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2,500 pages of internal documentation were leaked from Google.
  • Anybody got links to this leak? Asking for a friend.

  • Games albigu
    [Game Jam] Games Transformed 2024 - No War But Class War Games Transformed 2024 - No War But Class War

    A game jam from 2024-05-31 to 2024-06-30 hosted by Games Transformed & Game Assist. From adverts that emulate first-person shooters, to Fortnite maps and eSport teams, Discord servers and Twitch channels - the British Army is gamifyin...

    Games Transformed 2024 - No War But Class War

    I don't know this particular group, but sounds interesting.

    Russia seizes more land than Ukraine liberated in 2023 counteroffensive
  • This graph is golden. How I'd long for a time machine to show this graph to every annoying redditor talking about how Zelensky would march on Moscow with their "spring counteroffensive" 8 months ago.

    This other one is also a great visualization. I've been in small cities with less than 1 million inhabitants with more territory than that.

    If anything, this makes Russia's new gains sound very unimpressive, if one can only think of war in terms of Paradox game map painting. Clearly that's not how it works, but I won't opine on how the war really is going because I haven't done enough research.

    Could this war perhaps be over this year? I wonder how it'll affect USA elections or the inevitable riot upon Confirmation Day if it ends before then.

  • What do you guys eat in a day?
  • Rice and beans and rice and beans and rice and beans.

  • Cheap meal options? 🥺
  • Lots of beans and bean-like foods (chickpeas, lentils, peas, soy beans) can be made into a variety of shapes. If you have a pressure cooker you can even cook them relatively quickly in mass and freeze most of it for later. No idea how much that costs in your country, but it's supposed to be cheap.

    You can just make regular bean "soup", or you can "fry" them in a pan (specially lentils). You can eat chickpeas like popcorn or you can mix them with flour and something sticky (overcooked rice if vegan, egg whites otherwise) and make burgers. Just remember to put something oily like olive oi or butter for taste.

    You can also do some really low-nutrition despair foods by mixing wheat flour, salt, water and butter, and frying that in a pan. It's not healthy, but it's filling and easy to make, tastes like bread. But of course, if you add to this you can make other cool stuff like pancakes (less salt, lots of sugar, baking powder).

    All of the fried stuff get a very homogeneous consistency so they might be fine for your sensory issues.

    On the matter of taste, you just need a lot of seasoning.

  • Informal poll: What’s your favorite bird
  • I really love birds, so it's hard to choose one. So I'll choose two.

    Here we have the Anu-Preto, it looks like an angry chibi crow.

    And also the Biguá, which looks like something out of a dinosaur movie. But don't be fooled, he's tiny.

    But all birds are beautiful, specially weirdo tropical birds.

  • America Pulls Back from Ukraine
  • The United States is not Ukraine’s only ally, but it is the only one with the willingness and means to supply Ukraine’s war effort. Many European nations lack a political tradition of arming other countries. They have sent Ukraine some impressive weapons, like German tanks and Swedish shoulder-fired missiles. But “they cannot pump out munitions,” Julian said. “They cannot produce large numbers of artillery shell rounds — the No. 1 thing Ukraine needs.”

    This whole paragraph is truly a piece of Yankee writing.

  • The Chinese government is signaling that it won’t allow a forced sale of TikTok 👏
  • The USA is the leading tiktok-using country, I'll give them that. But according to this statista page, the following three countries already double the total of USA users.

    That means ByteDance stands to lose way more by divesting themselves of TikTok than losing their USA audience. Not only are they isolating themselves diplomatically and economically from the rest of the world, now they're backing down in hubris culturally as well.

    Although I really dislike the TikTok business model for obvious reasons, banning it on USA territory is going to be really nice for the whole TikTok ecosystem.

    So, when poor oppressed Americans are going to start getting VPNs to escape their Great Firewall?

  • Does my shower thought about subscription services make sense?

    I've got this shower thought hunch about why corporations are so into subscription services rather than sales.

    If you look at Steam, a 60 dollar game nets Valve around 20 bucks (30%) for every sale. On the other hand a subscription like Xbox Game Pass can only get Microsoft a maximum of 16 bucks per month, not even counting how much they pay to the developers included in the program.

    So at least from this shallow reading, subscriptions should be worse than sales.

    But on the other hand, there are some advantages which are obvious.

    First off, casual users might not even be a potential loss for more expensive games. Besides that, it further alienates consumers from specific products they might want to consume, taking away developer power. And finally lots of people might just forget to cancel it because "it's so cheap" even when not using it.

    But my shower thought was: what if this is favoured because it's worth much more as a financial asset?

    Sales percentages are unpredictable and depend too much on third-party developers. If only flop games come out for a month, Valve will only learn about their lost potential revenue that same month. It's all a series of events.

