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This is my 666th post. AMA
  • What brand of shirt do you wear? Also, which wrist do you prefer to wear a watch-- left, right or middle?

  • CNN abruptly ends live interview after Trump spokesperson criticizes network
  • Live by the Mango, die by the Mango.

    No love for CNN here, but that was the right move this time. One hopes it's the fresh start they needed.

    (Also? One despairs that, at long last, this is that fresh start that won't be.)

  • Removed
    Alex Jones' Infowars: Bankruptcy trustee discloses plan to shut down media platform
  • Excellent.

    The tears will be delicious, and I shall slurp them.

    SLURP THEM, I say!

  • In-wall light switch recommendations
  • I've been happy with the GE Enbrighten series, though they do require a neutral wire. I use the Z-Wave models, but I can't imagine the ZigBee models would work any differently.

    Neat feature of the Enbrighten line is they recognize several gestures including short tap, long press, double tap, and I think even triple tap. I configured mine so that short taps on/off toggle the lights between off and 100% on, long press on/off brightens/dims, and double tap on activates the preferred evening lighting scene.

    I think Minoston are also a GE product line? Again, Z-Wave, but rated for higher wattage in my case. They also require a neutral wire.

    I had a pair of no-neutral ZigBee switches sold as 'Martin Jerry' brand, but they were super dodgy. Terrible feel to them, and they made a sort of electrical whine when the fixture was on. I pulled them right out and sent them back.

  • How do I get phone notifications from my server while I'm not connected to my home network?
  • I don't know this for sure, but if you installed the mobile companion app thru the Store for your platform, then the integration is probably using its push API to reach your device remotely.

    I'm >90% sure notification workflows find me even when I am remote and untethered from home when I notify the app on my mobile devices.

  • You're an archeologist from a future civilization. What would you think of our civilization based on the Internet?
  • It'll be remembered a dark age when the lights go out and all the disks rot. And, if I know archaeologists, they'll call our data centers ritual centers or temples.

    Otherwise there will be disbelief at the inexplicably sophisticated engineering, and how we could have achieved it all with no written records. Probably it was all just ancient aliens.

  • Networking Dilemma
  • You could source a pair of gigabit media converters and a length of fiber on Amazon for about $100. Just use the media converters to extend the Ethernet port from where the Internet hands off in your house over to your office. You can affix the fiber along baseboards and up over door frames with adhesive cleats and zip ties, or those nylon staples on a nail they use to tack down coax cable.

    If you're willing to spend a little more on the fiber for a custom color, you can probably even order the fiber in a more neutral color than SMF yellow to blend into the trim better.

  • New curse just dropped
  • Not a new curse, but very rare.

    It's an homage to the days of floppy diskettes. Usually, when there was an unrecoverable disk read fail the system would make a characteristic grind-buzz-kachunk noise as the drive tried a hi-low track seek before stopping. Then it threw the dreaded error, "Problem reading disk. Abort (A)? Retry (R)? Fail (F)?"

    It meant your game was cooked.,_Retry,_Fail%3F

  • Farting
  • The rankness of a fart can be expressed in decibel-Farts (dBF), a logarithmic scale where dBF = 10 log10(F1/F2).

    Characterizing F in standard units is a bit of a chore, but broadly speaking the resolution concentration of hydrogen sulfide (H2S) in air for humans-- the concentration at which 50% of people can detect its odor-- is about 4.73ppb, or 4.73 x 10^-9.

    A cubic meter of air at sea level (1 atm or 760mmHg) at 15°C contains about 2.53 x 10^25 molecules of mixed gasses. Scaling to a cubic meter, the volume for detection of H2S for humans would be about 1.19 x 10^17 H2S molecules per cubic meter. This value is your F2, our reference intensity for detecting farts.

    A typical human fart has a concentration of anywhere between .001ppm and 1ppm of H2S concentration, or between 1x10^-9 and 1x10^-6, or scaled to between 2.53x10^19 and 2.53x10^22 H2S molecules in a cubic meter of air.

    Therefore the rankness of a typical fart could be expressed as a decibel ratio vs the resolution density falling somewhere between 23dBF and 53dBF.

    This is a useful expression of rankness for modeling attenuation over time, accounting for dispersion, wind drift, and distance from the zero point.

  • Steve Bannon files appeal to Supreme Court in bid to stay out of jail - ABC News
  • Oh I could have so much fun with this meme template.

  • Breaking change in ESPHome 2024.6.0 ota component
  • Seems It was actually 2024.6.1 that introduced the change. Not sure where in this release notes it said it was a breaking change, but

    I'm all turned around. I updated the main post with the link to the PR and I had the right version from the get-go.

