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Everyone guess the topic that lead to this post
  • Writing that down as false alias info in my anti-doxxing note. Like hell would I ever list out my credentials on an anonymous forum.

  • I can’t believe I’m siding with the South Park guys here
  • It varies really widely based on where you work, yeah. Also the seasons. I’ve worked at a place on a lake during the summer and I’ve worked at Olive Garden in the dead of winter. No comparison.

  • According to Mr Zenz the Uyghurs are victims of *checks notes* 'full employment' and 'decent wages'
  • This is a thing in the US as well. Various benefits being tied to work that you have to apply for to retain the benefits and can’t deny offers for without risking losing those services.

  • "too many black people, its too realistic!" - sad racist losers on GTA VI
  • Why did I just read the whole Wikipedia section on the origins of Pavlova in Australia and New Zealand?

  • "too many black people, its too realistic!" - sad racist losers on GTA VI
  • Gonna make a video game called White Genocide and it’s just a dating sim where there are no pairings between a white man and a white woman

  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • GOOD post (not funny though)

  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • Not a mod but I am 100% celebrating how the unions fucked your wife

  • Straight to prod
  • Also, it still counts as pushing straight to prod if your PR reviewer gives it a once-over and stamps it with “LGTM”

  • Stanley Kubrick is a magician
  • To have such a strong, undiffused, and distant light that it could realistically mimic the shadows on the moon, you would need very modern CGI to replace the shadows of every actor on every frame. Supposedly the recording we have of the moon landing is of a camera pointed at a tv screen because simultaneously broadcasting and recording at the same time was still newer tech that NASA didn’t have set up. And even then, you can see the quick falloff of the shadows and how they run parallel to each other. The sophistication to pull off a fake was just not there.

  • Hey guys check out my YouTube channel
  • Psych! Those are just the conditions of kids in the US’s border camps

  • Hey guys check out my YouTube channel
  • Psych! Those are just the conditions of kids in the US’s border camps

  • Raddle goes to war with itself over the site's usage of racist terminology
  • Yeah, I don’t think it’s a ridiculous ask at all. I don’t think that it should be that hard of a thing to pull off and handle and I agree with what Awoo said below

  • close the site, marxism has been debunked
  • I really need to remember the source because this seems to come up a lot. But Marx differentiated between proletarian workers whose labor power was used in production and other workers whose labor power was used in the redistribution of capital. For example, many finance capital workers are not proletarian. The terminology there may not be exactly right, but that’s the gist.

    I think the whataboutisms that make class look murky are extremely rare. You’d need someone who both labors in production and owns the company and makes equal amounts from their wages and from their ownership. The capitalist class has long had a word for this type of person: a failure. I’d be happy to just call them petit bourgeois.

  • This was removed elsewhere for speaking truth to power. Will Hexbear ride to the occasion?

    If you want to know who controls you, bida ka ben to nama non rawtui da criticize (eg. Illumination’s Minions)

    The liberals. They shat in my pants.

    They also put gay porn in my browser history. Which one of you was it?

    Convergent evolution, molecular machines, and computers made of dominoes

    I think these 3 things are fascinating in a similar way. They all involve encoding some information or process in a way that could be replicated independent of the details of the underlying physical mechanisms. It really hammers home for me that life can be seen as a series of increasingly complex abstractions where the implementation details aren’t necessarily the defining factors. Some of that is probably because human intuition is messy and our taxonomies, though increasingly reliable, have started from a place of working backwards from that intuition.

    Just had this thought stuck in my head and needed to write it out a bit.

    I pretty much stopped playing guitar for 5 years and now I fucking suuuuuuuck

    I can hear the music in my head and now when I play it it just no longer lines up in my DAW and it sounds like trash. Why did I do this?

    I don’t know what you kids are up to but I do know this

    Laws are threats made by the dominant socioeconomic ethnic group in a given nation. It’s just a promise of violence that’s enacted and police are basically an occupying army, you know what I mean?

    You guys want to make some bacon? !ira

    I'd just like to interject for a moment.

    What you're refering to as Israel, is in fact, occupied Palestine, or as I've recently taken to calling it, US occupied Palestine. Israel is not an country unto itself, but rather another free real estate component of a fully functioning apartheid system made useful by the imperial corelibs, shell mortars and vital system disruptance comprising a full genocide as defined by the UN.

    Do literally ALL Ukrainian soldiers wear fascist imagery?

    I’m not on Twitter, so I get my news elsewhere, but most of the actual pictures I see are from here. So is there some kind of bias where only the fascist imagery gets posted here in the the dunk tank? Or do the libs scrolling through Ukrainian posts on Twitter literally see and ignore fascist imagery on every single post? Like, if they see 1000 Ukrainian soldiers, will they see 1000 fascist symbols?

    ScrewdriverFactoryFactoryProvider ScrewdriverFactoryFactoryProvider [they/them]

    Profile picture credit to Andy Warhol

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