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A new challenger approaches
  • This news is actually absolutely nuts. There was footage posted of them getting into Gaza via the sea. You can really see the way they believe that they're there to help people and it's really inspiring. It gets really ridiculous when you see that Israel seems to have leaked their strategy

  • [EDIT: Done] Hello, Reddit! IAMA 45th President of the United States Donald J. Trump. Ask Me Anything!
  • Mr. President, greetings from Langley. Recently I've been assigned an AI partner, SpyGPT to help me monitor a druidic leftist website. It really like to hallucinate posts that people didn't really make. Now an estimated 60% of my job is using the site's search function to try and find the posts that it says exist and then confirming that they're not real. I want to stop using AI but the CIA says I have to. I suspect that it's because my boss hates me and wants to punish me.

    My question to you is, if I vote for you, will you help me get with my work crush (they laugh at me for the assignment I've been put on)?

  • G@mer moment.
  • I laughed in the waiting room at the doctor's

  • G@mer moment.
  • 39 - if he decided to practice advanced tech 39 times he'd probably be winning instead. In a different world he makes a million dollars riding the snake in Getting Over It with Bennett Foddy and playing every new Foddylike

  • News this morning wants Biden to bow out of the race.
  • Once I'm done with my chores I'm using that link! Tysm comrade

  • Why aren't all the people Biden has killed and hurt real to them? What the hell is happening in their minds?
  • Yeah, I think it's always some combination of "if not me, then someone worse than me would have taken my spot, killed them, and two more people for the trouble." and "I was just following orders."

  • Imagine being a Warren stan in 2024. Even more pathetic than still being a Bernie supporter
  • Nobody went with anyone in the glorified build-a-burger contest the dems put on in 2020. Bernie was breaking records and then everybody dropped out to endorse 5th place Biden for Super Tuesday if memory serves.

  • News this morning wants Biden to bow out of the race.
  • I did not watch the debate and all this news feels like a properly written eldritch monster. I'm so deeply curious so I might need to watch it

  • What are you watching instead of the debate?
  • BJJ was rough I ran out of steam while there was more fighting to be done. The kanji is just beginning. It's a good life.

  • What are you watching instead of the debate?
  • Im going to BJJ and then studying kanji.

  • The excess savings Americans stored away during the pandemic ran dry months ago, and the US economy is feeling the effects.
  • Look at the way we can fail the economy but the economy can't fail us. Disgusting!

  • The tech bros truly inhabit different world
  • Me when I train a LLM with things that humans have made and done, doing nothing but remixing the training data: "create something novel?" "No."

  • How did you guys end up so funny? Serioisy if I'm having a bad day or I need to feel good about myself. I make a shit post and you make me lmao
  • I literally practiced all my life trying to be funny now that I think about it. If I wanted to distill it down, I think about a nervous man playing piano on stage. If it helps, imagine his girlfriend walking out of the theater. He sees it and becomes so distraught that he stops playing and gives into his nerves. I aspire to be the person in the audience who shouts "finish the song!" I think there's a lot of fun to be had in the small details of situations with a really big emotional center. When they're talking about that time their girlfriend walked out of their piano performance, you can ask what song they were playing. Then, upon consideration of the song, go "yeah, I would have walked out too, yawn."

    Stavvy, the loser from cumtown, does a masterful job of teasing out small details from audience members to get them to paint a picture of what's going on.

  • What are your predictions on the Trump/Biden debate happening tomorrow?
  • Biden has a stroke on stage, the crowd can't contain their giggles, and then America wakes up and goes "what the fuck are we doing here, man?"

  • closing the site for an update wasn't okay
  • Closing down hexbear for a scheduled downtime isn't okay

    I totally realize most people are going to agree with me here but I feel compelled to say that closing the website for a scheduled maintenance wasn't a very kind thing to do. We have seen TONS of posts from vulnerable populations talking about how this website is a source of support and humor in a dark time. Irony and dirtbagism aside, taking away that support with warning is not okay.

