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Thousand Sons Rubricae
  • If you're using plastic glue (which melts/welds plastic together), you need bare plastic for it to work right.

    Cyanoacrylate glue (superglue) doesn't need bare plastic, but there's always the risk of the paint coming off at the connection, breaking the join.

  • Thousand Sons Rubricae
  • If you are using non-contrast paints, I find it easiest to not fully assemble the minis before painting. Paint the arms and shoulders separate so that it is easier to hit all that "chaos trim".

    Make sure to leave your glue points unpainted. I use poster tac to cover those (and it makes a good handle when you stick in a toothpick).

  • Thousand Sons Rubricae
  • Hit the whole model with the gold, then use contrast paints (I use Talassar Blue) over the areas to be blue. Be careful to not paint over the trim, but it can wipe off with a moist cotton swab.

  • Would really appreciate some advice
  • I have a multilevel farm (each level has 8 domes, filled with enough plants to make 5 stasis devices). I also have three gas & mineral farms for each of the required non-biological pieces.

    Sure, 20min is a touch of hyperbole, as there are some steps to get the carbon ready, harvest everything, etc. Once I have it all in my inventory, I can generate roughly 10 at a time. By the time I'm done, it's about 20min. I then take some time to sell across a few systems.

  • For the Stalwart mains out there

    After unlocking all (current) weapons and strats, sometimes it's just fun to kill bugs with Eruptor\Stalwart.

    Doyle sees birds for the first time

    Doctor Patches, however, does not like sharing the sill.

    Sibling Bonding

    What a difference a month makes.

    [WIP] Carcharodon Assault Terminators

    Cataphractii with aftermarket shields, helmets, hammers, and badging.

    ! ! !

    ! ! !

    Not Exactly Dice...



    Light-up forbidden jolly ranchers.

    I made Beef Bourguignon

    Started two days in advance. I am baffled by how many pots & pans the French must have in their homes.

    The Twins




    Army painter chain mail primer, then a whole host of contrast paints, Nuln Oil, and a white paint.

    Magnetized at the waist and for the top weapon.

    All my others have magnetized arms, but these were from an old box that only made Warglaives.

    Happy Y(r)ul(e)

    Spouse requested a Yul ornament.

    Turns out, it was a typo.


    *Tolerated because the humans can't watch the kitten food all the time.

    Shoulder Kitten

    The Baron DeWhyskers.

    Here's hoping that he won't become a 13+ pound shoulder cat like the last one.

    New Kitten (untitled)

    Adopted from a friend's barn cat. Our current cats are... displeased for now.

    Found my old Eldar army

    I had been out of 40k since 3rd (sold armies, etc), then some buddies got back into it 10+ years ago. Not having the funds at the time, I built an army from shrink-film.



    I had to print out images to trace and do the maths so the final result was passable. This is why I made a conversion ruler (original length in blue, final size in red).


    I never got around to vehicles or walkers, but I was designing some slot-together bits.


    [Jump] Assault Intercessors



    I swear, any more magnets and my army will interfere with pacemakers.

    Ruby Hates Beds, Example #236

    Two actual cat beds and a "house" in the frame. She is sleeping on a shopping bag.

    The only cat bed she likes is the hanging one with her stuffed animals.

    [Final] Death Guard Huntsman

    Added AK's "Streaking Grime for DAK" as an oil wash.

    Close-ups: !



    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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