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They’re finally talking about replacing Biden
  • I doubt it too but you never can be too sure, ill keep a closer eye on him next time I go visit

  • They’re finally talking about replacing Biden
  • I just saw a clip of Biden that someone posted in another thread, and it honestly REALLY hit me. Listening to him flounder and trail off mid sentence reminded me of my dad, who is just a few years younger than Biden.

    Except like my dad just wants to chill and read books all day, not enfornce neoliberal hegemony worldwide.

  • Check-in thread: how are you, comrade?
  • Get some rest comrade :hug:

  • Check-in thread: how are you, comrade?
  • Hell yeah! Death to America

  • Check-in thread: how are you, comrade?
  • Been on it before, but good call!

  • What are your predictions on the Trump/Biden debate happening tomorrow?
  • Best answer, I love his shit. Life is rough, life is tough, Penis Prager has had enough!

  • Thoughts and prayers
  • P sure it's about Bolivia rn

  • Check-in thread: how are you, comrade?
  • Care-Comrade hope it goes as smooth as it can!

  • Check-in thread: how are you, comrade?
  • Appreciate it! Glad the Zoloft is working, a lot of times I'm pretty thankful for lexapro

  • Check-in thread: how are you, comrade?
  • Oh word, mind DMing me so i can find the stuff you sent me?

  • Check-in thread: how are you, comrade?

    Despite forgetting my meds earlier this week, i have bounced back mentally and want to spread some good vibes!

    So, to that end, how ya doing? Been alright?

    Purpose of this thread, for the newer folks, is just to open up a space to tell us about anything cool you've got going on, or vent if ya got something on your mind.

    Remember, you are loved !Care-Comrade

    For my own part, "worked" 85 hours last week, but got paid today. Am officially caught up on rent and my internet bill, gonna chip away on power and gas next. Once those two are down, I'll officially be out of the financial hole that unemployment put me in and can pay back personal debts! Have an interview Friday for another tech job, so I can stop doing the AI training thing if it pans out (but I'd still keep it up enough to buy a nice amp head >.>)

    On a not so great note, I've been finding myself craving cathinone stims the past few days. Fortunately, i don't have the money or the sources, so that works out nicely. Another positive note - 8 months without booze!

    That's really all with me. Hows about you?

    Any grind albums like the first Napalm Death?

    Something sloppy and punky, not overly metallic, with left leaning lyrics?

    Reminder: take your meds

    I did not and now I feel like ass mentally and I'm just gonna wallow in it until tomorrow.

    That's all I guess.

    I don't want to come off like a shill, but if you want online work (US based) I can refer you

    Yes, I'd get money for referring you, yes it's kinda shit work but it isnt hard or involved and super easy to pad time. Pays weekly with PayPal. Just basically rating responses from an AI to prompts.

    Again, I don't wanna shill, but the referral bonus would help me out, and know a lot of people here are looking for something to help. They started me at $15/hour and there is hardly any human contact involved unless I have a question about something.

    So yeah i guess holler if this sounds like it's something that'd help. I feel kinda scummy about this post since I would benefit too, but I just wanna pass it along to comrades if it's something needed.

    Mods, feel free to delete if you want.

    Had a sweet wholesome moment walking home just now.

    Basically, I dress like a punk rock Luffy these days. I was walking home with the corgi wearing my straw hat, and a family was walking past me. Little girl, must have been like 10 or younger, stopped in her tracks when she saw me. Her mouth fell open, and she started excitedly yelling "MOM! ITS LUFFY! ITS LUFFY!"

    Made me smile and i wanted to share !wholesome

    3 Arrows symbol - socdem trash or actually good?

    Made a jab online about an artist posting it, and getting pushback saying that since it's creation, it has been adopted by some communist orgs.

    From what I can find, it seems to have been used by a French socialist party for a few decades, but nothing beyond that that isn't socdem parties.

    So i guess yeah, anyone know of any full on commie groups that have ever adopted it?

    Dumb little complaint - I hate how everyone wants to talk on snapchat

    I know this is some boomer tier shit I'm on right now, but im not gonna download snap or discord just to keep chatting, if you're wanting to talk to me somewhere other than an app I'll just give you my number.

    I get WHY people would prefer it, keeping a little bit of their info private, but im still not downloading snapchat.

    Also this is in the context of ENM/poly stuff

    What are your favorite romhacks?

    Loading up my Retroid with a few. I found a Deadpool NES game that actually is super cool, a Halloween Kirby game, Shovel Knight and Celeste ported to older consoles, stuff like that.

    What are your favorites? I usually go for action/platforming/metroidvanias, and stray away from turn based RPGs. Only catch here is the hack has to be PS2 era or earlier.

    Check In Thread - Late Night Edition - How Are You, Comrade?

    Opening up a space for everyone to talk about how they're doing! Got some cool stuff going on? Feeling kinda down? Let's talk about it!

    Remember you are loved!stalin-heart

    Started "working" with Outlier, basically training AI responses. Minimum wage, boring ass work, but i put in 70 hours this past week (most of it time thievery). Behind on rent and bills, but if I can push myself for 2 more weeks of this I can maybe catch up! Had a few "serious" job interviews this week, so we'll see where they go. The one I'm looking forward to most is a pet care company, but no response after a phone call like 10 days ago. Partner just got a job today so that's cool!

    Beyond that...I dunno. Just feeling kinda blah and not very great. Both tummy and brain troubles today.

    How have you been?

    corgiwithalaptop corgiwithalaptop [any, love/loves]

    I dont know shit about fuck I'm just a corgi with a laptop

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