fisherdwarf, and an order to engrave a memorial was nearly dispatched before it was clear that this fisher was more prepared than it first appeared.



    Unorthodox fighting methods, perhaps, but no one can say they are ineffective. After beating the titan to death with fists and feet he returned to fishing...

    ------------------------- ...and as the elf caravan left it was clear we had no plan for trading with the mountainhomes come autumn. Taking stock of our available workforce, it was decided that mussel shell crafts might be a viable trade good, and several crafters' stands were set up to catch up on production before their planned arrival.

    Construction on a new entrance began after the mayor approved the design, a long tunnel coming from the north and down, with several narrow foot-bridges cutting over a chasm, and the longer wagon track winding around it. This should encourage hostile forces to attack over the bridges, which we can cover with traps to force them to either dodge and perhaps fall or take attrition on the approach to our depot.


    During consultation the mayor repeatedly mumbled '...bridges, more bridges, bigger bridges' and was persuaded to approve the plan when a large jet bridge was added to the entryway.

    14th of Slate- A weaponsmith was suddenly taken by a strange mood. Grabbing a bar of platinum they retreated to the forges, and several days later reemerged with a masterful platinum axe! This might be put to good use given to a champion or other high ranking military officer perhaps?


    In addition to the now mostly-completed new defensive corridor, a plan was devised to pasture the livestock more safely and limit access to the fort from other directions. After expanding the mining workforce a series of excavations was conducted to create an artificial plateau with sides too steep to climb. Most of the pastured animals were brought to the top of it before the old depot and gates were dismantled and sealed off with stone walls. I, for one, have had enough of cleaning dingo vomit off of my jabberer-leather shoes for one lifetime....


    ------------------------- ...With the arrival of the new season came migrants, bumping the official registry list to 114. Things are getting crowded, and while we are working on plans to expand housing an immediate stopgap measure is required. To that end the mayor approved the construction of a large dormitory, hopefully large enough to handle future migrant waves while more housing is constructed.


    An addition was also planned for the tavern, to have a proper dining facility. This will also allow us to clear more area for dances and performances which should increase merriment levels an estimated 45% over previous rates.


    To rationalize the storage of written work (i.e. get the books off the dang tavern floor) a small library was added near the lobby. We will have to ask for more paper and written works from the next caravan.

    The larger populace has created more demand for civic institutions, and several guilds have begun petitioning for official recognition. To that end we have begun a guildhall district near the main lobby, with room to expand. We unfortunately have relatively few and low quality engravers, so a temporary guild has been established in the dining hall in the hope that regular demonstrations might improve the quality of engraving available to future projects.

    A farmer's guild and ranger's guild were completed before the end of summer. The latter was even gifted a newly-created legendary bone crossbow, which seemed like an appropriate decoration (and the only way to bump the value up in a reasonable amount of time).


    To address the deteriorating clothing situation, and add more to our industrial output, we have begun experimenting with hemp and rope reed cultivation on the surface plateau. An interconnected series of work orders allows a small but consistent output of replacement clothing year round, which might also give us surplus to trade with the elves, since they do not like our mussel-shell crafts.

    The populace evidently approves of the way Mayor Itebirid has been running things, as he was handily reelected to his post on a platform of 'no exporting high boots under any circumstances.'

    ------------------------- ... did not say so to their faces, of course, but I was not impressed with the quantity and variety of goods brought from the mountainhomes by the caravan this year. Of course they have to haul these things across the literal length of the earth, I understand this, but still. Hopefully by giving away a large surplus of mussel shell crafts we can entice them to come better stocked next year.

    Still it was not a complete waste of time. We were able to buy a variety of musical instruments, cheese, foodstuffs and lye, which we swiftly converted into soap for the hospital. Finally a productive use for dingo.

    We will want to continue production at high levels, because we asked for a lot of materials to come next year. I put in special requests for ores (hopefully we can turn this copper into armor-grade bronze!), leather, writing supplies, and trap components to finish the preparations on the footbridges. I also asked for cats, since we appear to have forgotten to bring a breeding pair with us. Vermin may be a problem unless we want to devote some workers to trapping.

    After tripping on a hunk of rock salt for the hundredth time, Mayor Itebirid ordered the construction of a more rational storage and production district. The final plan was a series of trap doors leading down to discrete workshops, with an open storage area on the floor above. This should allow us to contain particularly moody dwarfs in the event of unmeetable demands before they can go berserk over the entire fort. The design is also able to be scaled up as needed with limited effort.


    The farms and clothing industry also got an upgrade to their facilities to allow faster processing of material as it comes in. Extra capacity never hurt, especially not with the dozens of turkey poults we hatched and caged, hopefully a sustainable operation can continue into the future once they reach adulthood.


    The Housing Plan took nearly half a year to draft, but it's finally ready to be built. 108 new units, to be furnished with beds and chests. Not as large as some of the previous constructions, but I think this project can be dug, smoothed and furnished before the year ends, which has a certain appeal of its own. We also included a few larger units that might be used for future officials and their staff.

    We regrettably have an update on the children: While most of them have seen improvement from not being required to haul corpses and clean gore from the tunnels, poor Zulban has been on the verge of an acute psychological incident all year and has finally begun acting out. Fortunately this has mostly been aimed at bookshelves and other inanimate objects, but if the situation cannot be addressed this could become a long running issue. Children cannot be subjected to the legal system so our avenues of addressing this are limited. For now we will temporarily keep all children from doing chores, and see if this gives Zulban the space needed to improve.

