both pretty extreme
both pretty extreme
both pretty extreme
Far left: everyone must conform to my world view
Far right: everyone must conform to my world view
Centrist: just leave me alone
"just leave me alone" but also pay me taxes, obey my law, submit to my government, and also my army will periods invade you.
Social murder is still murder, centrist.
If your policy causes people to die from preventable illness or homelessness or police violence you aren't just being "left alone" - you're killing people.
"You must conform to my worldview". QED.
Sure sounds like you're trying to make me conform to your worldview. 🙄
Choosing not to make a choice is still making a choice.
I made a choice. It just doesn't conform to your worldview, and you just can't accept that someone else looks at things differently than you, can you? Thanks for demonstrating my point!
History won't look fondly on your choice.
Neat fiction. Going to write a book?
on a more serious note, you are speaking about performance rather then content, everybody could talk like that even centrist.
Taking the legitimacy off things by calling them annoying is not fair and doesnt proof anything
Neither side has tolerance for people who don't see things exactly the way they do. Someone who doesn't ascribe to either ideology is vilified by both. So from that person's perspective both sides are the same -- intolerant.
Most of the responses here are a perfect demonstration.
"we should stop attesting, torturing and killing minorities"
centrist: leave me alone
Far left: we should tolerate everyone's existence
Far right: everyone must conform to my world view
Centrist: we should do the same as the far-right, but be more polite about it.