Google Podcasts to shut down in 2024 with listeners migrated to YouTube Music
Google Podcasts to shut down in 2024 with listeners migrated to YouTube Music

Google Podcasts to shut down in 2024 with listeners migrated to YouTube Music | TechCrunch

Google Podcasts to shut down in 2024 with listeners migrated to YouTube Music
Google Podcasts to shut down in 2024 with listeners migrated to YouTube Music | TechCrunch
Well fuck me, why? Why oh why? It's such a clean and simple app, no weird shit and of course it gets axed. I think I may just stop listening to podcasts then, much easier than switching to an app I have no interest in.
AntennaPod is great, free, and has no ads. Pretty sure it's open source too.
Open source indeed:
I might have to check it out, thanks!
I've been using Pocket Casts for years. Works great.
I was having some problems with Google podcasts (which I used for years) and switched to Pocket Casts. It's been great other than some kind of clunky bits when trying to add to/edit your play-next queue, but otherwise I think it's a pretty great transition from Google
Yeah the queue is a bit unintuitive. Mostly I just set it to play the next episode of the same podcast.
PodcastAddict is my go-to, with the caveat that it's absolutely chock full of nerd knobs.
Another +1 for PodcastAddict
To copy Spotify?
Or to satiate the soul harvester at the Google Graveyard.