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  • It is controlled, in most places it's restricted for people under 18 or 21 depending. It isn't just liquid tobacco, it's the nicotine extracted from tobacco (or sweet potatoes) suspended in a solution with food grade vegetable glycerine or food grade propylene glycol. Tobacco has tar and is worse.

    Some of it isn't even that either, some of it is weed (that idk how they process).

    Sometimes people can get things illegally. I enjoy weed which is illegal in my state and drank alcohol before I was 21. Other friends I know have done heroin in the past which is certainly illegal.

    It's popular for the same reason other drugs are, people like drugs.

  • The Supreme Court just proved that its gun rulings have been a disaster
  • But had he been charged with a felony for shooting at people before this incident even took place, he wouldn't have had his rights anymore already.

    Basically I mean if he shot at people and got charged with a felony and got his guns taken as a result,

    and then beat his GF and got a DV charge banning him from possessing the guns he was already banned from owning,

    and then he sues on the grounds of the DV conviction banning him from having guns,

    even if he wins, he is still barred from having guns because of the previous felony banning him from having guns, which would be separate from the DV.

    Also even if he's awaiting trial on felony charges, he is still not legally allowed to possess a gun.

    Unless you mean the police or prosecution violated his rights (like the right to counsel) during the original trial for shooting at people non-DV related, and so that case was dismissed, which is a possible explanation for why he got off without a felony for shooting at people. Could be, and that's another reason to add to the list for "why they shouldn't violate people's rights during trial," because if so that let this dickhead go free.

  • Happy Juneteenth everyone!
  • No, I won't, I'll continue comparing you to him as long as you continue being comparable to him. You're choosing to do this to yourself, you could stop A) commenting, or B) being a prejudice piece of shit, but seemingly you're unable to do either.

  • Kyle Rittenhouse's family plead for money as they face eviction
  • Tbf, maybe we shouldn't vilify them because of the actions of their son/brother so bad that they can't be employed. I don't hire people but the only reason not to would be the negative publicity from hiring them from people like those in this thread, I doubt if you gave his mom a job she'll show up and shoot someone every morning.

  • Happy Juneteenth everyone!
  • You think it's "traumatic" having a racist uncle who I'm using to make fun of you for being prejudice? Lol I just think he's as stupid as you, doesn't affect me much really, you must be the biggest pussy in the world who's never had any real problems if you think that's traumatic.

  • Almost all of the American ones I've heard of are terrifying.
  • Tbf while it is great peer gynt isn't that frightening either, reminds me of Looney Tunes.

    Savatage fucking rules too though, and I just remembered Rainbow also has a song by that title too which also rules!

  • Kyle Rittenhouse's family plead for money as they face eviction
  • Tbf everyone there was violating curfew. The only one who arguably had a legitimate reason was Rosenbaum, being let out of a mental facility after threatening suicide for being caught touching his GF's underage son, because the hospital decided to discharge him right into an active riot. One could also argue that none of this would have happened without that, and also none of this would have happened if Rosenbaum hadn't tried to kill anyone, and that this wouldn't have happened had the police not shot Jacob Blake for kidnapping kids while armed with a knife, and that this would never have happened had Blake simply not kidnapped any kids or had a knife.

    We could play this game all day, frankly. I lean more towards "Rosenbaum shouldn't have attacked him screaming I'm going to fucking kill you and this never would have happened," personally.

  • What is your favorite alcoholic cocktail?

    Or what has been your go to lately? I'm usually a whiskey and ginger kinda guy but I'm trying to branch out a little these days. What're you drinking?

    Currently sipping on a Paloma:

    • 1.5 oz Tequila (blanco)
    • .5oz lime juice
    • 4 oz Grapefruit soda (Jarritos today)
    • Pinch of salt
    Some questions for the AirVPN users (on linux)

    I'm running out of mullvad in 23hr, and I'm excited to have port forwarding back! Hit a small snag though: I have the acct and have Eddie running on my phone as I type this, however when it comes to my Fedora install I'm paralyzed by choice.

