I remember them being outperformed by literally any supermarket toy aisle watergun. They ate batteries and had a crappy range, but boy did they look bad-ass to 4th grader me
I still have the OG Super Soaker 2000 with the ¼” nozzle. The one they recalled because or knocks your eye out or whatever?
I've had to rescue it from the bin-slash-garage Sale pile three times since I've been married. Now it lives in my home office locked in the gun safe with a "no touch sneks insid" sign on the door.
I vaguely remember the name Entertek but I don't think these specific toys were around by the time I was old enough to want toy guns. All my toy guns were after the law that requires them to have orange tips or other bright colors if they even resembled a real gun; but it was incredibly hard to find toy guns that looked like real guns, too. I bet my older cousins had some, though. One of them also had all the original Transformers.
I remember being upset the first time I saw a toy gun with an orange tip and complaining it took away from the coolness about it. Then my dad told me what happened, why, and how the tip is good to not give cops any reason to shoot kids.
And now the cops that are now the age my dad was then and younger who were alive and aware of the reason for the change all those years ago see the orange tip and shoot the kids anyway. Then kill their dogs too.
The only thing about terrorists I remember hearing about when I was a kid was hijackers on a plane. Seems like that was our norm. I don’t remember knowing what guns they used. These toy guys were like the military had, totally fine. 🤷♀️