Google Messages Custom Bubble colors only for RCS
Google Messages Custom Bubble colors only for RCS

Google Messages Custom Bubble colors limited to RCS

Google Messages Custom Bubble colors only for RCS
Google Messages Custom Bubble colors limited to RCS
If you are using stock android you are using google messages
I'm using stock Android and either send regular SMS or Telegram messages.
So the google messager uses SMS it is the default SMS app. What concerns me is the fact google wants to read my messages.
If you are using stock android you are using google messages
I don't because everyone uses Signal, WhatsApp and Telegram.
Not many people use stock Android though.
I think the majority of people run stock android. Most people aren't savy enough to install a custom rom
Doesn't stock Android mean unmodified Android by OEM's?
That's google android which uses the proprietary google apps.
I use it because on some phones the emergency alerts are tied into the message app, and also Android requires that only one app registers itself as the message app at any given time and only that app has access to the SMS database.
On those phones, using a different app means you don't get alerts. And in my country emergency alerts are actual life-threatening events.