    On the other hand, subscription numbers are easy to track. If they go down, Microsoft will have at least a month of a heads up. If they go up, they can know beforehand that they'll have more money in the future. They are much more stable. They're financial assets.

    Does this make sense? Has somebody who actually knows what they're talking about ever written about this?

    Apparently Apple and Google decided to drop all the family emojis in favor of generic icons.
  • The year is 2224, all of humanity is fractured between two factions: those who write in Emoji (Traditional) and those who write in Emoji (Simplified)

  • The Socialist History of International Women's Day with Dr. Kristen Ghodsee

    A bit late, but this is a good interview.

    Avatar: The Last Airbender's Colonial Problem - Why Jet Was Right.
  • I enjoyed Korra a lot, but my trick was reframing the entire show in my mind as Korra being an accidental villain who blocked any chance for social change because she was too ignorant and bullheaded to understand the situation.

    Like it's some kind of Bad Ending where the avatar reincarnates as a gamer.

  • Deleted
    Got rejected by a girl :(
  • The big point: she seems to enjoy your friendship despite there being no romantic interest, so you shouldn't feel too bad.

    The small points (which my just be me projecting my own quirks on her, but bear with me)

    Anyways, our friend group went on a vacation back then and I tried to kiss her towards the end of it which she just kind of pushed me away.

    I don't know how it works in your culture, but in my experience people are pretty okay with being asked if they want to kiss beforehand. I know movies make it look like it's always some spontaneous single braincell situation, but it's usually way easier that way in parties or whatnot.

    Might be worth a try with other future crushes, a "no" may still sting, but won't keep you awake in dread late at night. The power dynamics are also flipped into something much more manageable.

    I'm also scared that I'll never find somebody and my time is running out

    I'm assuming from you still having friends from high school times that you're not over 45. No, there is no such thing as "time running out". Take your time and enjoy it, be it with friends and dates, but you absolutely don't need to conform to some notion of having specific age slots for doing romance (or that you even need romance to be wholly happy in the first place).

    If you like somebody and they like you back, cool. If not, you're not "adulting wrong" or anything like that.

    I then decided to shoot my shot and ask her out for dinner.

    Going from the way you're telling it, I want to at least congratulate you on having managed to ask, even if it ultimately a "no". It can be really stressful and from the way you describe it was a comfortable interaction.

    What am I supposed to do? Try to forget about her or keep taking it slow? I feel like her response was quite clear and I don't want to annoy her anyomre if the feeling isn't mutual but then again I can't imagine there are no feelings at all on her side and feel like I shouldn't give up on it yet.

    I don't speak neurotypical, but I think you got a "no". Whether it was because of inconvenience or whatever else, that's what you got. In fact, if you think your intentions were clear (and since you said she was pretty smart), you can assume that she understands you're interested in her.

    That means you should do: nothing.

    If she reciprocates but was constrained by whatever, it's in her court now.

    If she doesn't, well that's that and you can enjoy the friendship if you can.

  • Deleted
    Got rejected by a girl :(
  • It also strangely made me glad I don't do "interpreting" or subtlety. People are told upfront what I want to say, no "did they notice it was a date invitation" horror.

  • George Galloway wins sweeping victory in Rochdale byelection, saying ‘this is for Gaza’
  • Thanks for that, I was starting to get hopeful for Britain. Only hope for that island is as a future Atlantis.

  • Biden invites Trump to work together to lobby Congress on an immigration bill as both candidates visit border
  • You know and I know it’s the toughest, most efficient, most effective border security bill this country’s ever seen

    I dare you to guess which one said this.

  • George Galloway wins sweeping victory in Rochdale byelection, saying ‘this is for Gaza’
  • An actual leftist British political party? Idk man, sounds antisemitic to me.

    Who wants to bet on whether Corbyn will join? Idealistic and conciliatory as he was, at least Gaza was one of the good wedge issues he never seemed to back away from. He also got a lot of flak for his "Stop the War Coalition" thing for ending Ukraine's War.

  • Personally, I think banging hard on the 'GPT-4 is AGI angle' is a really mistaken line of argument and it's a huge weakspot in their case.

    I also agree, but on the other hand it's going to be really funny seeing them backpaddle their self-aggrandizing nonsense in order to not lose a trial.

    "Our AI is quite dumb really, the technical term is weak AI, we're actually pretty far from any actual intelligence in our company."

  • Deleted
    I keep having weird nightmares. (feel free to share your own!)
  • Whenever I'm stressed I get some very scary and vivid nightmares of being attacked by large dogs.

    But other than that I also constantly have very realistic and boring dreams that feed me inconvenient false information.

    Just the other day I completely dreamed up a couple of comments from a colleague about a project, and was very confident that they actually had said that until I went back in the message history to double check.

    The worst dreams are the ones that follow you while awake.

  • General Discussion Thread - Juche 113, Week 9
  • github(dot)io markdown pages are free and accouts require no personal information to create.