    Should I install:

    1. Eddie GUI,

    2. Eddie CLI,

    3. both those,

    4. or "Suite - based on our own AirVPN OpenVPN 3 library?"

    I'm pretty comfortable with CLI especially if there's docs (actually prefer it typically), so that isn't really my concern. I'd like wireguard though which I'm not sure if "suite" yet supports, and port forwarding is the most important (slsk) so that would sway my decision as well (if it's only working on Eddie gui or something, for instance.)

    My other main concern is I want the ability to auto connect to the VPN during the bootstrap, which "Suite" says it can do with bluetit, but idk if eddie CLI or GUI can do it. Would it be worth it to ditch wireguard until Suite supports it in favor of the bootstrap connection?

    Any info at all that y'all have on these clients would be much appreciated, thank you.

    Thinkpads RE: Repairability/upgradability

    I need to upgrade my laptop and one of the things I'm looking for is repairability/upgradability. I've been told thinkpads are good in this respect, how true is that? In terms of replacing batteries and memory, at least. I'm also looking at the frameworks, but those black friday deals are looking alright at lenovo.

    With that in mind, any particular series of thinkpad (L, S, whatever) I should look for? I'm hardline against nvidia but is there a reason to pick AMD over Intel (or vice versa)? They both are privacy nightmares, right? And there is no "good alternative?"

    Fedora install borked

    Hey guys my Fedora install has been giving me trouble lately, and now refuses to boot at all. For a while mullvad and firewalld refused to start on occasion so I just started manually checking at boot and starting them when need be, but now hostname.service fails and the other two fail, and the system gets hung up on some gnome doohicky and refuses to go past it to boot. Yesterday it wouldn't let me update because pipewire i686 (or is it i868? Anyway..) and gnu-utils (or something) i688668 (still can't remember the numbers) kept causing conflicts with the x86_64 versions, and the advice was to uninstall the non-x86_64 versions, but when I tried to uninstall it told me they weren't installed to begin with.

    Frankly I'm sick of it, so I'm gonna do a fresh install I guess. This brings us to my question. Currently just transferring my entire /home/ to a drive, then gonna transfer it to the new install. What, outside of that directory, should I also bring for ease of setting up the new system? And what should I specifically exclude, especially anything which would cause issues or conflicts that is in the /home/ dir? Finally, I had a bunch of what appeared to be bash related temporary garbage files, all I really need to bring from bash is .bashrc, right? The rest of those can get trashed? I should add, I'm likely just going to go with fedora again, though I am considering debian.

    Thanks for your help in advance. Didn't see my day being this but I guess it's what I'm doing.

    Naming Bash scripts Naming Bash scripts - Divisions by zero

    I have a couple bash scripts that I’ve written and been using but some need a rename, and once I came across an online list of shell scripts that you could compare against to make sure your name isn’t already “taken” by something that someone could have installed to minimize the chance of conflicts ...

    I'm crossposting this here

    A) So I can see if I know how to cross post lol

    B) To bring attention to the ! community here, as it it woefully small and could use some publicity, especially to those who can help more than the noobs seeking it out

    C) Hopefully get the answer I seek.

    ...did the crosspost work? (Ayy alright!)

    Linux 101 stuff. Questions are encouraged, noobs are welcome! ArcaneSlime
    Naming Bash scripts

    I have a couple bash scripts that I've written and been using but some need a rename, and once I came across an online list of shell scripts that you could compare against to make sure your name isn't already "taken" by something that someone could have installed to minimize the chance of conflicts with scripts/aliases. I can't for the life of me find that site right now and have no clue what I'd search to find it, would any of you happen to know such a site?

    IRC Clients

    Personally I used to use Pidgin, but since I moved my XMPP to Gajim because of OMEMO I have no need to stay tied to it necessarily. So I'm looking to expand my horizons, and I figured here's as good a place as any to start a discussion about Linux IRC clients.

    What do y'all use? Terminal, GUI, both?

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (

    Migrating here (or maybe keeping both) from

    Will put an eternal curse on your enemies for a Cinemageddon invite.

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