1 December 1983: Electronic mail tends to be informal in style encouraging people to send brazen messages but even if you are abroad, work can follow you wherever you are
Cool article that is spot on already in 1983.
Conventional mail is all but dead here, there are several months between we receive letters. I only remember getting 3 letter this year, and they are pretty rare, so it's something you notice.
I live in Denmark, and you can register to not get avertissements in your mail. I must admit I'm surprised it works so well.
That wasn't even what I meant when I wrote we don't get mail. Because it's been about 10 years since we last received an advertisement in the mail. So I completely forgot it's a thing. When you register you also get a sticker, and I can't even recall if that's still on the mail box. 😋
We do get 2 local "free" papers once a week that are paid by advertisements. Those used to be excluded too, but apparently they changed that.
If an advertiser wants to send us mail, they have to send a real letter with name and address, and that today is about 2.5-3 Euro, and requires the advertiser to have that information. I don't recall getting one of those for like maybe 15 years, from a company I used to do business with.
With µblock on my Firefox browser on Linux and Android, and no TV commercials, I live a near 100% advertisement free life. 😀
Junk mail is not a thing outside US. We do get flyers though, but usually sticking a piece of paper on your mailbox saying "no flyers" is enough to never get them.