Introducing Proton CAPTCHA | Proton
Introducing Proton CAPTCHA | Proton

Introducing Proton CAPTCHA | Proton

Introducing Proton CAPTCHA | Proton
Introducing Proton CAPTCHA | Proton
I'd be much happier if they'd finish building Drive to have auto-upload like every. other. cloud. service.
We keep hearing "small team" so why do they keep adding half-done products and services?
Rclone added beta support.
nice to see
Proton finishing drive would be nice.
In browser file editing is the biggest feature I’m missing from Google Workspace.
That can't be done without a massive, massive amount of engineering hours well beyond proton's size. There's a reason only huge software companies like Google or Microsoft are able to offer that.
it's a half done google in terms of functionality