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Funny how Nazi genocide doesn’t get brought up when they thank a SS veteran for his service


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  • “The vast majority were r-pist scumbags” Who gave Goebbels a Reddit account?

    According to the data of the Military Prosecutor's Office, in the first months of 1945, 4,148 officers and a large number of privates were convicted by military tribunals for atrocities committed against the local population. Several exemplary trials of military personnel resulted in the imposition of the death penalty on the perpetrators.

    Beevor's source points to P. 54, 59. "Befreier und Befreite" Sander und Johr, 1992. These figures were not direct evidence, they were calculated based on data on the births in one clinic, Kaiserin Augusta Victoria, 1945-46.

    34 children born there were of Russian descent from 45-46. Out of those 34, 9 were a result of r-pe. Based on another hospital's data, Charite, Johr claims that pregnancy happened in 20% of the cases of r-pe.

    So let's go over this:

    1. Official Berlin statistics for childbirth in late 45-46 is 23,124 children
    2. According to Empress Augusta Victoria's data, 5% of children born there in 45-46 have Russians as fathers, so transferring that ratio to Berlin's data gives 1,156 Russian children.
    3. 90% of pregnancies resulting from these r-pes were interrupted, hence the number of those pregnant = 1,156 x 10 = 11,560 women
    4. 20% of rapes resulted in pregnancies so the number of women r-ped = 11,560 x 5 = 57,800
    5. Berlin at that time had around 600,000 women of childbearing age, aged 18 to 45, so 57,800 gives you 9.5% of 600,00.
    6. Besides them, there were also girls aged 14 to 18 and older women above 45, there were around 800,000 of them in Berlin. Johr deduces that since Russians were probably not averse to pedophilia (with no evidence) the 9.5% estimate would hold for them too, so she adds another 73,300.
    7. This is how you get the number of around 110,000.

    Essentially these figures are then extrapolated to the population in general, not just Berlin. All from one clinic.

    So these are bloated figures based on the data of a single hospital. Now obviously there were more cases than reported and not everyone in the Red Army acted correctly. But there is evidence that it was not widely accepted in the Red Army, that it was discouraged by Stalin/the RA, and that perpetrators were punished severely.

    Every source so far just cites Beevor, who cites Johr or they cite Johr directly, or they have a vague claim of "it has been estimated" with no citation. The two million number has become popularized because it conforms to a certain narrative.

    On the statistical methods used to support Beevor's claims, N. Mendekovich finds them flawed. He notes that if 20-25% of all young women were r-ped, then such massive numbers would have to be confirmed by a scientific, sociological survey. That isn't what Beevor used. Mendekovich says that with this methodology, one can produce estimates of millions of rapes committed by Allied forces in western Germany. For example, at a large Hamburg [West Germany] health clinic, there were 133 abortions in 1944, 2,200 in 1947 and 20,96 in 1948. If we assume these abortions were due to r-pe and assume that they are representative of the entire Western-occupied zone, then Mendekovich says that can be charged the Americans and British with hundreds of thousands or millions of r-pes.

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