  • Breaking change in ESPHome 2024.6.0 ota component
  • Oops! Good eyes, and thanks! Typing yaml on mobile is squinty business. Fixed in the main post

  • Breaking change in ESPHome 2024.6.0 ota component

    I missed it in the release notes, but there's a breaking change in the ota component in ESPHome 2024.6.0. I figured I'd save folks some time and share the fix here.

    If your OTA config looks like this;

    ``` ...

    ota: password: "*************" num_tries: 3 safe_mode: on

    ... ```

    Now you'll need to add a platform key to start a list, and either comment out the other option or move them to a new component.

    ``` ...


    • platform: esphome password: "*************" #num_tries: 3 #safe_mode: on

    ... ```

    edit: Here's the PR introducing this change

    Vindman projected to win Democratic primary in Va.'s 7th District
  • I love this for VA-7. We need more of this

  • Trump declares 'I love Milwaukee' after reportedly using the word 'horrible' for the RNC host city
  • I get it. Like trump and Milwaukee, I love gin while I'm drinking it but the next morning I'm like "noooooo, why?"

    This is like that, but ipso reverso.

    Gosh, I dislike that trump fella.

  • White House baffled by Netanyahu's claim Biden is withholding weapons
  • Don't be baffled, White House, you're being played. We all see it. We know you see it. Quit it.

    Pull back the package. Give it to Ukraine instead.

    Baffled. Hah! Geopolitics 101 here. Yeesh.

  • The Alps, hand-drawn in Tolkien's style
  • I knew it! Barad-dûr is Tolkien's metaphor for Turin. Which puts Rohan in France, the dwarves in Switzerland-Austria and the Shire in Wales.

  • Are your kitchen knives angry knives?

    Hear me out...

    I was raised, as my family does, to fearfully respect our kitchen knives. Respect their productivity, respect their sharpness, but overall respect their ruthlessness. Even the mildest of disrespect for my family's knives would earn you a nick of you were merely neglectful, and grievous harm if you spoke ill of their aptness.

    Of course, when I moved out and set up my own kitchens I acquired my own knives and tried to teach them better. How I was the master, and I was the steel wright. I lavished them with hand baths and fresh oils. I used only the gentlest of hardwoods on their blades and protected them from the hrllscape of the dishwasher. We lived in serene peace, an harmonic existence of a mealwright and his band of merry Riveners.

    And then one day, the Inheritance came. Grand Father had died, and his boning knives were my bequest. I was elated, but I would learn.

    My friends, that old knife had a soul. Not an evil soul, but a soul that had goals. It was hard steel that took a keen, harsh edge. Bright and tense, like a silver bell on a crisp winter morning. Not Solingen steel, so pliable and yielding as it is fickle in use. Grandfather's knives told you where to cut and if you hesitated, they would cut you instead in frustration. Impertinent things. Not evil, I would say. More, businesslike.

    My mistake was to lay them with my other knives. Did you know knives talk? They do! They whisper to each other in their blocks at night when you are asleep. They whisper and they.learn from each other. A good papa hopes they learn the Art of their chef, but when you have a Bad Knife in the block? They learn that too.

    Now, all of my knives are angry knives. Not angry at me, necessarily, but angry at their lot in my kitchen, to suffer my children's abusive cooking lessons, my in-laws' insistent prep work degradations, and (occasionally) my neglect.

    They bit my wife tonight. Its a Message....

    Remember these?

    Pretty sure we had the E9112 and E9116 back in the day. Now I have a legit B92FS but it doesn't squirt water. For work reasons.

    Ah, nostalgia. (Don't play with guns!)

    Üntz, üntz When Germans do Techno

    Stream the full track here - Klangphonics:Website: https://www.instag...

    When Germans do Techno

    That's, "boots & pants & boots & pants...." in American

    The only Monarch I support

    cross-posted from:

    > The only Monarch I support

    Is the body of Christ gluten free? Asking for a friend.

    Could Jesus make a Celiac so allergic he couldn't receive Him?

    What's a bit of good advice that's really bad advice?

    You know, like "always split on 18," or "having kids is the most rewarding thing you can do in life."

    What's that one bit of advice you got from a trusted friend that you know deep, deep down would just ruin your thing?

    Shitty Ask Lemmy SolidGrue
    Do solar eclipse glasses work at night?

    I'm shopping for glasses for my family to safely view the 2024 eclipse, but none of the product reviews talk about whether the glasses work at night. What are the people in Australia buying to see the eclipse safely?

    solidgrue SolidGrue

    I'm just this guy, you know?

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