  • Google & Meta function as extensions of the US Intelligence Community
  • I agree, but it somehow took me by surprise a CIA (or ex-CIA) person would use their own personal Twitter account to engage in twitter fights.

    You'd think the intelligence guy would be a bit more savvy about how to use social media pseudonymously.

  • Julian Assange appeals in ‘most important press freedom case in the world’ Julian Assange appeals in ‘most important press freedom case in the world’

    A court will decide if Julian Assange may appeal extradition to the US, where relatives say he could die in jail.

    Julian Assange appeals in ‘most important press freedom case in the world’

    If you want a horror story, read this other article about his confinement:

    > He has not been outdoors—apart from a minute when police dragged him into a paddy wagon—since he took refuge in London’s cramped Ecuadorian Embassy in June 2012. The embassy’s French windows had afforded glimpses of sky. Here at Belmarsh maximum security prison in southeast London, his abode since April 11, 2019, he has not seen the sun. Warders confine him to a cell for 23 out of every 24 hours. His single hour of recreation takes place within four walls, under supervision. His paleness is best described as deathly.

    Games albigu
    Ubisoft CEO defends Skull and Bones' $70 price tag, says it's 'a quadruple-A game' Ubisoft CEO defends Skull and Bones' $70 price tag, says it's 'a quadruple-A game'

    The high price of the upcoming high-seas adventure came into question during an investors call.

    Ubisoft CEO defends Skull and Bones' $70 price tag, says it's 'a quadruple-A game'

    CAAAApitalism, the highest stage of CAAApitalism

    neurodiverse albigu
    How to combat binary thinking?

    People keep telling me I only deal in absolutes, and that it's unhealthy and I should sometimes find the middle-ground between two different positions. (I.e. caring for myself vs others, putting all my energy on a task vs not even bothering)

    So what's the procedure to finding a middle-ground so I can apply it to literally everything in my life, as the Autistic Gods demand? \s

    Well this is weird

    source. Some of the usual anti-communist historical lies in the text, but surprisingly lucid WP.

    Games albigu
    Every Video Game Layoff of 2024 | Kotaku 89 Days Into 2024 And 8,800+ Video Game Layoffs Have Been Announced

    PlayStation, Sega, and Microsoft are the latest companies to announce cuts

    89 Days Into 2024 And 8,800+ Video Game Layoffs Have Been Announced

    Great article to revisit throughout the year if you care about game developers over game stock.

    > Most folks didn’t expect 2024 to be much better, but I’m not sure anyone was ready for it to be possibly worse—yet this year has kicked off with a string of big and small layoffs signaling that the corporate bloodletting rituals aren’t ending anytime soon. So Kotaku is going to try and track all of 2024’s layoffs as they happen. Hopefully, we don’t have to update this post that much.

    Video documenting the links between Australia's Coronation Property, political parties and organised crime taken down after death threats ‘You win, you run this city’: Death threats force FriendlyJordies to remove video

    The firebombing of Jordan Shanks’ home in 2022 was linked to a prominent crime family which featured in the “Coronation” video.

    ‘You win, you run this city’: Death threats force FriendlyJordies to remove video

    Creator had his house firebombed earlier after a different video about gambling and money laundering, with similar links to Liberal Party politicians.

    Reupload on odysee

    Common history of Imperialist countries

    Taken from this massive article from the tricontinental:

    Seems Abby Martin's "Earth's Greatest Enemy" is finally coming out this month SNEAK PEEK - EARTH'S GREATEST ENEMY

    An exclusive sneak-peek event with filmmakers Abby Martin & Mike Prysner


    Debut organised by the Party for Socialism & Liberation in Portland.

    Haiti on the Brink [of Revolution]

    cross-posted from:

    > > Never have revolutionary conditions in Haiti been so favorable. > > > > ! > > > [...] To make matters worse, there is a good chance that Guy Philippe, the former “rebel” leader and senator-elect who just spent seven years in U.S. jails, will finally arrive in Port-au-Prince this week, perhaps as early as Jan. 31. Since his repatriation to Haiti in November, Philippe has been calling for revolution, organizing a militia, exhorting Haitians in rallies around the country and on social media platforms to rise up against “the system” and oust Ariel Henry, and to fight against “imperialism” and the MSS’s deployment. In response, a growing number of demonstrations, strikes, barricades, and civil disobedience actions have gripped Haiti. > > Let's see if he maintains his public positions so far regarding the interference of foreign embassies. > > Seems everybody is getting involved, and Kenyan police have been delayed. Even if it doesn't end up being a socialist revolution, this is still great news.

    Parenti talks into a microphone
    neurodiverse albigu
    Reading material on how to structure a romantic relationship with autism?

