The current work week, there is no need for it to be that long with the advances in technology. Capitalism, its a pyramid scheme that is unsustainable.
I am noticeably more efficient on 4 day weeks, it just doesn't feel like a grind as much as the 5 day week. 5 day weeks I'll get bored, stare at the clock, and just want to be over. 4 day weeks I actually feel rejuvenated after the weekend and I'm ready to come back. We really need to rethink that
Every weekend feels like by the time I'm unwound from work then the weekend is almost over. Like tonight is Friday night, so I'm like "I need to do something to take advantage of it", but I'm already zonked from work. Before you realize it you have Saturday which you're right day is spent doing projects or things that need to happen because we get so little free time, and then maybe go out if you have energy, then Sunday all day is "Can't do too much, we have work tomorrow."