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  • Even if you're going down to her level, it's going to boil down to riots being the language of the unheard. Circumstances created Voldemort, sure. With some text blurbs from a Google search because I'm not going deep into TERF wizard lore, looks like he had unresolved trauma and wants to hurt people who are like people who hurt him. He's not directly helping some marginalized group harmed by the same people and he himself is no longer being harmed. If he was a more compelling character and, upon being confronted by status-quo-future-cop Harry who's all "stop helping these people" destroys a supply of water bottles you would cheer for Voldemort to kill Harry.

    • It's far worse. Voldemort exists because of (CW, SA)


      His mum used a "love potion" (date rape drug basically) on his father and became pregnant with him.

      The lore of Harry Potter is that because he was conceived in this way, he is literally incapable of love or caring about other people. I think this is an important bit of "lore" to consider when this lib talks about "Circumstances created Voldemort." She's really pushing this idea of "evil people being born evil."

      It's much more disgusting the more I think about this, probably already put far more thought into this tweet than she ever did before tweeting it.

      • Harry Potter lore in general seems to have this idea that love is some transcendental magic force that is carried from person to person regardless of their actual upbringing or life experience. Despite being raised by awful abusive foster parents Harry is good cuz his parents he never met loved him and the magic energy of their love allowed him to develop into an emotionally mature and ethnical human despite being raised in such a toxic environment. Same with Neville. Meanwhile if you had mean shitty parents that evil taint of having been spawned by bad people lingers with you forever. One possible exception being Sirius Black, but even he's kind of a piece of shit even if he's on the right side of the wizard Nazi war.

        So yeah even if you were adopted by loving supportive parents who raised you right if you had horrible biological parents you're doomed to be a bad person. Meanwhile you can be raised in a dysfunctional home but if your mommy and daddy you never met love you beyond the grave you'll turn out okay.

        • This is something I've been struggling to articulate. Liberal fiction really does promote birthright goodness except in instances where the entire plot of the story is overcoming one's birth. Teams are decided by who your parents are, even if you never met them.

      • I'm going to work on my magic college novel today. I suddenly feel less bad for my rewarded-for-bad-behavior bad guy.

        "Yeah, he was born evil and couldn't help it. That doesn't mean we should cheer when he tries to kill good people" is so dogshit. It's like the NPC meme. It's like a denial that other people have consciousness behind their face. It's an inability to conceive that people have different circumstances that breed different conclusions for ethics. It's that "you can either agree with me or be foolish" that takes you™️ up the ladder in a corporation.

        • Yeah, don't worry about your villain feeling too "flat" or anything, especially if this is a first draft. As long as they have motivation behind their actions, that still puts them ahead of like 60% of all fictional villains.

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