    You can say I'm being silly, or humorless or reactionary. Whatever. I love pop girlies and I love this community. But sometimes I come home after dealing with ableism and our nightmare reality all day, and this website is one of many things that make me feel better. It wasn't a good feeling to find this website closed for the sake of upgrades. Maybe that's laughable or pathetic. But for me, it's true.

  • Concerning
  • isn't it fucking crazy that this is the compromise? This is what they feel will shift the sentiment about giving billions to Israel. He'll say some shit like this and suddenly he's "considering both points of view on the war in Gaza." We are so deep down the rabbit hole, comrades. What series of barbaric choices had to be made before that child was even in danger? This shit is revolting. I need another break from the Internet.

    amerikkka isntrael

  • What are your most hated sci-fi/fantasy tropes?
  • Oh my god!! The ML, Kuvira, being right about everything but then attacking a sacred tree and attacking the main city because it happens to be, to her strategic benefit, within the Earth Kingdom.

  • One Big Mario Party by But A Jape

    Disco Elysium who??

    I deserve a rematch against Majora

    Run it back you coward. 3 more days in Termina, 30 new masks, 3 new transformations, 6 new dungeons.The woke media won't admit it'd be GotY even if they recycled the assets because they want to keep making AAA games.

    This tweet makes me feel like I'll never be ready to have another relationship

    I might not have used the phrase waste of money, but I'm within the same ballpark if I'm asked to do something I don't want to do. I don't want to spend some $60 for a tiktok trend. I'm slow to do activities beyond what I'm already investing my limited energy into. I historically feel like I'm putting forth a lot of energy on top of what I already use to exist to be aware of my partner's presence, making sure we're doing enough together, making sure they're happy, etc. It has historically been and seems like the sort of thinking that your partner should want to do things like this that makes me feel like I'm obviously out of the loop on something. I couldn't imagine wanting a partner to be down for every idea I have and there would be some catharsis in not having the expectation that I drop what I'm doing and open up my wallet for theirs. "I don't want to spend money on this" is a common part of my life - it's something that I'm conversing with myself all the time. I could but I'd be content abstaining. It seems like if "if [he] wanted to he would" is the dynamic, then my partner would be another spinning plate (alongside work, health, social obligations) instead of my fellow plate spinner with their own burdens to satisfy.

    The consensus that the boyfriend is being hurtful and obviously a bad partner feels like getting checkmated. How could I ever be a good match for any of those people? How could I ever want to? Because they spend their hard earned money on some cutesy thing for me in return? Like please don't. Where am I going to put it? What if I want to horse around and there's all sorts of fragile shit around? What if we have friends over and now there's shit they need to be careful around? What if there's shit we need but we already spent all our money on shit we don't need? Big expectations around gifts feel like a big burden. "comrade let's go for a walk." "comrade let's cook a meal." "comrade let's have friends over for board game night." "comrade teach me something new." "comrade let's have a deep conversation." "comrade my friends are having a party." are things off the top of my head that would feel much better to drop what I'm doing for and look forward to doing it. The kind of person who would do shit like that with me is the kind of person who I'd go on road trips with, travel, move in with, etc. But the idea that we'd get into fights over some sort of "you should want to do this" and "I don't want to" isn't a good answer would be disqualifying for me and it looks like that's a common attitude.

    Bit idea: post unremarkable blurbs about violence to mess up the algorithm that tracks politically violent sentiment

    According to that study, the post has to have at least 50 words and some undisclosed key words in order to be scraped.

    I am the bomb at wrestling when compared to other people at my academy, but I suck compared to people with fresh wrestling experience. In the past, I was like, "I hate pulling guard, it doesn't feel like fighting." So I committed to either getting the takedown or getting takedown. My go to move is a duck under to the right side where I chicken wing my right arm to get an opening which exposes their back which, per its namesake, I duck under to get to the back. From there their neck is vulnerable, but if I choke them and they tap, I let go. If I didn't, I would be strangulating them. That's not being a good training partner

    *Sighs* Hexbear... due to recent Lauren Boebert news, we need to talk about over the pants [Serious] [Deeply Unserious] [Not clickbait] [NSFW]

    It's recently come out that, on September 10th, Lauren Boebert was removed from the play Beetlejuice in Denver. This would be all fine and good, right? A politician is being an asshole. The sky is blue. Well, Hexbear, it is anything but fine. Anything but.

