He'll be a Blood Angel if all his right. The trick, if I can pull it off, is that I don't want anything too chapter specific on the arms/weapons so I can swap them around if I do other torsos in other styles and have enough different arm combos.
Put the badging on its torso. Doing the arms in a mostly metallic (in a checkerboard with black if you're feeling saucy) can make them "chapter agnostic".
My straight line free hand isn't up to it so I may lay down the black for now and cont back to the yellow when I have some tape to help me out.
In the meantime, can anyone offer any help? The Flesh Tearers Contrast acted weird on this guy's left panels compared to everywhere else.
When first applied it acted like it was going on a hydroponic surface instead of primer and, once it did stick, it left the brush marks you can see here.
I've been doing a 3:1 ratio with contrast medium, but it is the later half of the pot.
Too much paint?
Too much medium?
Something weird on the brush or on the mini?