    (guess I should set up pronouns, but since it's very relevant here I'm a cis man irl and the partners are usually women)

    I'm starting to interact with a person in a way that may lead to another romantic relationship, but I feel I haven't exactly found the solutions of the issues I had with the last one.

    Long Explanation

    Basically I'm, at times, an extremely reclusive autistic person. I like vanishing from all forms of non-professional contact for days at a time, hyperfocusing on my pet projects to the detriment of whatever social life I'm supposed to be "enjoying" and overall just being left alone sometimes.

    But I also enjoy company and all the other normal romantic relationship stuff, in their specific time slots. In particular, I also really like the idea of having enough intimacy to have a continuous understanding with another person without the whole question of "how do I summarise the whole background story?" I have with colleagues and close acquaintances.

    The problem I've had in the past is that it's generally assumed that, as relationships become more serious, people will start living together, as it's convenient for the relationship but also a great financial decision. But I find the practice of living with another person incredibly stressing, to the point of ruining otherwise pretty good relationships.

    Other than that, I also have a bunch of issues with verbal communication which are frustrating (to me, partners never complained) when I have to talk to somebody frequently.

    And the worst part is that I simply can't do "consoling". I have no idea what I'd have to do if, for instance, a partner's family member died or some other unactionable tragedy happened. I can't just reply to "my mother died" with "oh yeah, I thought it'd happen some time" like my brain wants me to.

    <\end explanation>

    I am fine with continuing the volcel lifestyle, but I've seen enough autistic people having stable relationships to wonder if maybe it's possible to do this in way that respects my specific brain quirks.

    I like reading theory, anybody have some theory on autistic relationship building rather than the usual communist stuff?

    Responding to Guy Philippe’s Call, Civil Disobedience Protests Erupt Across Haiti

    > “Everywhere I have gone the masses agree that there has to be radical change in how the country runs,” he continued. “The system has gathered itself together to crush the people’s movement, this battle to get Haiti out of the ditch it is in. They all have united: the guys in power, the part of the oligarchy which always wants to continue with the policy of squeezing and sucking, a big part of the political class, all the small functionaries whom they have illegally named to the head mayors’ offices around the country, they have all put their heads together. The embassies are behind them. The foreigners [i.e. the U.S., France, and Canada] are with them. We only have ourselves. That’s why I’ve said from the beginning that the people are my only ally.”

    > “The revolution will happen. The revolution of 2024 is a reality. It will be done with the support of the Haitian people. We can’t be afraid.

    > “Don’t listen to people trying to lead you astray by saying that you don’t announce a revolution. Look at the Cuban revolution. How long did Fidel Castro talk about it? Since 1954, with the attack on the Moncada, he was talking about the revolution.”

    > “You don’t make a revolution with a coup d’état,” he said. “We are not making a coup d’état to take power. We’re here to tell the people that they are the motor of their own change. They have to understand that they have to participate and that it is their work.”

    I'm not exactly trusting of Guy Philippe here given his history and the fact that he was somehow not "killed in an accident" while in prison in the US, but I can't see any downsides from his current actions yet.

    Critical support to Guy Philippe, uncritical support for a new Haitian Revolution.

    Should Statesian Marxists agitate for Cornell West being present in the presidential debates?

    I'm not Statesian (thank god!), but I've been paying some attention to Cornell West's campaign since he announced it.

    He's not a Marxist, seems to be some kind of Christian socdem/demsoc, but I've noticed he's pretty willing to denounce US imperialism, structural racism and genocidal practices. He seems to have gained some repercussion recently due to his support for Palestine, and he also has a history of cooperating with American Indigenous groups.

    I know that the PSL has also announced their candidates (though tbh I haven't heard much about them), but I want to start this discussion regarding the pragmatic decision to try and get West in one of the presidential debates.

    I have no hopes of Statesians ever getting a Marxist from PSL there, but I think it's in the realm of possibilities to have a third-party socdem to attack the DemRep duopoly for the sole purpose of building distrust from the population in both parties.

    What do y'all think, does West deserve a little bit of critical support?

    Durable low(est)-budget phone recommendations?

    Turns out replacing rounded silicon shells with hard-edge thin plastic on a handheld device, then expecting you to buy a second silicon shell anyway was a very lucrative decision.

    In other news, I'm looking into getting a new phone. I don't really use phones for much other than messaging apps, firefox and the occasional lemmy browse, so lowest possible price is cool. No 1080/4K stuff.

    I'd also want to avoid the 2.5 phone lifespan problem, since Moore and his law are dead so durability trumps performance every time.

    It'd also be nice if it was supported by alternative OSes like Lineage. Any particular model or model series y'all recommend?

    AlbigensianGhoul albigu

    Se [Fabiano] aprendesse qualquer coisa, necessitaria aprender mais, e nunca ficaria satisfeito.

    Hans Asperger was a Nazi collaborator.

    > I had a great idea, what if we tried to do science, but with data??

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