My PDF reader REALLY HAD to add a permanent "AI assistant" button that floats on every single file i open
If someone knows how to disable this fuckery, please tell me or i have to install adobe acrobat, it makes me crazy as it floats on all the open PDFs, covering text/content
Is this FoxIt? What the hell, FoxIt used to be cool.
Anyway, if all you need is a .pdf reader and don't need any editing or form fill BS, just uninstall all your .pdf readers because they're totally redundant these days. Firefox and all other browsers can natively read .pdf's. If you need to mess with the content of a .pdf, Inkscape (open source) does a competent job of taking them apart and letting you edit them nowadays.
I'm of the opinion that bloated memory hog .pdf applications full of subscriptions and ads and other bullshit can just die in a fire. I haven't actually needed one for years.
The main issue that I've run into is that foxit has a pretty decent signing system for signing PDFs which comes in handy from time to time and foxit and adobe both have batch editing for PDFs which is really handy for taking a bunch of random documents and sizing them to be all the same view size and rotating pages and the like to make everything nice and uniform for sharing with others.
My main issue with browser PDF reading is that I can't compile and apply my signature on PDF with them, which are the main reasons I'm still using Foxit.
Yeah, I used to use it to fix my RPG PDFs. (Seriously, it's astounding how many publishers either omit or completely fuck up bookmarks.) I found out it went to shit when trying to help someone else do the same, and the newer free version was significantly cut down.