    The plot thickens when it's revealed that, beyond the vaping and the being loud (which is it's own struggle session whether that's based), that part of her contribution to getting owned was that she was giving her partner an over the pants handjob. Now, this would have gone through the news cycle with a sensible chuckle for me, but, my fellow hexbearians, do I look like I'm having a sensible chuckle? NO! This is literally me right now. ! See, what had happened was that this news circulated to the website that I like to post on. The title of the post was "boebert was giving a no-foolin for-reals handjob during the beetlejuice musical" This post got some of the most vile, vitriolic comments I've ever seen in all my posting.

    >no-foolin for-reals handjob >over the pants rubbin Y'all that's not even a handy to a seventh grader.

    [unironically !this ](

    Let's get one thing straight here, hexbear. Over the pants is a handjob. This is my central thesis. Let's start with the most obvious positive case. If you have sex with a condom, do you call it over-the-condom sex? Of course not! Protected sex, maybe, but you wouldn't call it not sex. Would you call a blowjob with a condom not a blowjob? Of course not! If you did that'd be annoying and weird. Let's try not to be annoying and weird. skin-to-skin contact with the genitals isn't a requirement for something to be called a job. Repeat it once more for the people in the back getting a handjob rn: skin-to-skin contact with the genitals isn't a requirement for something to be called a job. If home runs are so unambiguous, why is third base so "ambiguous?" Because of a single fringe case. If it wasn't for the existence of this fringe case, then there's be no argument about how getting your genitals stimulated works.

    Fairies, monsters, and others that go bump in the night, let me introduce you to the water jet/bubbling system of a hot tub. Wikipedia defines a hot tub as "a large tub full of water used for hydrotherapy, relaxation or pleasure." Let's explore that last word, pleasure. Whom !amogus hasn't used a hot tub as it was meant to be used. I think this is where the friction comes from, the jet stream in a hot tub. Dissenters will say (like sniveling cowards) "b-b-but WDYMP, the hot tub isn't sentient, it can't give you a job!" Let's get one thing straight, if you had your hands over the edge of a hot tub and your partner was pushing your crotch into a jet stream, that would be a type of job. The solution, my compromise for the haters and losers, is what I would like to call the jetjob. It would be a normal jetjob if they're pushing you via hands on the buttox into a water jet, and a reverse jetjob if they're using their feet. It would be a backwards jetjob if your back is facing the water jet. This also expands the capacity for a combo jobs because your crotch is facing your partner. This would be the exciting introduction of the triple job if they're using a hand, their mouth, and the water jet. I propose that, upon climax in such a fashion, one would exclaim "Tic tac toe, three in a row!"

    With this, let's get one thing clear, over the pants is a type of handjob the same way that over the condom sex is a type of sex. If we can start using the term jetjob, then it will be easier to recognize when something is a job and when something is not. This would also be a step closer to communism. Thank you. I hope I haven't fractured our fragile community too deeply with this.

    On Stalin's Grave I don't understand the new Ben Garrison comic

    Who is James Woods? What happened to James Woods? Has anyone checked up on Cat Turd recently?

    Remember that easy-to-miss scene in Ocarina of Time where there's a dying soldier in an alleyway that claims Ganondorf betrayed the king?

    Critical support for Ganondorf? Seems pretty based. ESPECIALLY considering all the nonsense the Hylian royal family pulled in the shadow temple.

    Edit: watching through the video, it becomes morally gray because there are, in fact, guillotines in the shadow temple. It's hard to say who was right and who was wrong because of this.
