I know it sounds terrible, but it really needed to happen. I'm waiting on my bone grafts to set before starting on my first set of implants. Even with my plastic partials, it's a whole new world. I don't think I had cracked a genuine smile since highschool. Now I can't stop.
I have a boss who's in his mid-forties. After I was out a few days for my wisdom teeth, I was talking to him and he says ever since he was a kid his dentist has said he seriously needs his wisdom teeth removed. Man gives me the biggest smile and says "and I've been putting it off for 40 years! ", made me wince. I would be terrified at the prospect of getting them out after that long.
It really depends on spacing and if they're impacted. I had mine out at 35. Wasn't a big deal, but I had other teeth that were congeniality missing, along with gum disease, so nothing was really well attached.