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How can we believe and trust censored Bibles?
  • Welcome to the path my friend. I was extremely Christian, but I was shocked that the church would do that. I mean how dare man edit the word of God at all?! I'm not sure what I believe, but I know the church was corrupted

  • When you realize that your existence is pointless
  • Nothing will help you because you don't want to be helped. So you just want to throw a pity party then.

  • What's an immediate turn off in a person?
  • Being rude to service staff. Immediate indicator on who they are as a person. There is zero reason to ever be mad at someone making near minimum wage whose job it is to grab you a drink or check you out or something. It also shows that they've themselves never worked service, which is a rite of passage

  • Applied for a job and was asked to do a live interview. But all I get is this.
  • HR, the "department of people", continually working to dehumanize candidates as much as possible.

  • Applied for a job and was asked to do a live interview. But all I get is this.
  • Can confirm. Did a contract with them. It's 1000 old school business and engineers who are extremely resistant to change at all. Their agile process was 100% BS that was micromanagement waterfall pretending to be agile. No one should want to work there.

  • No one is having fun on lemmy.
  • Obviously you don't understand humor like they do.

  • How can we believe and trust censored Bibles?
  • Pretty much any version we know now has taken very liberal translations to change the meanings. Most scholars agree that the translations were not accurate. Then on top of that entire books of the Bible were debated and thrown out, the gospel of Mary magdeline is the most famous. They picked and chose what message they wanted.

  • How can we believe and trust censored Bibles?
  • Ah you're starting to see the cracks that finally gave me the distrust to leave the church. The church has thrown out entire books of the Bible because they didn't agree with the messaging. How can I go to a church to where they literally threw out gospels just because they didn't like it?

  • SAG-AFTRA Calls Strike Against Major Video Game Companies After Nearly 2 Years Of Contract Talks
  • Good. I'll happily see my favorite games delayed for this. AI isn't a huge threat to the movie or TV industry actors, but it's a massive threat to video game actors. It's absolutely shameful when a handful of studios receive massive profits and they want to shortchange the people at the bottom.

    This paired with the news yesterday of studios starting to unionize gives me hope. It's about time, they've been taking advantage of their workers for so long, they deserve to see what that does long term. I hope they lose 10x from a strike and unionization vs just paying their employees fairly.

  • Watch out for sharks: The bizarre history of internet outages
  • Everyone is all shocked but anyone who has worked in actual IT, development, or computers directly know that the whole system is brittle and ready to fall over at a moments notice. It's popsicle sticks and glue all the way down. It's more surprising this is the first major outage like this.

    We can try to protect our systems from mistakes like this but at the end of the day, all it takes is one intern somewhere on a project who can fuck everything up. And I don't mean crowdstrike, but we all know that there are more vendors who have even less QA, who cheaper out on labor and safety for profits. The entire thing is one config file away from collapsing

  • Dragon Age The Veilguard will be Steam Deck verified and EA app will not be required
  • No EA app? Holy shit, I absolutely didn't expect that. I fully expected it to be a steam release that opens up that stupid launcher every time.

  • CrowdStrike offers a $10 apology gift card to say sorry for outage
  • Nah, I don't buy that. When you're in critical infrastructure like that it's your job to anticipate things like people being above or below versions. This isn't the latest version of flappy bird, this is kernel level code that needs to be space station level accurate, that they're pushing remotely to massive amounts of critical infrastructure.

    I won't say this was one guy, and I definitely don't think it was malicious. This is just standard corporate software engineering, where deadlines are pushed to the max and QA is seen as an expense, not an investment. They're learning the harsh realities of cutting QA processes right now, and I say good. There is zero reason a bit of this magnitude should have gone out. I mean, it was an empty file of zeroes. How did they not have any pipelines to check that file, code in the kernel itself to validate the file, or anyone put eyes on the file before pushing it.

    This is a massive company wide fuckup they had, and it's going to end up with them reporting to Congress and many, many courts on what happened.

  • Deleted
    Any repo containing creative commons food recipes out there?
  • Tandoor is great for self hosting your recipes. It's not a for repo of recipes though, but thought I should mentioned what I view as the best hosting for them. They're stored in markdown internally

  • Twitter API has a list of users who are allowed to use racial slurs
  • Not to mention there are A LOT more slurs. There are pages and pages, it wouldn't be a list like this.

  • Reddit is now blocking major search engines and AI bots — except the ones that pay
  • The only way they get my clicks now are when I Google something and they come up.

    They really keep making sure that I don't end up there.

  • Is Game Pass underperforming?
  • It's a microsoft product, so according to microsoft it absolutely is. It could be the most profitable product on the planet and they'd say it's still underperforming.

  • Microsoft’s ‘World of Warcraft’ Gaming Staff Votes to Unionize
  • who would have guessed that laying off an entire studio overnight would have repercussions, ey Microsoft?

    Immediately went from papa microsoft who believes in the studio to "Make money or GTFO"

  • World passes 30% renewables milestone for the first time, decline of fossil inevitable World passes 30% renewables milestone for the first time

    A decline in fossil fuel power is now ‘inevitable’, the report's authors say.

    World passes 30% renewables milestone for the first time

    cross-posted from:

    > A decline in fossil fuel power is now ‘inevitable’, the report's authors say.

