Yeah so you see, the "civilians" part is the one that's the issue. Civilians don't need weapons to go about their daily lives... If the majority or even a significant proportion of people were getting attacked you might have a point, but it just isn't the case, even in the USA where crime rate is very high for a first world country. You should go spend some time in Liberia or something to see what a country where you need to be able to defend yourself actually looks like. In the meantime you're just playing G.I. Joe and putting everyone else in danger, going against their needs.
Funny how I keep you going even though you said we were done a long time ago 😁
Literally 100,000 people a year need to do it at the low estimate lmao. Let me tell you, it doesn't matter how unlikely it is that you could be stabbed while you are being stabbed, you're gonna wish you weren't on that end of the statistic.
I'm kinda having fun proving you're an idiot tbh, you just keep saying stupid shit and it just keeps being funny. Like, yes we've been going in circles because you are sold on the definition of need that you particularly like while ignoring every other definition, and also ignoring basic math, and experts, but it is really pretty funny. I can just picture you at someone's hospital bedside saying "Well y'know, really, in a way you're lucky that guy stabbed you 17 times in the abdomen, that is really very rare! At least you didn't defend yourself, that'd be wrong!"
100 000 out of 330 000 000 people! That's nothing! Freaking hell, stop proving you don't understand stats! You don't talk about the number of people who actually die or are hurt because of guns though, because that's insignificant to you since it goes against your narrative.
Ok, then why ban them? If 100,000 people is "nothing!" then what is 60,000 (gun deaths incl suicide) people, 12,000 (intentional homicide by firearm) people, or 500 (people killed with any rifle) people? Ultra nothing? Seems to me in that case by your logic we don't have a gun problem and therefore nothing to ban, since it's so rare it is "nothing!" Don't pay attention my ass, I'M the one who brought up those exact stats 40 comments ago, you've completely lost the thread hahaha.
Because they're part of the issue, not of the solution.
There. Is. More. To. Violence. Than. Death.
I'm just pointing out your hypocrisy, 100 000 events is a lot of prevention to you, but even more people victims of gun related violence and you don't care. If you weren't such a hypocrite you would look at that and say "Well, maybe we actually should get rid of guns like the other first world nations considering things are better there than they are here..."
Yes there is, there's greivous bodily injury and rape which are also legally defensible with deadly force, and then there's normal force which you are only allowed to respond to with equal opposing force. Attempted stabbings, perhaps unsurprisingly, count as deadly force.
Are you 7yo? You don't understand "greater than/less than?!" Jfc lmao.
Hypocrisy my dick, fucking no u, you have to be a joke lmao nobody is this comfidently dumb.
You. Are. Wrong. Deal with it like the stupid cunt you are lol.
Why is it only about deaths and not also about people who get shot without dying?
Why isn't the US the safest country in the world if there's more guns than anywhere else?
Why do experts agree that having access to a firearm increases the odds that bad situations will end in violence in a moment of panic if guns actually increase safety?
How would you have pulled out your gun if the attacker had pulled his knife at 5'?
How would you have pulled out your gun if the attacker also had one?
How come mass shootings keep happening if people are armed and able to shoot the shooter?
Is it possible that all your drills are very nice in a controlled environment but reality isn't a controlled environment?
Let me repeat what I said from the beginning. Pretty much no one in rich countries need a gun these days. 100 000 events in a country of 330 000 000 affects 0.03% of the population, that's exactly what "pretty much no one" is. I was right from the beginning, deal with it.
Fun to see you lose your temper and start throwing more and more insults, shows how weak your arguments are. Go back to your NRA meeting and tell them how mad you are.
Last I was able to find all gun crime regardless of injury was about 80,000 a year which is still less than 100,000.
Because it has other problems.
Because everytown and MDA are "activists," not actually experts.
I have a 1.5 sec draw to first shot and know how to move laterally, and defend against the knife weak hand while the strong hand shoots from a thumb pectoral index. You're the one who can't figure out how legs work lol.
Surreptitious draw. Never draw on a drawn gun, wait until his attention is elsewhere like the all too common furvative glances checking for witnesses and exits. If you have a sub 2 sec draw he has to show you his shoulder, sub 1sec draw he only has to show you his ear, and with that you can jump his reactionary gap (human brain, bout .5sec from decision to action) if you're waiting for your proverbial beep.
Because the shooters choose gun free zones where armed defense is illegal and therefore more rare. It does happen though.
Yeah nothing is certain ever, preperation helps one be prepared. Duh. Still better chance than "please no I'll suck ya dick just don't kill me"
Ok, do the math on the rest of it then: still less, so gun crime affects "pretty much no one" too.
Lmao I can't help but insult you when you give me such good ammo, it's just too easy. "Lose my temper" though, no, I'm laughing at you. The caps is because maybe you'll be able to actually read it, because so far you're struggling.