    ------------------------- ... and as our famously mild winter settled upon us we were joined by what I expect to be the final immigrants of the year. Our total population has officially passed 130, a testament to the steady hand of the mayor and the hard work of the planning committee. The extra help is timely as well, since we needed to clear-cut a surprising number of trees to rush the furniture to completion before spring. Fortunately we have so many, cutting down all these trees will surely have no repercussions whatsoever going forward.


    With only a few days to spare we were able to finish the project, and I am pleased to report a year with no deaths (besides a dog) and with our food, drink, and clothing supplies taken care of for the foreseeable future. The streamlined production order appears to be working with few kinks, the security situation is (to my mind at least) much improved and the population can now take advantage of modestly expanded amenities."

    Recommendations for the next committee chairdwarf:

    -I think I've gotten a lot of the basic necessities to a point where you can more or less ignore them, so you should have a lot of leeway to explore or delve or whatever.

    -The military needs some attention. I didn't want to use steel on armor given how relatively scarce it is, so we have weapons and I expanded the squad, but it will need armor. Next fall we should get materials for bismuth bronze, but you might not want to wait that long. We have very high quality armor and weaponsmiths, I assigned the best I had to each forge so use the correct one and you should get quality products out consistently. Honestly though, I don't think we have any big military threats likely in the near term.

    -Related, I was having issues getting the marksdwarfs to carry ammo? I didn't fiddle with it much though, just heads up if you decide to send them into a dangerous situation.

    -The elves will probably be mad at us for all the trees we cut down, if we aren't careful they could become an active threat.

    -Bedrooms have been addressed, at least for now. I've not been putting cabinets in, hoping that that clears out old clothes rather than letting these guys hoard them in a very egoist way. Further expansion, or plans to do so, is probably warranted though.

    -Zulban is going to be a problem. I didn't have the heart to like, imprison a child until it dehydrates, if you also can't do that creative solutions will be necessary.

    -We are getting more artifacts, and I haven't done anything to secure them. A vault or something might be good, especially since we're letting all these visitors in more or less unimpeded.

    -I expect we'll be getting more nobility and demands.

    -The entry footbridges have cage traps but need weapon traps to really do damage.

    -We may want to tap the stream for a water reservoir we can contain in the fort.

    -Choose a dwarf to nickname for yourself!

    -Dig! (preferably down, I mostly dug large areas near the surface. Sorry)

    Everything Everything - Cold Reactor

    An upbeat pop rock song about capitalist alienation? Satan? Falsetto? Hell yeah.

    Internet Provider question for the bears:

    Hey folks, this is probably silly but I'm taking suggestions as to how to handle a situation I'm in now. My bill for internet has gone up like 50 dollars in the last few months between the promotional deal expiring and the affordable connection subsidy going away. So I called a competitor to see about changing service. I wasn't able to shop services online because something was wrong with my address, so phone call it had to be.

    It took like an hour and they have to come out to see whether I can actually get service still. But they tentatively signed me up for service so I got an email a couple hours after the call.

    They have me being billed for a landline.

    It's still cheaper than I'm currently paying but I'm absolutely not going to use a landline. So I'm in a bind.

    Do I call them back and try to out-talk a sales rep to get them to just sell me internet?

    Should I go to the physical store location in my city and talk with them in person? We still don't even know if I'll be able to get service, would that be a waste of everyone's time?

    Should I wait and resolve it after the 'can you get service' question is resolved, or will that make changing it more painful?

    Some other thing I'm not thinking about?

    "Ukraine needs one more year to win, and Congress can make that happen now" - Generals hate him, one trick to win every war! Ukraine needs one more year to win, and Congress can make that happen now

    If America comes through, this might just be the year that Ukraine needs to push Russia back and achieve an outcome its people can live with.

    Ukraine needs one more year to win, and Congress can make that happen now

    In which a former CEO of Google defines winning as "having another unsuccessful counteroffensive and ceding territory to Russia." Goalposts are moving folks.

    Originally posted to c/news but I think between it being an opinion piece and my editorializing it probably belongs here.

    I love peeking under the curtain to see what defederation is sparing us from...

    Link for the morbidly curious. Burgerites really haven't learned anything since 2000.

    EDIT: Egg on my dang face for not noticing the bluetooth bar blocking out half of the evil things this dupe is saying.

    Dirt_Owl watching over me as I spread my posting wings:

    My child's library book coming in with an inspiring image for the community.


    Ungrounded outlets in a slum rental. What to do?

    So my family rent half of an old remodeled home that's been broken into two units by our leech. City recently did some inspections and had a laundry list of things to fix, most of which was directed at the leech but they told us we can't use the three-to-two prong adapters we've been using since we moved here to plug in all of our modern electronics.

    The maintenance guy told us they would install gfci outlets and asked how many we wanted, but that never ended up happening. I'm probably gonna try to ask the landlord directly but given our interactions so far I'm not optimistic. So I need a backup plan if he takes the easy route and risks our health and the potential to burn the place down to save a few hundred dollars of the rent I pay him.

    Obviously I can just not be using them when the city comes back but in the long run I know it's not safe for my family, but I also can't force the leech to make the place safe for my child. Is there something safer than an adapter we could use once this passes? We can't really give up all of our three pronged electronics and it would still not solve the safety issue if we did.

    Learning about Evolution/Geological Time?

    Hey so, I was raised in a very sheltered religious environment, I have changed a lot since I became an adult and accepted that I was just gonna have missed some stuff. I have a kid now though and I don't want to be like... a weird caveman who knows nothing about basic ass science stuff when they have questions or are learning these things in school or wherever. Is there an approachable book or resources about science that fundie-raised folks might have missed? I appreciate this is a weird question but I have to imagine I'm not the only person in this position. (TEST EDIT for reasons)
