Prepare for Mass Outbreaks of...Poké Balls?! (Scarlet/Violet)
Catch Pokémon That Resemble Poké Balls!
Get ready to celebrate Pokémon Day by catching Pokémon that resemble Poké Balls! From Friday, February 23, 2024, at 00:00 UTC to Tuesday, February 27, 2024, at 23:59 UTC, mass outbreaks of Voltorb and Foongus will be appearing throughout the Paldea region.
Shiny Voltorb and Shiny Foongus are more likely to appear in these special mass outbreaks, and lucky Trainers might even encounter a mystery Pokémon. This mystery Pokémon—which also resembles a Poké Ball—cannot normally be encountered in Paldea, so stay on the ball as you search for one!
Event Schedule
Friday, February 23, 2024, at 00:00 UTC to Tuesday, February 27, 2024, at 23:59 UTC
I have found their raid suggests great starting points. I have never been able to solo with them as they suggest you can. I also find raids really dependent on your team mates not grind KO’d every round. Fine you cannot bring something to do much damage, but at least do not bring a bug/grass type to a Charizard raid.
I usually try to solo first and if on the last day I've had no luck I'll jump online or invite a friend. If I don't get a raid by early evening of the last day, then I'm offline until I can get together a winning solo strategy.
agreed, they're good starting points, but rarely ready for soloing as given by the site. I've been able to modify a few of their suggestions and get raid soloing beasts, though.
You're certainly right about that when going into an event raid with others, you need to be aware of the typing you choose, how it will be affected by the raid Pokemon, and how it will affect your raid mates.