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After 4 years, I finally got approved for SSDI. $1,100/month and an additional $81/month for my 13 y/o child.
  • If it's been 4 years since you applied, you may be looking at as much as $48K in back pay.

    I don't have firsthand experience, but my understanding is that they cut you a check for the accumulated funds since your application date.

  • How do you inform yourself on topics which don't belong to your field of expertise?
  • I'm going to think about that and get back to you. I think it's mostly intuitive, based on many years of experience, but I'm not sure at this point.

    I also have to mention that I was half joking. I don't use YT all that much for my profession. I would, but it's just not entirely relevant.

  • There is only one type of job: Doing something someone else doesn't want to do.
  • If that were the case, there wouldn't be an application and interview process.

    There are often multiple candidates for a given position.

    Edit: I read this as "no one" rather than "someone."

    I understand that someone on earth might not want any given job.

  • Survey shows most people wouldn't pay extra for AI-enhanced hardware | 84% of people said no
  • I honestly have no Idea what AI does to a processor, and would therefore not pay extra for the badge.

    If it provided a significant speed improvement or something, then yeah, sure. Nobody has really communicated to me what the benefit is. It all seems like hand waving.

  • What's something you used to dislike that you have come to enjoy?
  • Sitting quietly.

    I used to require constant distraction from my thoughts. I would keep my local NPR station on in the background, just to have something to distract me from the running monologue and dialogues in my head.

    I had to do a lot of psychological/spiritual work, but at this point I can say that sitting quietly is extremely rewarding and comfortable.

  • Well rested
  • I just started Survival, and the day-cycle rhythm of playing is intense.

    I love when it's my bedtime, but there's still a few hours of Wasteland sunshine before my character gets her full 8 hours of sleep.

    The luxury I deny myself.

  • First overseas trip with my girlfriend – Any tips to make It our best trip?
  • I've done a lot of this.

    One thing to remember is that the things you look back on fondly will be the most frustrating and painful in the moment. Try to keep that in mind when things go sideways. Nobody remembers the times when everything went perfectly.

    That said, my fiancee and I have developed a set of travel ideals to keep us both from feeling like hobos.

    Two nights, minimum. We try not to spend single nights anywhere. It isn't worth it. We don't end up with enough time to see anything. The big exception can be first and last-day hotels.

    Four nights after three shorter stops. We need the extra day to crash and/or do laundry, etc.

    Try to spend (at least) a full week somewhere. We both really enjoy the simple process of learning to live somewhere. Learning the transportation system, buying groceries, etc.

    No Airbnb for less than a week. The hassle and uncertainty of getting situated isn't worth the trouble.

    Depending on distance and timing, it can be worth it to double-book the last night at an airport hotel. The last mad rush to get checked out of an apartment, and get to the airport on time isn't ever fun, especially somewhere like CDG in Paris. It can be really nice to just remove that stress from the equation.

    I hope you have a fantastic trip!

  • Making The World's Smallest Orrery

    Chronova Engineering produces exquisite mechanical marvels. Their production values are astonishing, with incredible macro work and a very soothing narration.

    Why stand in line to board an airplane?

    The seats are assigned. People have been standing in line for 15 minutes now. Why on earth would anyone want to stand there, when they could just sit and wait until the line clears?

    I understand wanting to get off a plane ASAP, but boarding? You just end up sitting on the plane, waiting for everyone else to get on.

    Who's Up?

    I just got to work at 02:30, covering the second half of the graveyard shift. Pretty quiet night.

    The What! Help is on the way. One of my all-time favorites, now almost completely erased from digital history.

    This album has phenomenal songwriting. It's got a kind of laid-back LA-surf-rock sound with elements of punk and maybe a hint of wistful country in the lyrics.

    The album and band appear endangered, unavailable on any music streaming service.

    The only online version I could find is this a random YouTube upload with almost no views.

    They were introduced to me by a friend's sister in, like 1999. Their band ended quickly after the death of one of the members.

    The only other digital presence related to them now appears to be a remaining band member's channel, which hasn't been updated in 11 years.

    Rhythmically Inclined Podcast 31 feat. LMajor R.I.P. EPISODE 031: FEATURING SPECIAL GUEST: LMAJOR

    EZ MY SELECTA!!!! UK BADMAN LMAJOR WITH THE WIKKID JUNGLE BLEND!! LISSEN CAREFULLY!!! MUGILLA TRACK LIST: 1. "Mystics" - Artificial Red 2. "Roll The Mice" - Donnie Murdo 3. "Chi-Boogie VS Droppin'


    This showed up for me last week in a related tracks playlist. Outstanding set. The last 20 minutes are particularly face-melting.

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