Liberal ideology is when you love losing and hate to accomplish things. The more you lose, the more liberal you are. Sorry sweaty, I don't make the rules
This is excellent, I've been ranting for years about what I've been calling latent Protestantism, the tendency among Amerikkkan atheists and nonchristian spiritual types to replicate the mores and belief structures of Christianity.
I’ve been calling myself culturally Christian for this reason. I’ve done a lot of work to root out the toxicity of my upbringing but I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t fundamentally of that culture.
There are many aspects of Christmas which should be eliminated, both the veneration of an infant fated to die as the ultimate scapegoat vessel of sin and the rampant consumerism.
Having a festival near the winter solstice centered on feasting and family is not necessarily problematic though.
Yeah, that’s more or less what we’ve been doing. To be clear, when I say “culturally Christian,” I’m not saying that I just believe in god without going to church or that I continue Christian traditions and beliefs uncritically. It just feels correct to acknowledge that’s the context I was raised in. Even the most militant atheists raised in deeply Christian areas have a Christian context. The act of negation and all that.