    This game really is striking sometimes.

    Working on Phase 4, looked up and noticed this. Kudos to you if you can guess where in the map this is just looking at the image.

    A clue, built the bridge a while ago as a key link spanning two new regions. I needed the nodes underneath it for a major component in Phase 4.

    Cities: Skylines Scrubbles
    Cities: Skylinies 2 console release delayed Console Development Status

    Dear Console Players, We wanted to update you on the console release schedule. Unfortunately, we have not yet met the stability and performance targets we set for the console release. Without a Release Candidate (RC), we are now unable to meet an...

    Wyoming Satellites - What's your go-to purchase?

    Curious to see how many people here are using Wyoming Satellites, and if so, what are you doing to build/house them?

    I have a sample one working on an old pi and a computer speaker hooked up, with my primary Blue mic. Obviously this isn't long term, and I'm looking at building a few of these.

    So, what do you use? Raspberry pi? Some sort of hat on it? What sort of casing do you use? Any really cool implementations? I'll take all ideas and suggestions!

    Price will increase by $10 for v1.0 after the Steam Summer Sale

    (But it's also heavily on sale right now, for $15 -

    Personally, I don't mind at all. For one I bought it at $30, but also I have 2,000 hours logged. Per hour that's a cost of $0.02 per hour (at the new price) if I had bought it at $40. I'm all for calling out studios like ubisoft for being greedy, but coffee stain has done a very fair job with Satisfactory IMO, and they very well deserve $10 more for the game.

    That being said, go pick it up now for $15

    Back in the factory, building up for Tier 8

    After a brief haitus I'm back in the factory! Currently working on our first big nuclear power plant again, and the resources needed for it. Today will probably be building a new quickwire factory to help that, and finishing automating turbomotors.

    Shameless self promotion, you can watch (and subscribe on the fediverse) here: Owncast Link

    "Designed to better support our users"

    Not that I use them anymore anyway, cancelling my old account, but name and shame any companies who conveniently can't support their free base. Also - it's VNC. It's a protocol. There's a dozen free clients out there.

    I made this

    cross-posted from:

    > Forgive the hastily made meme. All too common with us engineers.

    I made this

    Forgive the hastily made meme. All too common with us engineers.

    I forgot Awards existed

    I just got this email from Reddit, and I just realized it's been a year now since I swapped over here, and I haven't thought about awards once. I always thought they were gimmicky and a way for people to throw away money. It's just really nice not worrying about them.

    (I also have participated more in BuyMeACoffee and Patreon over here now, and I think my money is better spent that way)

    Also, what is with that exponential scale, so screw you if you're a big time user apparently? And the expiration? The whole thing has corpo stink on it

    Cloudflare took down our website after trying to force us to pay 120k$ within 24h Cloudflare took down our website after trying to force us to pay 120k$ within 24h

    TL;DR: We've been on the Cloudflare Business plan ($250/month) for years. They suddenly contacted us and asked us to either pay them $120k up front for one year of Enterprise within 24 hours or they would take down all of our domains. While this escalated up our business we had 3 sales calls with th...

    Cloudflare took down our website after trying to force us to pay 120k$ within 24h

    Always call out Cloudflare for their bullshit. For those working for companies in devops, share this with your teams...

    Why aren't people having kids anymore? Why aren't people having kids anymore?

    View Why aren't people having kids anymore? on Odysee

    Why aren't people having kids anymore?

    I don't always love his videos, but this one hits home.

    I'm childfree for many reasons, but there are so many obvious ones - no one should be wondering why millennials are choosing not to have kids.

    How do you handle family requests that you disagree with?

    Interesting problem here. So I self host jellyfin, happy to share my (owned) movies with my family. Well, my mother has asked me to digitize her collection too and have me host it. Originally, fine, you give your movies to me, I host them, same thing.

    However, what I didn't bet on was the amount of garbage, terrible movies she would give me. There's a few that are fine, but the vast majority are, well I'll just put it bluntly, christian propaganda. I don't think any of them are as terrible as some of the worst case, but think "My life was horrible until I found god now look and see how fulfilled I am" type propaganda - and they make for horrible plots. Left Behind with Kirk Cameron is a good example. Even removing the blatent boring christian plots - it's just a horribly made movie. Cheap, not thought out well, and honestly I read the book decades ago, it's a horrible adaptation too.

    Not that I keep only top tier movies in my libraries, but these are, well they just bring a pit to my stomach.

    What would you do in my situation? (And I'm going to go ahead and say the pure atheist comments aren't needed, yes of course I could burn them, or dance around them, but I'm not looking to just burn the bridge between my mother and myself over a lifetime of her indoctrination and bad taste in movies). I'm more looking for generic, how do you handle your users asking you to put content you don't find appealing on your server?

    Training Loras - Is SDXL still the best?

    Hey folks, I've been training Loras now for a while, and have some scripts I really like that I've been working with. However, I realized I haven't been keeping up lately, so, is SDXL still the best for Loras? And by that I mean before with 1.5 and standard SDXL is the most accurate quality I've received.

    My Loras seem to work fine with Lightning and Turbo models, but is there anything else I should look into? Any major things that you've changed in the last 6 months to your trainings? Is sdxl_base the best basemodel to train off of?
