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  • If someone figured out how to hack-and-slashify the OGs, I'd have played more of them than the first three or four hours; but I can't stand the pseudo-tabletop format they're presented in and I was really hoping this'd finally be it

    • Understandable. I eat that computer real time with pause tabletop RPG shit up, but it's not for everyone.

      Knowing Disney, they'll probably adapt the stories into some mid web series in a year or two lol.

      That Jedi Fallen Order game was pretty cool. I could see someone wanting like that.

    • Or if they're going to do the pesudo-tabletop way, learn from Larian. Baldurs Gate 3 has pushed that format forward massively. It could ABSOLUTELY work for something like a KOTOR remake and keep it in the original style.

      But they won't do that. They aren't interested in doing that. If The KOTOR remake ever happens it'll not be because someone had a good idea about how to modernize it or improve it, it'll be because someone had a good idea about how to monetize it.

    • Cool but how would the companions work in that type of combat?

      • Bioware did make Mass Effect later on as a more action focused scifi party-based RPG.

        I'd say that the new Final Fantasy 7 is also proof that you can still make party members work in an action game.

      • MvC-style tag assists? (Admittedly, I totally forgot there were companions-- like I said, I never got that far through the first one)

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