Yep and this is the guy sarcastically going, "Great detective work!" to everyone else lmao.
The reading comprehension devil strikes again, or maybe it's the cherrypicking devil
Nah, just a blanket generalization from an anecdotal sample of one. But keep going with your great detective work about, "knowing a girl."
No hypocrisy, here — no siree! ;)
Uh, hey there little guy.
There are more comments for you to read.
I know, I know, it's crazy that the random lemmy poster didn't provide a fully mla style essay for you with all of the appropriate links to prove that thinking rocks have mystical powers is fucking stupid and a red flag.
My bad.
Nah, buddy, by all means please proceed with your singular anecdotes extrapolating how terrible these people are — you've got this, champ ;)
Reading comprehension devil struck a 3rd, wait no is this the 4th time with you? Unsure, I'm sure it happens to you a lot though